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Inkscape Fillet and Chamfer

par taoari

This extension implements the Fillet and Chamfer function for inkscape described as http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12692602/rcp.svg.

Inkscape Extensions

6,7 Kio
Créé le
General Public License v2 (GPLv2)


Gilu a écrit le  :

Inkscape (0.92.1 r15371) threw this at me:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "filletchamfer.py", line 21, in <module>
import svgpathtools
ImportError: No module named svgpathtools

Even after "pip install svgpathtools" ...

taoari a écrit le  :

You may start with a python console, and type in "import svgpathtools" to see if it is successful. Be sure it is Python 2, it seems that inkscape extension is using python 2.

Inkscapian a écrit le  :

Python console? I am sorry ...how to find one?

Maren Hachmann a écrit le  :

Just type 'python' on your command line and hit enter.

Rafik Alhaji a écrit le  :

it does not work friends

John Pinion a écrit le  :

It does work!! You must install svgpathtools, as noted in the "readme" file. pip install svgpathtools --user

_RM_ a écrit le  :

Is there a way to install "svgpathtools" on Windows?

CinderGuardian a écrit le  :

I had the same issue as Gilu - Python kept throwing the "ImportError: No module named svgpathtools" error even after ensuring that svgpathtools and the correct release of Python were installed as taoari recommended.

Here's what I found: Inkscape runs the python.exe application found in C:\Program Files\Inkscape. This loads a different path than the python.exe found in C:\Python27 (or wherever your version of Python is installed). svgpathtools is found on the path when I run python from the terminal. However, it is NOT on the path when the "Fillet and Chamfer" extension runs the Python script.

To solve this, you can manually have the script add the folder in which svgpathtools is stored to the path. Edit filletchamfer.py by inserting the following lines BEFORE the line that says "import svgpathtools":

import sys

Once you've saved, the script should have no problem loading svgpathtools.
Now I'm off to go do some filleting...

faizanzh a écrit le  :

Okay so I am a total newbie and I don't know much about coding and stuff, My question is how to do this: """"you can manually have the script add the folder in which svgpathtools is stored to the path. Edit filletchamfer.py by inserting the following lines BEFORE the line that says "import svgpathtools": """"import sys

brynn a écrit le  :

Thank you for providing this extension for Inkscape users!

This is just to let you know that most 3rd party Inkscape extensions, like this one, probably will not work with the upcoming new Inkscape version, the long-awaited version 1.0.

Here is the info you need to update this extension, so that it will work with 1.0 and future versions.

If you have further questions, you can contact Inkscape developers via mailing lists (https://lists.inkscape.org/postorius/lists/?all-lists), forum (https://inkscape.org/forums/extensions/), or the chatroom (https://chat.inkscape.org/channel/team_devel)

If you have already updated it, please disregard this message.

All best,

Mario Voigt a écrit le  :

upgrade to Python 3 was a little bit more work. made a fork repo but did not make a PR yet > https://github.com/vmario89/inkscape-filletandchamfer

K a écrit le  :

It runs. It makes paths. But there are no changes to my rectangle. (Yes, I made it a path rather than an object.)

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