Inkscape 開發

歡迎來到 Inkscape 開發頁面!這裡有許多需要幫助的地方。以下是一些起始點,讓您找到您想貢獻 Inkscape 的最佳方法。

Inkscape 核心開發

如果您是開發者、或是會寫程式,並有 C++ 或 Gtk3 / GTK4 的相關知識,您可以抓取一份程式碼,開始編修您有興趣的部分。我們也歡迎 Python 開發者協助擴充功能的開發。如果您對您的修改尚稱滿意,您可以將其打包成補釘(patch)並提交。我們非常重視所有貢獻,並遵行「先斬後奏」的決策執行法,因此您努力的成果很有可能會快速地合併到開發程式庫當中。雖然如此,我們還是有一套需要遵守的規章與標準,但我們會盡量讓其與約定俗成的規則相差不遠。

如果您對於成為 Inkscape 開發者有興趣,您應該會想要訂閱開發者郵遞清單,並加入 IRC 上的 #inkscape-devel 頻道。另外,在 Inkscape wiki 首頁 的開發者文件(頁面的下半部)也有更多資訊供您閱覽。


Dealing with bugs is a critically important job. This could involve submitting a bug to the bugtracker, writing a patch that fixes a bug or testing to see if the patches have fixed the issue. This helps keep the administrative side of inkscape's development in good working order and improves the effectiveness of developers as they have access to better and more accurate information.

See the Bug Management guide which will show you how to use the bug tracker to manage bug reports from users. It is highly recommended that you read it if you want to help in this area.


Inkscape is a large software project. Great documentation can help users get the most out of the software. Documentation can range from the wiki pages and website guides to wonderfully produced web videos that show users exactly how to use features and achieve results.

If you're interested in writing official documentation, please inquire on the documentation mailing list.

Write Extensions

If you're not fluent with C++ (which is how the core Inkscape program is written) but you do know some Python and/or Perl, you might be able to write Inkscape extensions.  You can find most of the info you should need on our page about writing extensions.