Yay! My dad let me download Inkscape on his computer, so I downloaded yesterday's dev version and whipped this up. The new Gradient tool is awesome! I was going to add some more glowy stuff, but it started rendering too slowly =( Then again, it renders more quickly than the current about page :XD: The stars in the background are supposed to be in the approximate locations of the stars in the constellation Orion. E] Fixed up the star locations a smidge, and added the XML in the BG. Think I should keep the XML?
I guess I had to post something just before the end =P
Inkscape rocks, and they're holding a contest, so I figure, HEY! I'll make an entry!
Well, I'm hoping right now that the little green alien from H2G2 is PD, or at least covered by fair use. I suppose the developers could always remove/replace it, but that'd eviscerate the meaning of this image... For an extended description, see entry 2 in scraps.
Second entry. It'll have to be final, 'cause I'm shipping my computer away to tech support (some part of it is making the most horrible noise).