OSX packages of Inkscape 0.91+devel+osxmenu, based on this branch:
Requires OS X 10.7.5 or later.
Use at your own risk ;)
Known issues (r12922):
- Canvas: redraw issues (GTK2), flickering (GTK3)
Screen recordings: https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/6314/
- Menubar: radio menu items in sub-menus are not updated on change
(View -> Display mode, View -> Color Display mode)
- Menubar: check menu items don't sync with keyboard shortcuts (same verb)
(also affects Unity's global menubar, see bug #1136344)
- Disabled dialogs:
SVG Font Editor (crashes, see bug #1116468)
- Usability: 'File > Open Recent' on the global menubar has no tooltips
(missing info about full path name of hovered item)
... and very likely countless more.
Mostly "fixed" (but it's a mess): clipboard handling on quit
- bundled Python-based script extensions no longer prompt with stderr via
GUI when processing clipboard content on application quit.
- no tracebacks from failed UniConvertor attempts to convert clipboard
- export to GIMP XCF, JessyInk ZIP, Synfig SIF disabled for clipboard content
New in r12798:
- Proxy icons in window title bar for easy access to file via Finder
(contributed by Liam P. White; based on OS X port of Gedit 3.x)
New in r12804:
- About Inkscape, Preferences, Input Devices moved to application menu
(contributed by Liam P. White)
New in r12839:
- experimental was merged into trunk:
° Internal resolution changed from 90dpi to 96dpi
° Templates: cleaned-up defaults, new procedural templates
° New drawing modes (pen, pencil): spirolive, bspline
° New LPEs: fillet/chamfer, roughen, simplify, show_handles,
lattice2, perspective/envelope
° New (from ponyscape): Objects dialog, Selection sets
° New LPEs (from ponyscape): Attach path, Bounding Box, Ellipse by 5 pts,
Fill between many, Fill between strokes, Join type,
Taper stroke
New in r12900:
- support for experimental GTK3 app bundle added
New in r12902:
- new packages won't include custom theming options by default
New in r12908:
- update for mesh gradient definitions. For details please read
Note: this code change breaks existing Inkscape SVG files with mesh
gradients. The perl script attached to the message will update files to
the new spec.
Note: Latest packages
- include patched cairo 1.14.2 to work around a regression with canvas text
introduced in the Quartz backend of cairo 1.14.2. For details see
- include freetype build with old freetype CFF engine driver enabled
(workaround for bug #1396582)
Debugging options (launch the app in the Terminal with the commands below):
- launcher script:
INK_DEBUG_LAUNCHER=true /Applications/Inkscape.app/Contents/MacOS/inkscape
- inkscape via gdb
INK_DEBUG=gdb /Applications/Inkscape.app/Contents/MacOS/inkscape
- inkscape via lldb (Mavericks)
INK_DEBUG=lldb /Applications/Inkscape.app/Contents/MacOS/inkscape
- Use external loader/module cache files
USE_EXTERNAL_LOADER_CACHES=true /Applications/Inkscape.app/Contents/MacOS/inkscape
For questions or problems (related to packaging):
<suv-sf at users.sf.net>
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