21 歲的 Inkscape 成長有序
2024 年 11 月 6 日,標誌著 Inkscape 專案 20 週年的結束,以及下一個十年冒險的開始。過去的一年有幾個里程碑,其中包括非正式的全球慶祝活動、錯誤修正計畫、「關於」畫面競賽、Inkscape 高峰會、Google Summer of Code,以及 1.4 版本的推出。
深入瞭解Inkscape 的第 20 週年
在 2023 年 11 月 18 日,Inkscape 專案舉辦了 20 週年的慶祝大會。Inkscape 在線上聚集了使用者與貢獻者一同慶祝。
本活動由行銷組(Vectors)發起,用意是讓 Inkscape 使用者與貢獻者共聚一堂,一起慶祝 Inkscape 度過的 20 個年頭。
深入瞭解Inkscape 發佈了版本 1.4,著重於功能的易用性與自訂性
經歷過好幾個月的等待,我們終於準備好揭曉最新的 Inkscape 版本——「行家」版本 1.4,強以易用性與可自訂性的進展為重。
來自世界各地、大多是志工的 Inkscape 開發者在幕後開發了新功能、改善現有功能、修補錯誤,並為 GTK 4 的來臨做足準備。
深入瞭解2024 Inkscape 高峰會
我們在法國雷恩市舉辦了 Inkscape 高峰會。為期三天的高峰會,在 Inkscape 社群老手 Elisa 與 Cédric 的學校 Activ.design 舉行...
深入瞭解恭喜 Inkonic 在關於畫面競賽中獲得優勝
恭喜作者 Inkonic 以作品「Inkscape's Path–Artist's Blossom」獲得本次大賽的優勝。
深入瞭解1.4 「關於」畫面競賽
Inkscape 1.4 「關於」畫面競賽公告
設計師照過來!Inkscape 每發布新的版本,我們就會舉辦「關於」畫面競賽,邀請所有不同資歷的 Inkscape 藝術家參與。
It’s time to celebrate the success of GSOC 2023 and recruit for 2024 with Inkscape
Inkscape’s involvement in Google’s Summer of Code (GSoC) program is one of the ways the project helps to advance both learning and new and improved features in the program. We’re excited to be taking part in GSoC once more in 2024!
創作者們:請留意 Inkscape 的假冒者
有人在使用 E-mail 冒充 Inkscape,聯絡創作者洽談合作事宜。他們使用的名字「Inkscape PhotoEditor」根本不存在,並且與我們無關。我們會將所有的官方合作邀請清楚地列在網站上。
深入瞭解Inkscape 1.3.2 解決了前一個版本的資料遺失問題
Inkscape 開發團隊在 2023 年 11 月 26 日發佈了版本 1.3.2,以解決 1.3.1 中資料遺失的嚴重問題。如果您安裝了 1.3.1,我們建議您儘快更新。如果您是 Windows 使用者,請先解除安裝舊版本。
深入瞭解Big, small release – Inkscape 1.3.1 is out!
The latest point release, Inkscape 1.3.1, has grown into one of the biggest bug fix packages we've ever shared with the community. Update to benefit from more than 70 bug fixes, 16 improved user interface translations, and even two small, new features!
深入瞭解Inkscape launches version 1.3 with a focus on organizing work efficiently
With version 1.3 of Inkscape, you’ll find improved performance, several new features, and a solid set of improvements to a few existing ones.
This version is squarely focused on helping users get organized and work more efficiently with our free and open source vector-editing software.
深入瞭解What was it like at Wilberweek? (GIMP Hackfest)
A week with The GIMP project at Blender HQ, Amsterdam
I was really excited to have the opportunity to meet some of the GIMP developers in-person after many conversations with them over IRC in the past, and Wilberweek presented not only a great opportunity to do just that, but also to visit the Headquarters of another of my favourite FOSS projects, the unstoppable freedom-centric software juggernaut that is the Blender project.
深入瞭解Inkscape reveals tools for organizing efficiently in beta version of 1.3
From shapes and patterns to documents and fonts, Inkscape’s 1.3 beta release offers you some new features, alongside a basket full of improvements large and small. Let’s dig into a few of the bells and whistles this new version has to offer.
深入瞭解Meet Inkscape's New About Screen Artist
For each major release, we host a contest for artists who compete to have their artwork displayed on Inkscape's About Screen. Meet the winning artist for the upcoming 1.3 release.
深入瞭解Try the Inkscape 1.3 alpha0 pre-release!
On April 2, we released Inkscape 1.3 alpha0 for testing!