1. #1

    I have bitten off more than I can chew here. I know nothing about my CNC Engraver 1310 but I am an old Technician and have it working. XY Z all work spindle works and everything works in the correct directions when manually told to move using GRBL (latest version)

    I have windows 10 home. I have the latest version of Inkscape.

    I have created an SVG which is basically text in a circle. I have grouped everything together and have scaled it correctly. I have reduced my page area to be about 5mm wider than the boundary of the text.

    I have watched 4321 tutorials on Youtube and hence the name FUBAR

    I have sought out SVG to Gcode converters and I have one that produces a XYZ.Gcode but GRBL does not recognize it. So after reading another couple thousand articles I was able to determine that if I define things correctly, I can produce an ngc file using the extension in Inkscape.

    I thought I was doing fine and occassionally am able to produce an ngc. When I load it into GRBL point of origin is in Wisconsin and the graphic is in Texas. I also get warnings when doing this that I have not defined the tool so I select Cone and tried that then the others. It does away with the Tool Name warning but I still have the Wisconsin/Texas problem. My 1310 has a working area of 126mmx88mm and that does not seem to cover the area between Wisconsin and Texas well :)

    I also get this alert when trying to produce the ngc that I have to pick one path to engrave, which makes sense except I cannot seem to get it to "one" The error printed is;

    (100.0; 0.0; -0.12500)
    (0.0; 0.0; 0.00000)
    Please select at least one path to engrave and run again.

    So I have spent days trying to find out where the (100.0; 0.0; -0.12500) is generated and i cannot. I would like to have the path be 0's

    The Home function in Gcode appears to be disabled in GRBL or the firmware.

    Experience: None, I have not engraved anything yet

    NGC files produced from SVG: 1 but point of origin or what I would call Home is not defined properly 

    What I am trying to engrave: a 52mm x 52mm logo on some aluminum. Its all TEXT that has been Text to Path then grouped 

    My problem: I am not able to detine the paramaters correctly to produce a good NGC from the SVG and if I get one right, it seems I have others wrong and it tries to engrave somewhere in Ohio :)

    Help please if you can bare to repeat yourself for the 400th time

    I tried to search the Newbie forum using keywords like GCODE and SVG to GCODE but found nothing, well the search said it found nothing

    Thanks for any help in advance.

  2. #2
    bleke bleke @bleke

    I would like to have the path be 0's

    It seems to me that you have missed to generate the orientation points.

    Extensions -> Gcodetools -> Orientation points


    Disclaimer: I don't have an engraver and hardly know anything about this.

  3. #3

    I actually got the orientation points, and got two arrows pointing to them. Problem is it wants me to select one of the two and I don't know how to do that :) Thanks for reply

  4. #4
    bleke bleke @bleke

    Ok. I also get the (100.0; 0.0; -0.12500) if I don't run the orientation points script.

    Another thing that comes to mind when you say that the offset is way off; have you set the document size? As I understand it should be the size of your engraver's working area.

  5. #5

    hi Bleke  Thanks for the help. When I run the orientation under Gcode I automatically get two arrows one at Zero the other way out in space. So when you say orientation points script you mean the one under GCODEtools extension  and orientation points, correct?  So you have me curious, how do you get the (100.0; 0.0; -0.12500)  without running orientation script?

    The working area is about 5 times bigger than what I am trying to engrave. If you can imagine an area of 4x6 inches and you are trying to engrave on a penny, thats how far my start point is away from my work.

    When using GRBL to talk to my 1310 engraver I do not see what I am going to engrave on the screen. All I see is the start point and a line leading off the screen.

  6. #6
    bleke bleke @bleke

    100.0; 0.0; -0.12500 is the default set, so if no points are set before, those values are what you get.

    I've seen two (pretty bad honestly) video tutorials and both set the document size, so I'm thinking maybe that's how you decide where it should engrave. So if you put your thing 5 cm from the top of the document and 5 cm from the left edge, that's where the engraver will start working. Just guessing, this may be wrong.

  7. #7

    Ya, thats what I get. When I do actually manage to get a file saved with the single line font that is needed I now find that the gcode produced has the router never lifting off the metal. So it now confuses a single line font as part of its cutting path, but it also confuses the path as a cut too? 

    I think this is getting worse rather than better :) 

  8. #8
    bleke bleke @bleke

    So you put the text on a circle to get it cuts the circle too?

    Maybe convert the text to path and delete the circle?

  9. #9

    Well I seem to have had some success, which at this point I am not sure I deserve. I decided to rethink this. I started searching for a DXF to GCODE converter. Why? Well I have beaten the SVG to GCODE to death and for some unknown reason the last try killed me. I had everything "exactly right" but there was no GCODE front end to drop the router so I just dropped it into the material and hit send on GRBL. It was doing its thing and when finished I realized that the path the router takes was also cut, as well as the single line fonts.  

    So I dropped that, saved the SVG in inkscape as a DXF and started to look. I found ABViewer, which to put mildly is SLICK. You can get a free trial (30day) so I downloaded it. Selected CAD to GCODE and honestly it so good I will likely buy it for $75ish when the 30 days were up.   It gave me opportunity to set the depth of cut, speed of router, plunge height, etc etc.

    I loaded the file into OpenBuilds and ran the simulation. This time the path is one color and the fonts another so I think this may finally correct. The GCODE loaded into GRBL and looks good. I will try it tomorrow morning and let you know how it worked out.

  10. #10

    Solved I am now using Inkscape and ABViewer exclusively, love them both