



Inkscape Silver Foil Sticker 40mm

Inkscape foil sticker construction vectors info, sample, print, and 40mm dieline layers. Used for printing "official" general purpose Inkscape stickers.

Note that the Inkscape logo is (c) The Inkscape Project. The rest is CC0, and you may use and modify it for any purpose without limitation.

Fonts used: "Limelight" and "Lily Script One".

Released under Creative Commons License (CC-By-SA 3.0)
The Inkscape Logo is trademarked, and is licenced as CC-By-SA 3.0.
Logo original author is Andrew Michael Fitzsimon.



324.1 KB
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
Maren Hachmann wrote :

So I guess, as a derivative, its licence should be CC-By-SA?

Chris Rogers wrote :

It's not really a derivative. It contains the Inkscape logo, so that part of it is (c) the Inkscape Project. I don't think the logo is CC by SA?
The rest of it is public domain as far as I'm concerned. No need to give me credit for it, and it can be used how people like.

Maren Hachmann wrote :

The Inkscape logo is CC-By-SA.

See https://inkscape.org/en/about/trademark-policy/, section 2.6, or https://inkscape.org/en/about/branding/ , section 'Logos'.

Otherwise, the logo and brand name are trademarked, but of course, can be used to advertise for Inkscape.

Maren Hachmann wrote :


Chris Rogers wrote :

Fixed. I've updated the license info in the file as well to include attribution to the original author of the inkscape logo. I've also added a TM in the sticker graphic, since that's requested in the guidelines as well.

Thanks for spotting it, Maren!

Maren Hachmann wrote :

Thank you :D (the TM thing is less strict, I don't think anyone would have minded - that would actually be a board decision, though ;-))

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