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Contract to Import AI Files 2025 Update

To allow the import of Adobe Illustrator files into Inkscape, we are developing a Python extension. This post outlines the progress made in the second month of the project, January 2025.

Find out what Manpreet has worked on in January 2025...


Inkscape Translation Contribution, and Other Short Stories

The Traditional Chinese translations of Inkscape at the time was, let’s say, lacking. There were visible untranslated parts everywhere, namely in the Align and Distribute dialog, the dialog tab names, parts of the menu items, in the settings, and in the tooltips. My gripe was that some of them were partially translated, meaning that maybe the tool name was translated but the tooltip wasn’t, or in the case of the Align and Distribute dialog, some align options were and some weren’t, even though they are similar functions....




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Inkscape Summit Frankfurt 2025

For the past few days, 7 Inkscape Members met up in Frankfurt, Germany to collaborate on various projects and get to know each other.

We were especially delighted to have two InkStitch maintainers, a major downstream project of Inkscape, join us. This way, we got to learn about the struggles and worries of projects using Inkscape better, and even built a new capability for extensions to interact with Inkscape during the event.


21 歲的 Inkscape 成長有序

Flourishing Inkscape by Sreya Saju, CC-By-SA 4.0

2024 年 11 月 6 日,標誌著 Inkscape 專案 20 週年的結束,以及下一個十年冒險的開始。過去的一年有幾個里程碑,其中包括非正式的全球慶祝活動、錯誤修正計畫、「關於」畫面競賽、Inkscape 高峰會、Google Summer of Code,以及 1.4 版本的推出。



Inkscape 的第 20 週年

Graphic for last year's anniversary party by Pacer

在 2023 年 11 月 18 日,Inkscape 專案舉辦了 20 週年的慶祝大會。Inkscape 在線上聚集了使用者與貢獻者一同慶祝。

本活動由行銷組(Vectors)發起,用意是讓 Inkscape 使用者與貢獻者共聚一堂,一起慶祝 Inkscape 度過的 20 個年頭。
