Beginners' Questions Cannot Find PNG Option During Save As
  1. #1
    urbnsr urbnsr @urbnsr

    I used to save the document page area as a png image via Save As... operation. Now, I can't find the png option. This is not the Export PNG Image option.


      I can't think of anything I changed and have not updated recently. This is on Ubuntu 18.04, Inkscape v.0.92.5. Help, please.

  2. #2
    Bob Zwicker Bob Zwicker @CannotDraw

    FYI I am using 1.0 Beta on a Windows 10 laptop.  I thought that your answer might depend upon whether objects were selected prior to "Save As."  However, I have tried both with and without selecting objects before "Save As" and I also see no option for .png output. I like .png as an image format.....

  3. #3
    greytomorrow greytomorrow @greytomorrow

    @urbnsr where's the problem? "Save as... > guess by extension". Enter "myfilename".png et voila!

    Promise me you're not going to literally enter "myfilename" 😁

  4. #4
    urbnsr urbnsr @urbnsr

    @greytomorrow  Thanks for reply. Problem is at error message received when I try Guess from extension:


    No Inkscape extension found to save document (drawing.png).  This may have been caused by an unknown filename extension.


      This happens with Inkscape v.0.92.5 (from ubuntu package). Inkscape v.0.92.3 seems to work fine, though. I just downloaded latest stable from Inkscape's website via ppa, v.0.92.5 (0.92.5+69), but this does not work either.


      Inkscape is a great program!!

  5. #5
    Kirstie Kirstie @Kirstie🌷

    Hi there,
    Although I am using Windows, this is very much the same on every Inkscape I thought.
    I just use Export as png, not the save as option.
    Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+E.
    There is even a button for it, on the left of the undo button.

    Then a window pops up with all the options to save the page/ drawing/ selection/ as a png file.

  6. #6
    urbnsr urbnsr @urbnsr

    Thanks for the reply, @Kirstie. As I mentioned, I am aware of the Export PNG Image, but I have to place a background behind my desired image when using this feature and I don't when I used to be able to Save as .png. Maybe I am missing a selection when using Export PNG Image that would automate this for me? I have used Export PNG Image before for another reason, but Exporting seems a bit more klunky to me compared to Save as.


      The Save as .png was there before. Both Linux and Windows, as least.

  7. #7
    Kirstie Kirstie @Kirstie🌷


    I really do not understand what you are saying about that you have to place a background behind your image.. Do you mean that you want the background of your png to be white, instead of transparent?

    But I did not know that you could also use save as for png. It sounds like a double feature. The difference between save as and export as is always a bit strange.

  8. #8
    urbnsr urbnsr @urbnsr

    Correct. Without a background, the image background is transparent. If I have a black graphic, I need a lighter colored background. At least in Inkscape v.0.92.3, it had the Save as for PNG.


      I am wondering if the Export PNG image allows for more flexibility and the Save as may have assumed some settings, but had less adjustable features. Perhaps this was seen as a redundant feature and the Save as part was removed. It would be good to know. I can retrain myself if I have to.


  9. #9
    greytomorrow greytomorrow @greytomorrow

    AHA! I just discovered why it doesn't work anymore. That option was **removed** in 0.92.5 and 1.0beta. (it worked up until 0.92.4).

    You want a transparent PNG, your only option is using "Export PNG Image...". Sorry, Charlie.

  10. #10
    urbnsr urbnsr @urbnsr

    I actually don't want the transparent image. Is this an oversight/bug? Are you telling me I'm not good enough for Starkist?!? 8~\

  11. #11
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    It is most often advised to Export rather than Save-As... they use different rendering engines in the background.


    If no transparency is desired, and placing an opaque object behind is cumbersome, the Inkscape canvas can be made any opaque color, using the Document Properties dialog. This can be saved into a template or the default.svg for repeated use with each new document.


    Have a nice day.


  12. #12
    urbnsr urbnsr @urbnsr

    OK. Thanks

  13. #13
    greytomorrow greytomorrow @greytomorrow

    @urbnsr 🤣🤣🤣🐟

  14. #14
    mcbride.kate mcbride.kate @mcbride.kate

    Hold the phones!! On the new update, like urbnsr is saying, I can't save a png image with a textured background over the canvas. I use inkscape for all my online store mock ups and now with the update to 1.0 I can no longer do that. Was this an oversight on the programming side? Etsy only reads PNG files in the store and now I cannot save my files with background as PNG. Even when I place an opaque shape behind it, the shape disappears when I export as PNG. Please advise!!

  15. #15
    John John @QPhysics137

    I don't see how "Export" is an advantage to "Save As" in any way.

    I usually make multiple versions of an image with slight changes from one to another. In the older versions of Inkscape, I would ctrl-shift-s to bring up the "Save As" menu, change a letter at the end of the file name to designate which iteration of the images it was, and hit enter. Then I would ctrl-shift-s, tab to the extension menu, hit C three times, and hit enter to save as a png.

    Export requires an opaque background or the black-on-white sections of the image are just big black blobs. Export does not automatically save the png with the same resolution and size as the original, so I have to remember to change those settings EVERY SINGLE TIME it's necessary. Export does not automatically update the file name to match the svg I just saved, so I have to tab or mouse into that field and update it EVERY SINGLE TIME. 

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beginners' Questions Cannot Find PNG Option During Save As