There's a new forum rule in place where comments are locked after 24 hours and cannot be edited.
We've been forced to put this policy in place to deal with spammers. They will leave a seemingly innocent comment that gets approved by the moderators. A week or two later, when the thread has become inactive, they'll return and edit their comment to include links to spam sites. Because these aren't new comments, they don't always get noticed by moderators.
The vast majority of users are unlikely to be affected by this change, as it's rare to need to edit a comment after 24 hours. If you want to post more details on your problem, just add a new comment.
However, there is a subset of people who may have an issue. For example... someone posts a tutorial for the current Inkscape release. A few months later and a new version of Inkscape, the instructions may need to be changed to keep up to date with the new release. If this is you, we can grant special editing permissions. If you think you'll need this, please let us know and include a short note explaining why you need it, and we'll be happy to take a look.
There's a new forum rule in place where comments are locked after 24 hours and cannot be edited.
We've been forced to put this policy in place to deal with spammers. They will leave a seemingly innocent comment that gets approved by the moderators. A week or two later, when the thread has become inactive, they'll return and edit their comment to include links to spam sites. Because these aren't new comments, they don't always get noticed by moderators.
The vast majority of users are unlikely to be affected by this change, as it's rare to need to edit a comment after 24 hours. If you want to post more details on your problem, just add a new comment.
However, there is a subset of people who may have an issue. For example... someone posts a tutorial for the current Inkscape release. A few months later and a new version of Inkscape, the instructions may need to be changed to keep up to date with the new release. If this is you, we can grant special editing permissions. If you think you'll need this, please let us know and include a short note explaining why you need it, and we'll be happy to take a look.