





About Screen Contest Entry - ICE CREAM PARTY!

For Inkscape About Screen Contest. 2023.03.19 CC- By - SA
Bitstream Vera Font Used

The apartment streets and buildings in grey can also be seen as a work environment or serious setting. The warmer colors depict a fun and relaxed setting. Basically a fusion between two otherwise contrasting elements. The ice-cream truck crashing into the building can otherwise be seen as the opposite of how work, problems and deadlines come crashing upon us under normal circumstances. In this setting, the good times come crashing in!. Its an ice-cream party!

Thank you for brilliant software - Happy Birthday!

About Screen Contest

1,8 MB
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
Maren Hachmann je zapisao/la:

Can you explain a bit more about what we see here? What is the story?

Ronald Marillier je zapisao/la:

Thank you for the guidence Maren! Added the feels in text.

Maren Hachmann je zapisao/la:

Thank you for your submission!

For it to be able to take part in the contest, please:

* replace the texts that use Verdana, as Verdana is not an open source font (V 1 3)
* make sure that every text that is visible is turned into a path, and has a corresponding hidden text object
- i.e. select all text objects, duplicate them, hide the duplicates, and convert all visible text objects to paths ('20 YEARS', '1.3' (these texts use Bitstream Vera)
* please indicate which font was used for the text '', and add the original text object into the drawing, too (and hide it)
* please delete the 'rendering' image when you edit your upload here on the website, as it is using a wrong format (780x536px)

Ronald Marillier je zapisao/la:

All text objects selected converted to path, duplicated and then hidden. Other text objects converted to Bitstream Vera. The text used is drawn from the original branding (actually used the trace function to achieve the jagged edge effect). Also Rendering image redone and resized from the entry.svg file. Thank you Kindly, Maren!

*Forgot about the 1.3 on the graphics tablet screen* - FIXED!

Maren Hachmann je zapisao/la:

Hi Ronald,

thank you - unfortunately, the 'E' in the balloon, the side of the V, the square-shaped dot and the 1.3 in the tablet are still text objects, with no corresponding paths.

Maren Hachmann je zapisao/la:

Also, please update the 'rendering' image, it still has the wrong size.

Maren Hachmann je zapisao/la:

Or... wait. I will.

Ronald Marillier je zapisao/la:

Updated the 'E' in the balloon, the side of the V, and the square-shaped dot and the 1.3, all duplicated and duplicates hidden. I appreciate your patience Maren!

Maren Hachmann je zapisao/la:

That didn't quite work, because you probably duplicated them after turning them into paths.

The original texts for the balloons are still available in the Welcome Screen page, fortunately, so they're not lost entirely.

You can make use of 'select same > Object type' or the search dialog, for example, to quickly and easily find text objects (also hidden ones, with the search dialog).

If you still have a moment, we'd appreciate if you could copy the text objects over from the last to the first page, resize them, and hide them.

Maren Hachmann je zapisao/la:

(I guess this has become confusing by now, don't despair!)

Ronald Marillier je zapisao/la:

Updated all text to paths. There are none left whatsoever, on any graphic.The duplicated elements are directly below the modified ones. Welcome Screen: All text converted to paths. No text elements left.

I do not understand your instruction in the last paragraph. last page? first page? Kindly elaborate.

Do you mean the About screen? Download Splash and Welcome Screen?

Maren Hachmann je zapisao/la:

We need every text twice:

1. as a path, so it will render the same for every person who looks at the image
2. as a text object, so it will be editable. The text object should not be visible.

Ronald Marillier je zapisao/la:

Alright. I created a separate layer for all text PATHS. as there are no text objects left.


** added the original text elements back to the About Screen Graphic **

** added the original text elements back to the Welcome Screen Graphic**

** added the original text elements back to the Download Splash Graphic**


All text paths have their own layer for each graphic

😅 Thanks alot!

Maren Hachmann je zapisao/la:

Thank you, it's now all there for the Download splash screen and welcome screen pages, that will be sufficient when someone wants to edit the text later and keep the appearance.

Ronald Marillier je zapisao/la:

So were all good?

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