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от Yoann

Inkscape 0.48 has added a Spray Tool to quickly and easily spray multiple copies of items. With the parameters for rotation and size it allows creating effects that previously would take much longer to achieve. Thanks to DiSmeCha for contributing this screenshot.


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Ramon Miranda написал :

Awesome work, inspiring. I think this is from Dismecha?

Ramon Miranda написал :

confirmed. Original is Here.

Does anybody has any of his SVG files? i would like to store them if this is possible. He is a superb inkscape artist

Yoann написал :

Hello Ramon!
I've just seen your comment so I've created an account to reply to you.
I am Dismecha :)
Thank you for your kind words.
Here's an SVG of one of my illustrations: "Dreamborn Muse":
It's not the illustration above but this one was easier to clean up and has pretty much the same amount of sprayed stars and flare craziness. ^^
Also, I got rid of all my logos and watermarks. ;)
You won't be learning much from my SVGs because I developped the habit to convert every path effects as a shape right away(Ctrl+Shift+C) because of a bug at that time that was resetting all of my curves.
For example, for the eyelashes I would proceed this way: 1)Create a bunch of different sized triangles, 2)create a curve for each eyelash, 3)Add different triangles as a pattern along certain paths, 4)Ctrl+Shift+C + Merge everything(Ctrl++).
Now. You won't have to do Step 4 since the bug isn't there anymore, so you'll be able to iterate everything, always, and forever! :)
I hope I was useful but feel free to contact me anytime! :)

Carol написал :

wow awesome work!

Dismecha написал :

Thank you so much, Carol!
I'm glad you like it! :)

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