





Years of Passion

Fonts used in Inkscape About Screen graphic:
- Linux Libertine (https://inkscape.org/gallery/item/10250/
- Euphoria Script (https://inkscape.org/gallery/item/10249/)
- Rubik (https://fonts.google.com/?query=Rubik)

About Screen Contest

101,7 KB
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
Pacer wrote :

Thank you for your artwork submission.

For us to enter your artwork into the contest, the original branding template must be used (unedited).
Please see rule 6 & 7 for details: https://inkscape.org/community/about-screen-contests/

I notice, also, that your text has been converted to paths, but some of it doesn't appear to have a hidden (live) text counterpart. Please see rule 12 for details.

Once these points have been addressed, could you please run 'File > Clean Up Document' — then re-upload the document.

Thank you.

Contest admin

skulptron wrote :

Thank you for your help.
I converted all the remaining text to curves.
Document cleaned up...
Reuploaded my work.

Unfortunately, I didn't read the instructions carefully, the design concept implies that the brand elements are an integral part of the composition... So I can't move them...


Maren Hachmann wrote :

Maybe it can be salvaged in some way?

skulptron wrote :

Unfortunately, now a compromise is not possible.
Next time I have to read the rules carefully.

And maybe based on this case, it should be reconsidered which rules are optimal for good competition results?

Best regards

Maren Hachmann wrote :

We'll add this piece of info to our post-contest discussion, thanks! I think we might still have a good use for your drawing in the project, especially for the numbers with the 3 that unites them. Please don't remove it!

skulptron wrote :

I will be glad if I can contribute to the Inkscape community in any way... Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far...

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