I want a specific measured area of rectangle. When I have Export open and highlight a measured area when at 100%, the Export area indicates a significantly different area.
Thanks, it's already set to mm. However, W x H = 188 x 132mm when with Inkscape set to 100% a ruler against the screen shows 140 x 99mm. This doesn't seem like a representation of 100% or am I misunderstanding something?
Here's how it was explained to me: After setting the ruler in the Preferences, using the 1 key on the keyboard will zoom to your preset value. Then, 100mm on the ruler should match 100mm IRL.
1. I ensure, in this case, everything is set to mm.
2. open preferences and set to 100% then press "1" on the keyboard?
Nothing appears to change when I do this. On the canvas set to 100%, a rectangle that measures 140*98mm is 188*132 according to the export tab. I am probably missing the obvious but am not sure what !!
The bit that confuses me is that when you set a size, say 10*10mm at 100% it is smaller on screen. Currently my rectangle, on 100%, is 188*132mm but actual screen size is 140*99mm. I'd like to see on screen the actual size it will be when I use a 100% setting.
Just checking: 1. I ensure, in this case, everything is set to mm. 2. open preferences and set to 100% then press "1" on the keyboard?
After matching the ruler onscreen to a real ruler there will be a valuer (e.g 133%) in the zoom factor box. When you return to the workspace, the number 1 key should zoom to the number in the factor tool (e.g. 133%).
I want a specific measured area of rectangle. When I have Export open and highlight a measured area when at 100%, the Export area indicates a significantly different area.
How do I track and adjust to area in say mm?
I'd set the Document units to mm, the page to mm and use no stroke on the rectangle. http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL/html/File-Properties.html#File-Properties-Size
Thanks, it's already set to mm. However, W x H = 188 x 132mm when with Inkscape set to 100% a ruler against the screen shows 140 x 99mm. This doesn't seem like a representation of 100% or am I misunderstanding something?
Your screen can be any number of DPI/PPI. The Inkscape preferences can be set to correlate to you screen in the Preferences>Interface.
I've adjusted to 100% which I assumes means the screen ruler's 100mm should actually be 100mm, but there is no change. Need a re-launch?
Here's how it was explained to me: After setting the ruler in the Preferences, using the 1 key on the keyboard will zoom to your preset value. Then, 100mm on the ruler should match 100mm IRL.
No reboot needed.
Just checking:
1. I ensure, in this case, everything is set to mm.
2. open preferences and set to 100% then press "1" on the keyboard?
Nothing appears to change when I do this. On the canvas set to 100%, a rectangle that measures 140*98mm is 188*132 according to the export tab. I am probably missing the obvious but am not sure what !!
Can´t find the discrepancy you´re describing here:
Can we have a screenshot about your settings?
The 2 sets of measurements are identical. However, on-screen size is definitely smaller than those measurements.
Seems I´m not getting what you´re after:
The bit that confuses me is that when you set a size, say 10*10mm at 100% it is smaller on screen. Currently my rectangle, on 100%, is 188*132mm but actual screen size is 140*99mm. I'd like to see on screen the actual size it will be when I use a 100% setting.
This is dependent on your display resolution, which is why the zoom factor tool is used.
100% in the zoom means 1:1 Inkscape pixel to display pixel.
How do you measure that size, with a wooden ruler?
I can´t get any closer on my iMac than this:
If you really want to sync the size you might need to know how many px/inch (ppi) your monitor/graphic-board is using: https://dpi.lv
I use a ruler. A fancy one, but yes, with a ruler. Or a cheap digital caliper.
After matching the ruler onscreen to a real ruler there will be a valuer (e.g 133%) in the zoom factor box. When you return to the workspace, the number 1 key should zoom to the number in the factor tool (e.g. 133%).
OK, I think I finally get it re. the %. I need to rely on measurements in most cases or as you indicated match pixel per measure unit.
How do I draw a accurate straight line in Inkscape with shortcut keys.
Bézier tool has Options or hold down ctrl-key while drawing without dragging.
I don´t understand the question. Can you be more specific?