Generate a 3D-printable OpenSCAD cookie cutter file out of an Inkscape document. To use this: 0. Unzip into your Inkscape extensions directory. 1. Convert all objects to paths. 2. Remove all object fill. 3. Make the outer outline be a simple polygon in red. 4. Any inner hollow areas should be bounded by simple polygons in green. 5. Inner lines (which will not go all the way down and hence won't cut the cookie, so they are good for inside detail features) can be black. 6. Connections that connect inner parts to the outside should be filled-in polygons. 7. File Save As... "OpenSCAD Cookie Cutter file" 8. Load into OpenSCAD, adjust parameters, generate STL, print.
A E.T. lying on the floor with virtual reality glasses, is watching a series of 3D illustrations on virtual screens. Thanks Tim. My next attempt. Font: Linux Libertine from Inkscape Library. I wait for your review. Here we go. I've had a lot of fun. Next time will be better. Thanks a lot
model image image is edited in only 1 hour. inkscape is amazing tool
Straightening A4 format from raster image. Adaptation of Shrinivas Kulkarni's extension