

Custom rounded corners rect

作成者 Mois Moshev

Ever wanted to make some of these fancy folder flap top-side only rounded corners?

Or rounded corners with different radii?

This extension allows the user to draw a rectangle with rounded corners as a path, specifying each corner's radius, in css order.

It also provides an option to remove the selected rectangle when it's done.


Use the included setup.py script:

python setup.py install

This will copy the necessary files to your extensions directory:
* Windows - %APPDATA%\inkscape\extensions (e.g. C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming)
* Linux - $HOME/.config/inkscape/extensions


Select rectangles in the document, in the menu select Render->Custom rounded corners rect.



Inkscape Extensions

35.0 KB
General Public License v2 (GPLv2)



I'm not very technically inclined. I know that to install extensions, you must put the INX and PY files in the extensions folder (in the user directory, rather than program files).

So when you say to use setup.py script to install, do you mean that script will automatically place the files where they belong?

Since I don't understand python code, I can't see where the script wants to put the files. So I just want to make sure they are going into the directory shown in Inkscape Preferences > System > System Info > User extensions. If they are placed in the program files (Inkscape Preferences > System > System Info > Inkscape extensions), they will be lost when the user upgrades to a new version. If in the user dir, they won't be lost.

Also, how can I use the setup.py file? Just double-click on it? Or need to use command line or terminal?

Thanks for sharing this extension! I'll try to find some time to test it later today.

Mois Moshevさんがに投稿:

Hi, sorry for not documenting this clearly enough. I will update the description with more information.


Thanks, Mois :-)

Victor Westmannさんがに投稿:

Are the instructions on how to use this extension updated?


The instructions on installing it are updated, but I don't think there was a request for instructions how to use it. I didn't get around to testing it, but it looks like you just select a rectangle, and call up the extension. Then just fill in the numbers.

Lin Yuanさんがに投稿:

Very useful extension. Copy rounded_corners.inx & rounded_corners.py to ~/user name/.config/inkscape/extensions/.


Very helpful. Thank you so much!


This is so essential it has to be a built in feature.


Thank you for providing this extension for Inkscape users!

This is just to let you know that most 3rd party Inkscape extensions, like this one, probably will not work with the upcoming new Inkscape version, the long-awaited version 1.0.

Here is the info you need to update this extension, so that it will work with 1.0 and future versions.

If you have further questions, you can contact Inkscape developers via mailing lists (https://lists.inkscape.org/postorius/lists/?all-lists), forum (https://inkscape.org/forums/extensions/), or the chatroom (https://chat.inkscape.org/channel/team_devel)

If you have already updated it, please disregard this message.

All best,
