Ive been using inkscape for a couple of months now & was getting on ok but yesterday i hit a problem, now when I export as a png all of the colours turn to greyscal. eaven if I draw a regular circle with red infill & export it it turns grey.if I import a previous saved png it loads perfectly but when I save it again it turns greyscale, can anyone help?
Ive been using inkscape for a couple of months now & was getting on ok but yesterday i hit a problem, now when I export as a png all of the colours turn to greyscal. eaven if I draw a regular circle with red infill & export it it turns grey.if I import a previous saved png it loads perfectly but when I save it again it turns greyscale, can anyone help?
When the Export dialog is open there´s a tiny cogwheel; click and go "Bit Depth" and choose "RGBA8" and check if this helps already:
Amazing thanks
For the life of me I dont know how that got changed