




An extension that will help you to export your object in your SVG file to several formats (SVG, JPG, PDF, Multiple PDF Page, WEBP, and EPS) by its ID. If you're a book creator, icon designer, seller in a marketplace, web designer, this extension will help you with your task. This extension is also available as a CLI version (https://inkporter.raniaamina.id).

How does Inkporter work? The simple explanation is that Inkporter will read ID patterns (i.e icon-1, icon-2, icon-3, etc) that you've set and then export them to the file format you need. Inkporter allows you to feel like you're working with artboard-like or multiple pages in Inkscape.

How do you use Inkporter? Just copy and paste the Inkporter directory, inkporter.inx and inkporter.py to the Inkscape extension directory. If the installation is correct, you will find Inkporter menu in Extensions -> Export -> Inkporter.

For a complete guide and the dependencies needed, please refer to the README.md file.

If you need bett



Inkscape Extensions

38.2 KB
General Public License v3 (GPLv3)


Rania Amina 寫於

Hi Paulo, it seems you use CLI version of inkporter.
In ordir to use it, you should (a) install all dependencies first, (b) set ID pattern, (c) run inkporter with following format:

inkporter path/of/your-file.svg id-pattern


inkporter ./drawing.svg icon

You can install the CLI version through provided PPA

curl -s --compressed "https://gimpscape.github.io/gimpscape-ppa/tools/KEY.gpg" | sudo apt-key add -

sudo curl -s --compressed -o /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gimpscape-ppa.list "https://gimpscape.github.io/gimpscape-ppa/tools/gimpscape-ppa.list"

sudo apt update && sudo apt install inkporter


oosterhagen 寫於

Can't get it to work on Windows 10.

0.92.4 won't show it under export, v1.0beta will show it but dependencies fail.

Rania Amina 寫於

Hi, ooxterhagen.
We have contributor that working on Windows installer (https://github.com/raniaamina/inkporter/releases/tag/v0.2-alpha-win), but keep in mind that this is very early development, so maybe still unstable.

For v1 beta version, we wrote about in in README, that we not support latest version yet, but we'll work on it soon.

For quick help, you can join Gimpscape ID (https://t.me/gimpscape).

Paulo Vitor 寫於

thank you very much, your extension works perfectly in inkscape 1.0 via PPA

Rania Amina 寫於

glad to hear that :")

Makram Abdul Raheem 寫於

hi i just started using inkscape. pls help me how to install this. for me it is showing error

(inkporter.py:4945): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:08:57.236: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale.
This extension requires 'zenity' to display progressbar,
please install it if you want (optional).
sys:1: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>

please help

Rania Amina 寫於

Please follow the instructions in README file (https://github.com/raniaamina/inkporter/blob/inkporter-gui/README.md)
Make sure you choose correct version of inkporter for your installed Inkscape

buskyboy 寫於

I have managed to get it loaded and showing up inside inkscape. However am getting this warmin message. If I click ok it just goes back to Cancel or Apply.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "inkporter.py", line 278, in <module>
File "/usr/share/inkscape/extensions/inkex.py", line 283, in affect
File "inkporter.py", line 239, in effect
if len(self.options.id_pattern) > 0:
TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()

your help would be appreciated as i think this is a great extention. Thank you for the work you are putting in.

Rania Amina 寫於

Buskyboy, thanks for using Inkporter.
Please make sure there's no patter or clone object in your SVG docoument.
I still have no idea, some clone object will make error in inkporter, but sometimes it works as expected.
So, please check it first and unclone if exist.

For fast respons, you can join to https://t.me/gimpscape there are many people that use Inkporter so you can get help quickly if needed.

Muhammad Khairul Anwar 寫於

sangat bermanfaat

Rania Amina 寫於

Terima kasih

Paulo Vitor 寫於

has the inkporter update for the new inkscape 1.0.1 already come out?

Rania Amina 寫於

Yes, it is already updated a few days ago.

fatmanabilla2 寫於

terima kasih banyak, sangat bermanfaat, nyari2 di google gak ketemu, baru ketemu setelah nyari langsung di web inkscape :D, udah nyoba export dan berhasil di windows 10, inkscape 1.0

kalau boleh saran, pengennya bisa batch export sesuai object yang di-select (seperti kalau kita batch export png biasa) atau bisa export semua object tanpa id pattern tertentu

Rania Amina 寫於

Fatma, terima kasih sudah menggunakan Inkporter.
Penggunaan object ID sengaja dipilih untuk mempermudah proses export skala besar.
Di versi terbaru nanti akan ada fitur direct export, yakni ekspor berdasarkan halaman.

fatmanabilla2 寫於

setuju sih untuk penggunaan object id, tapi kalau bisa ada pilihan untuk export semua object, hehe (misal id pattern boleh dikosongin atau bisa pakai pattern *)

Rania Amina 寫於

Fatma, di versi selanjutnya ada fitur multiformat export by page, jg nggak perlu ngisi ID :")
Ditunggu saja😎

Imppao 寫於

Thanks for this extension :)

Rania Amina 寫於

Thank for using Inkporter, Imppao.
We created next generation of this extension here:
https://citramanik.dev-is.my.id with more speed and features.

sonejostudios 寫於

The extension will not work if it is placed in an extension subfolder. To allow this, this should be changed in the .inx file:
<command reldir="inx" interpreter="python">inkporter.py</command>

More info:

Kirstie 寫於

Hi Rania,
This extensions works well with Windows 8.1 and Inkscape 1.0.2-2. Thank you so much.
Especially the options to make a multipage pdf and to export to seperated svg files are very welcome!

I tried the CMYK options too.
There I found that the jpeg-cmyk and pdf-cmyk looked different.
Will there be -in the future- an option to choose which cmyk profile will be used for the conversion?

Thanks again.

Rania Amina 寫於

Hi Kristi,
Thanks for using Inkporter.
We also create next generation of Inkporter called Citramanik (https://citramanik.dev-is.my.id) that will allow you to export 5x faster and more efficient. It will release publicly next month (as scheduled)
