





Animation Inkscape. Koi carp

作者 Unknown author

Animation does not work in Internet Explorer.
Use to view: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera.

Hold down Ctrl, press +, - to scale the image.


137.0 KB
All Rights Reserved ((C))
Eder Benedetti 寫於

Woooooow!!! *-*

Maren Hachmann 寫於

Relaxing :)

Maren Hachmann 寫於

What a pity - google plans to remove their browser support for SMIL animations...!


Igor Ka 寫於

Hopefully, this will not happen.

ksarmedina 寫於


Charles Hipa 寫於

so awesome how do you do it - charles hipa

Charles Hipa 寫於

so awesome how you do it -charles dainiel hipa

Charles Hipa 寫於


Charles Hipa 寫於


Grace Zingaro 寫於

Wow, so much detail! The carp is very soothing to watch.

Grace Zingaro 寫於

Sorry, I meant Koi.

Igor Ka 寫於

Unfortunately the animation must be written by hand, for example in the editor Notepad ++.

Victor Westmann 寫於

How was this done? Anyone has an idea? We really need to fight for users to adopt SMIL animation so web browsers will not drop it!

Maren Hachmann 寫於

@Victor: it was written by hand, in a text editor.

SaiLao 寫於


Tran Hai 寫於

I just used it on my home page, see here https://www.thietkeweb.tech

How to add two more small Kois into the image, look like a family :)


brynn 寫於

Unfortunately, you will need to ask for permission, to use it on your webpage. It is a full copyrighted image - not public domain!

Paolo Gibellini 寫於


PEPSYduvar 寫於

waouh and i ve got some carps koï in my garden...



Angelo Marcon 寫於

Muito maneiro.

helham31 寫於

super! je découvre le logiciel qui semble vraiment complet!!

Brett Walker 寫於

it's tuesday my dudes

hsen2012 寫於

That's wonderful

D.A.Jeremy 寫於

Is this possible?

Igor Ka 寫於

This is a regular svg file. It can be opened in Inkscape. Three animation commands are added manually and objects are moved to these commands.

Faizal 寫於

just registered.. already gazed. great work!!

[Halle Curry] 寫於

THIS IS BOOIFUL!!! I love the animation!

Sindhi Wikipedia 寫於

Hi, its awesome, how to make this type of image?

Igor Ka 寫於

In a nutshell, do not explain. I would do a lesson, but I do not know where to place it.

Yendri Ikhlas Fernando 寫於

Awesome.. How to animate it?

Yendri Ikhlas Fernando 寫於

how to write it in notepad++? Can you show the example?

Igor Ka 寫於

I will try to write a lesson.

Deepak Mathur 寫於

How can I create graphics like this? Any tutorial? Please do let me know.

Kennady Wilson 寫於

let me know how you did that!!!!!

Igor Ka 寫於

Here is a very good textbook, but in Russian. Use google translator:
Or look here:

Bezerra A. 寫於

eheh foi só falar do livro e todo mundo calou..

shyam varma 寫於

I hair certify that the particular given hearing are true correct tu best of my knowledge and belief

Vanessa Griffith 寫於

This is so cool! It's so relaxing, and the animation is outstanding!
One question tho: How can I make it my wallpaper for my laptop?

eqtech 寫於

mind blowing. I love it

Creardon59 寫於

How do I get permission to use this?. It is so calming and I would like to use it in my classroom for my students.

Igor Ka 寫於

I have no objection to using it in any form, with a link to the author.

taataa 寫於

This is incredible! Thank you for sharing!

Shelby Carlton 寫於

this is so cool how do you do that

Nazla Riyani 寫於

this is so cool


Excellent job

darrycastro 寫於

Excellent job, como lo haces la animation?

Amarie Nolan 寫於


Martiniano Ernesto Fuentes 寫於

Very nice job!
