
Inkscape's extension to assist creating new markers with custom shapes and colors.

The main features/advantages are

1-) It is a convenient way to produce predefined markers you use very often. Right now, there are just 3 predefined types (dot, arrow1, ellipsis), but this number can grow fast if people ask or expand this extension. If you have some basic skills on python scripting, you can easily add your own predefined markers.

2-) It is possible to quickly control maker colors (both filling and stroke). It is a nice way to control marker colors, specially in 0.91 since Inkscape forces the marker color to match the line color.

3-) Easy control over its scale with respect to the line width. By using the standard 'Object->Object to Marker' present in Inkscape, you would need to make several copies of your custom marker, with different scales, and proceed with a try-and-error approach to find the appropriate scale.

4-) It is a convenient way to modify/redefine a marker in y


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Inkscape Extensions

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General Public License v3 (GPLv3)


Maren Hachmann ha scritto il :

What does this extension do better than Object -> Object to Marker?

fsmMLK ha scritto il :

initially, it might seem that this extension does not do much more than Object -> Object to Marker already does. However I have to point that:

1-) It is a convenient way to produce predefined markers we use very often. I know that the extension has today only 3 predefined types (dot, arrow1, ellipsis). But this can grow fast if people ask or expand this extension.

2-) We can quickly control maker color (filling/stroke) and scale while setting the parameters. Using Object -> Object to Marker I would need to do a try-and-error. (I have no ide why inkscape does not allow us to manipulate marker colors by itself... =S )

3-) In a near future I will add control over the other transformations (rotation, translation) to orient/move the marker with respect to the line nodes. Object -> Object to Marker will always use the center point of the object as the reference point. Maker orientation is even more strange. It seems that Object -> Object to Marker will always assume one orientation. Is there a way to control it in ikscape? idk.

4-) It is a convenient way to modify/redefine a marker in your document. You just have to set the same nameID and set it to overwrite the old definition.

5-) It is a nice way to control marker colors, specially in 0.91 since now inkscape forces the marker color to match the line color. I have NO idea why they decided to do that. Also, this new strategy doe not behave as nice as the documentation states.

I think I will add these point to the description. It was missing.

Maren Hachmann ha scritto il :

Thanks for explaining and expanding the description, fsmMLK!

ad 3) I think one needs to rotate the object before turning it into a marker.

ad 5) The color isn't forced, it's a setting you can change in Edit -> Preferences -> Behavior -> Markers.

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