Inkscape 1.2  Windows 64bit 7z

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.2 Windows 64bit 7z

Marc Jeanmougin

2022-05-15, Commit Dc2aedaf03

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Inkscape 1.1.0

René de HesselleInkscape 1.1.0

René de Hesselle


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Inkscape 1.3 beta0 Windows 32bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 beta0 Windows 32bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape Portable 1.0.1

Gord CaswellInkscape Portable 1.0.1

Gord Caswell package of Inkscape

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Inkscape 1.2 RC tarball

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.2 RC tarball

Marc Jeanmougin

2022-05-08, Commit 6364d40632

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Inkscape 1.3.1 Linux AppImage

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.1 Linux AppImage

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.2 RC Windows 64bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.2 RC Windows 64bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin

2022-05-08, Commit 6364d40632

Comment here...
0.91 Source Tarball (gz)

Bryce Harrington0.91 Source Tarball (gz)

Bryce Harrington

Inkscape 0.91 Released on 2015-01-27 Release highlights ------------------ • Cairo rendering for display and PNG export • OpenMP multithreading for all filters • C++ code conversion • Major improvements in the Text tool • Measure tool • Type design features [1],[2] • Symbol library and support for Visio stencils • Cross platform WMF and EMF import and export • Improved support for Corel DRAW documents, Visio importer • Support for real world document and page size units, e.g. millimeters • Numerous usability improvements • Native Windows 64-bit build • See Notable bug fixes ------------------------- Rendering and performance ------------------------- Inkscape 0.91 includes a new renderer based on the Cairo library. This work was done mainly during Google Summer of Code 2010 and 2011 projects. • Improved performance. The new renderer is significantly faster on most drawings. Renderings of the most complex objects are automatically cached to improve responsiveness during editing. • OpenMP multithreading for filters. Filters use all available processor cores for computation. This results in substantial speedups when editing drawings containing large filtered objects on multi-core systems. • Substantial memory savings. Inkscape now uses less memory when opening complex drawings, in some cases using only 25% of the memory used by Inkscape 0.48. Larger files can now be opened. • Responsiveness improvements. The rendering of the SVG drawing is now cached. This results in massive improvements in responsiveness of path highlights, object selection / deselection, and path editing in delayed update mode. • Rendering bug fixes. Most of the rendering glitches in our bug tracker are no longer present in Inkscape 0.91. The following things now render correctly: - Pattern fills (no more gaps between tiles, regardless of transformation) - Stroke of transformed objects in patterns - Patterns containing clipped objects - Nested clipping paths - Masked and clipped objects with large masks / clipping paths in Outline view - Paths with wide strokes and long miters - Fonts Color display mode ------------------ A grayscale display color mode has been added, that shows a preview of your drawing in grayscale. Shift+numpad5 toggles the color display mode between normal and grayscale. ----- Tools ----- Node tool --------- The tool control bar for the Node Tool features a new dropdown to insert new nodes on the selected segments extreme values. For example, (as demonstrated in the image below) it is possible to add a new node at the highest point in a curve using Insert Node at Max Y Measurement tool ---------------- The Measurement tool is a new feature for the artist to measure the elements in their drawing. To use the measurement tool, simply choose the tool, click anywhere on the drawing and drag the ruler out. The measurement tool will live-update with measurements of length and angles as you pass over objects in your drawing. Text tool --------- • Text size default unit is now points (pt) and is customizable (px,pt,pc,mm,cm,in,em) • Text toolbar shows full list of font style variants for that font • Files with text in em units read correctly • Font substitution warning dialog ------- Dialogs ------- Gradients --------- • Gradient toolbar enhanced to select and modify gradient stops, invert, repeat, and link gradients • On-canvas gradient editing fixes: double clicking to create stops, correct focus on select • Gradients sortable by color, name and usage in Fill/Stroke • Gradients can be renamed in Fill/Stroke Arrange (was rows and columns) ------- • NEW: renamed to 'Arrange' - NEW: polar arrangement (separate tab) <> Align and Distribute -------------------- • The new updated Inkscape features a new set of buttons in the Align and Distribute Dialog called Exchange position of selected objects. It adds the ability to exchange the positions of the objects that the artist has selected. - In the following example, three objects were selected, and their positions were exchaged with each other (using this new feature) according to their selection order. - There are also two other new buttons in the dialog that allow the artist to exchange the selected objects based on the stacking (z-index) order, or just exchange them clockwise based on the object's position on the page. • Keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+Alt+Keypad numbers) for align operations Document Properties ------------------- Optionally disable antialiasing (bug #170356, interface partially implemented) Find/Select ----------- • It is now easier to select items which are not at the top of the Z-order: use Alt+mouse wheel scroll to cycle through all items that are stacked on top of each other at the location of the mouse pointer (use Shift+Alt+mouse wheel scroll to add to the existing selection). At present, groups are not honoured, i.e., only individual items within groups are considered. • New Find/Replace dialog can operate on text or any attribute • "Select Same" is a new feature that allows an artist to select objects that have the same properties as the currently selected object. For example, you could select an object that has a fill of blue. Then, using the new feature select all other objects in the drawing with a fill set to that same shade of blue. The new feature is a menu choice under Edit ▶︎ Select Same or as a Context menu if you right click on a selected object. Also there are other choices available to select same, including: matching both Fill and Stroke, matching just stroke, matching stroke style, or matching on object type. Fill and Stroke --------------- • The Gradient view in the fill and stroke dialog now displays a list of all the gradients in the document. The list displays the gradient, the gradient name, and number of uses of that gradient in the document. • More compact Markers selectors Layers ------ • Drag and drop to reorder layers and create sublayers • Show/Hide All layers options in context menu Symbols ------- Inkscape has a new Symbols dialog. The dialog displays symbols from a symbol library. Inkscape 0.91 includes five example libraries: logic symbols, AIGA/DOT transportation symbols, map symbols, flow chart shapes and word balloons. The dialog will also create a pseudo-library of all existing symbols in the current Inkscape drawing. (A symbol is defined by an SVG <symbol> element.) Symbols can be dragged from the dialog onto the Inkscape canvas. Any document with symbols can serve as a source for a symbol library. Simply copy it to the symbols directory in your configuration directory (typically share/inkscape). If proper care is taken, symbols can be provided with default fill and stroke colors that later can be overridden by the user. Visio Stencil files (.vss) can also be used by dropping them in the same symbols directory. Results may not be as satisfactory as using SVG symbol libraries. See the Symbols Dialog Wiki page for more details. Text and Font ------------- • NEW: lists fonts used in the current document at the top • NEW: select all text objects with same font as current selection • NEW (to be verified): support list with fallback fonts (CSS2) Transform --------- • Rotation of objects clockwise or counterclockwise Markers ------- • Markers now take objects color Trace Bitmap ------------ • Trace bitmap preview updates live and is resizeable Live Path Effects ----------------- An object's Live Path Effects are now forked upon object duplication. PowerStroke ~~~~~~~~~~~ Here a list of the current state. Note that this is very much work in progress and anything can change. I think this is the most efficient place of keeping track how the powerstroke LPE works. • Stroke knots are purple diamonds • When first applied, 3 stroke knots are added: start, end, and somewhere in the middle along the path • Add nodes: Ctrl+click purple knot • Delete nodes: Ctrl+Alt+click purple knot • "sort points" reorders the stroke knots according to where they lie along the path (where they are closest to the path), instead of keeping them in original order. • Start and end caps can be specified. The SVG cap types are available, as well as an extra type, "Zero width", that is identical to adding a width control knot at the start/end of the path with zero width. • Join type can be specified. In addition to the SVG join types, there are two new types: - Extrapolated: this extrapolates the contour of the stroked path to obtain a more natural looking miter join. - Extrapolated arc: Mathematical explanation. - Spiro: rounds the join using a spiro curve (the rounded type rounds the curve using an elliptical arc). Clone Original ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Clone original LPE ignores the path data of the path it has been applied to; instead, it copies the original-d path data, i.e. the path data before LPE calculation, from the path linked to by the Linked path parameter. The Clone original LPE is made to be used in conjunction with powerstroke. Powerstroke creates a path with a variable stroke, but this path can then not be filled (because the fill is used as the stroke). To fill a powerstroked path, one must create a second path (dummy path), apply the Clone original LPE and link it to the powerstroked path. Because this second path clones the original path data before the Powerstroke LPE, it can be used to fill the powerstroked path. To quickly create a dummy path and apply this effect, one can select the path to 'clone' and click the menu item Edit ▶︎ Clone ▶︎ Clone original path (LPE). Like for normal clones, pressing Shift+D, when the selected path has the Clone original LPE applied, selects the path referred to by the LPE. Another very useful ability of the Clone original LPE is to create a clone with a different style than its referred path. To facilitate this, the LPE dialog will add the Clone original LPE when a clone is selected and the "+" button is pressed. Filters ------- The new Custom predefined filters allow users to create predefined filters with custom parameters. See SpecCustomPredefinedFilters. Trace Pixel Art (libdepixelize) --------------- A new library developed for Inkscape to automatically vectorize raster images specialized in Pixel Art was integrated in the form of the "Trace Pixel Art" dialog (menu item Path ▶︎ Trace Pixel Art...). Good and old general "Trace Bitmap" is still there. Check the supplementary material of the algorithm authors to see a preview of how the algorithm behaves. -------------------- Other User Interface -------------------- General ------- • Canvas background color can be set without exporting it (background transparency is only used for export but not the canvas). • Panning the canvas with the Space bar is now always turned on and doesn't require an additional mouse button press to grab the canvas: just press the Space bar and move the mouse pointer to pan the canvas. Guides ------ • Guides visibility can be toggled by clicking the ruler • Guides can now have labels, and the colour of individual guides can also be set by the user. To label or colour a guide, double click on the guideline to bring up the guide properties dialog. Menu/Access ----------- • The interface elements are accessible through the keyboard with ALT+key in many more dialogs • "Text and Font", "Fill and Stroke", and "Check Spelling" dialogs are added to the text object context menu (right click) • Menu items renamed: □ Edit ▶︎ Preferences □ Edit ▶︎ Input Devices □ File ▶︎ Cleanup Document • Checkboxes to indicated status of View ▶︎ Grid/Guides/Snap/Color Management • Group/Ungroup from the context menu Preferences ----------- • New keyboard shortcut editor • Prefs ▶︎ Interface -- New option for dockbar and switcher style (icons, text, icons & text) (bug #1098416) • Prefs ▶︎ Interface ▶︎ Windows -- optionally don't save & restore documents viewport (bug #928205) • Prefs ▶︎ Behavior ▶︎ Steps -- unit selector for steps (move, scale, inset/ outset) (bug #170293) • Prefs ▶︎ Behavior ▶︎ Steps -- option for relative snapping of guideline angles (rev 10307) • Prefs ▶︎ Behavior ▶︎ Clones -- optionally relink linked offsets on duplication (bug #686193) • Prefs ▶︎ Input/Output ▶︎ SVG output -- NEW: optionally enforce relative or absolute coordinates (bug #1002230) Dialogs ------- • Dialog status and position is remembered between sessions • Most dialogs now dockable (including "Object properties", "Object attributes", "Text and Font", "Check spelling", "Export PNG image", "XML editor", "Find/Replace", and "Tiled clones") • New preference to allow Windows users to choose between native and Gtk Open /Save dialog • Preferences dialog cleanup • Document Metadata dialog merged into Document Properties Simple calculations in spinboxes -------------------------------- In most spinboxes (a spinbox is an entry field with up and down "spinbuttons" next to it) you can now write simple calculations. Some examples: • 2 * 3 • 50 + 100, or • ((12 + 34) * (5 + 5) - 2) / 2 Moreover, you can use units in entering values, like 2 + 2 cm. The result will be converted to the selected unit for the particular entry. Configurable Control Handles ---------------------------- New preferences have been added to allow for the size of the on-canvas controls to be increased or decreased. The "Input Devices" section has been updated to control this. ------------ Translations ------------ • The Keyboard and mouse reference (inkscape-docs project) and the labels of color palettes are now translatable. • New UI translation in Latvian. • New tutorial translations in Galician and Greek. • New Keyboard and mouse reference translation in Belarusian. • New man pages in Chinese (zh_TW) Greek (el), Japanese (ja) and Slovak (sk), and updated French translation. [Galician (gl) and Polish (pl) in progress] • Man pages now use PO files for translation (inkscape-docs project). • The tutorial generation system now fully supports RTL languages. ------------------- File format support ------------------- • New Flash XML Graphics (FXG) export format. • New Synfig Animation Studio (SIF) export format. • New HTML5 Canvas export format • New Visio (VSD) import format, based on libvisio. • New internal CorelDraw (CDR) import format, based on libcdr. • XAML export improvements (including a new Silverlight compatible mode). • Compressed SVG and media export extension improvements. New options: □ set an image directory in the zip file □ add a text file that lists the fonts used in the SVG document. • New preference to allow users to always link, embed or ask when importing bitmaps. • New preferences that allow the checking of SVG on input and/or export for invalid or not useful elements, attributes, and properties. Options control whether such items generate warnings (when Inkscape is run from the command line) or in removing such items. • The --export-text-to-path option now works with Plain SVG export. EMF/WMF ------- EMF and WMF input and output filters have been completely rewritten and are now cross-platform. It is now possible to copy and paste EMF files between Windows applications running in Wine and a native Linux version of Inkscape. Gimp XCF -------- • The Save Background option allows users to choose if the page background is saved with each GIMP layer. • The exported layers now use the label attribute or, if not set, the id attribute • New Resolution option • New Help tab • Some bugs and warnings fixed PDF --- • Bleed/margin: Added an option to specify an extra margin by which the bounding box to be exported is expanded. This may be helpful to export a PDF with a small white margin around the drawing, or for exporting a bleed region a few mm outside the area of the page. PDF/EPS/PS + LaTeX ------------------ • Added the possibility of scaling the image. The calc package must be included in the preamble. Then the image can be scaled by defining \ svgscale instead of \svgwidth. • The font shape is now also exported. \textit{} for italic text, \textbf{} for bold text, and \textsl{} (slanted) for oblique text. It is important to note that Arial has an oblique font shape, not italic. Thus, the result in LaTeX will be slanted, instead of italic. It is better to use another font in Inkscape when you want true italics. ---------- Extensions ---------- Units: Breaking change ---------------------- Due to the implementation of proper document units, the functions inkex.unittouu and inkex.uutounit had to be modified and moved to the inkex.Effect class. Unit conversion calls should be replaced with inkex.Effect.unittouu and inkex.Effect.uutounit calls (usually self.unittouu and self.uutounit). See also: Notes On Units Handling in Extensions in 0.91 New --- • The new guillotine extension is used for exporting PNG slices from a drawing. The slice rectangles are defined by adding horizontal and vertical guides within the canvas boundary, the canvas boundary serves as the outside of the sliced area. • The new G-code tools extension converts paths to G-code (using circular interpolation), makes offset paths and engraves sharp corners using cone cutters. • New QR code generator. • New isometric grid generator. • New bitmap crop extension. • New Extract text extension. Outputs a document’s text elements in a chosen order. • New Merge text extension. • New HSL adjust extension. • New Replace font extension. • New N-Up layout extension. • New Voronoï diagram extension (creates Voronoï diagrams and Delaunay triangulations based on the selected objects' barycenter). • New Interpolate Attribute in a group extension. • New Typography extensions menu. • New Hershey Text extension. Improvements ------------ • Number nodes. New parameters allowing users to choose the starting dot number and the numbering step between two nodes. • Color Markers to Match Stroke extension improvements. The markers can now inherit the fill and stroke colors and alpha channels from the object, or be customized with color selectors in a separate tab. • Optional sliders added on float and int extension parameters (full and minimal modes). • Extension parameters values (except attributes!) can now be contextualized for translation (with msgctxt). • New sub-menus in the Render menu, grouping the bar-codes, grids and layout extensions. ----------- SVG Support ----------- Rendering of the following properties is now supported (without UI except via XML editor): • clip-rule • color-interpolation-filters: Non-Inkscape filters that specify linearRGB color interpolation will render properly. Filters created inside Inkscape will still use sRGB color interpolation by default. • text-decoration: Underline, strike-through, over line. • text-decoration-line, text-decoration-style: Preliminary support (CSS 3). • paint-order: Allows stroke to be painted under fill; useful for text. -------- Snapping -------- • The snapping preferences and the snap toolbar have been reworked (in the underlying code and in the GUI) to should make the snapping preferences easier to understand, maintain, and find and fix any remaining snapping bugs • Inkscape now also snaps perpendicularly and tangentialy to paths, when creating paths in the pen tool, when dragging nodes, or when manipulating guides. Newly created guides (dragged off the ruler) will snap perpendicularly or tangentialy to any curve that is being snapped to. Two checkboxes have been added to the document properties dialog (on the snapping tab). Please note that snapping perpendicularly or tangetialy will not work in the selector tool when transforming an object or a selection of objects. • Intersections of paths and guides can now be snapped to too • Snapping has been implemented fully for transforming selections of multiple nodes in the node tool • Snapping to text anchors and baselines has been implemented properly • If one has chosen for only snapping the snap source closest to the mouse pointer, then the tab key can be used to cycle to the next closest snap source ----------------- Notable bug fixes ----------------- Notable bug fixes since last bug fix release (0.48.4) -------------------------------------------- • Images are no longer recompressed when embedding or exporting them. [3] • Relative image paths are no longer stored as absolute (regression introduced with 0.47). • Many rendering glitches were fixed. • The rendering of the stroke on transformed objects now matches the SVG specification. • Values entered in the numeric input boxes for the selector tool (X, Y, width, height) are much more accurately applied. • Inkscape launches faster due to new icon cache (on disk) and improved font loading. (Bug #488247) ------------ Known issues ------------ • On MS Windows when the desktop colordepth is set to 16-bit, Inkscape is unusable because of exploding memory usage. Please set the colordepth to 32-bit. • The Cairo library used in the new renderer does not implement downscaling, which causes large bitmaps to be pixelated on export. (bug #804162) The issue can be fixed by upgrading to Cairo 1.14.0. ( • On OS X, the conflict with X11/XQuartz's pasteboard syncing has not been solved yet: turning off "Update Pasteboard when CLIPBOARD changes" in X11 Preferences prevents that vector data copied or cut to the clipboard gets rasterized on paste. (bug #307005) • On OS X 10.9 or later, embedding bitmap images on import or paste from clipboard may crash Inkscape. (bug #1398521, #1410793) • On OS X 10.9 or later, turning off "Displays have separate spaces" in Mission Control helps when using X11 across multiple displays. (bug # 1244397) • The reworked Import Clip Art feature is not available with current OS X packages. (bug #943148) • On MS Windows, the icons for Preferences, Undo, Redo and Revert are missing. (bug #1269698) For information on prior releases, please see:

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Inkscape-osxmenu r12922 GTK3 (demo)

su_vInkscape-osxmenu r12922 GTK3 (demo)


Inkscape-osxmenu-r12922-1-gtk3-quartz-10.7-x86_64.dmg Experimental GTK3 build with OS X integration features (Gtk+/Quartz, global menubar, keyboard shortcuts, proxy icon), requires OS X 10.7.5 or later. *** WARNING *** This GTK3 build is NOT ready for use - it is mostly provided for the curious, and those willing to help with known issues. Inkscape has not migrated to GTK3 yet, and such builds (on Linux or any other platform) have to be considered as highly experimental (in addition to being based on unstable trunk) and should not be installed with the expectation of a fully functional application. Get the GTK2 build if you are interested in a somewhat useable build of Inkscape-osxmenu. *** NOTE *** This GTK3/Quartz-based Inkscape build uses the custom library 'gtk-mac-integration' for the global menubar feature. Based on comments like the following about the scope of this external library: «I will not add API to gtk-mac-integration. While it works with Gtk3, Gtk3 also offers more direct integration with the Mac menus which doesn't require gtk-mac-integration. That's the direction that project developers should be taking: Upgrading to Gtk3 with GMenuModel & GMenu from GIO.» it seems to me that using gtk-mac-integration with inkscape is kind of a "dead end" with regard to future development goals (migration to GTK3), and further developer efforts should be put into the GTK3 port of inkscape directly (AFAIU recent changes and deprecations in Glib and GTK3 are likely to require major refactoring of Inkscape's code anyway). ===== MD5 9e887bf4a26fb03dd092df88921ad797 SHA256 7039f27d68def2aa759aa69ac1190d24f6d328798c6933a6757f00ac63396220 ===== Source: ===== README.txt: OSX packages of Inkscape 0.91+devel+osxmenu, based on this branch: <> Requires OS X 10.7.5 or later. Use at your own risk ;) Known issues (r12922): - Canvas: redraw issues (GTK2), flickering (GTK3) Screen recordings: - Menubar: radio menu items in sub-menus are not updated on change (View -> Display mode, View -> Color Display mode) - Menubar: check menu items don't sync with keyboard shortcuts (same verb) (also affects Unity's global menubar, see bug #1136344) - Disabled dialogs: SVG Font Editor (crashes, see bug #1116468) - Usability: 'File > Open Recent' on the global menubar has no tooltips (missing info about full path name of hovered item) ... and very likely countless more. Mostly "fixed" (but it's a mess): clipboard handling on quit - bundled Python-based script extensions no longer prompt with stderr via GUI when processing clipboard content on application quit. - no tracebacks from failed UniConvertor attempts to convert clipboard content. - export to GIMP XCF, JessyInk ZIP, Synfig SIF disabled for clipboard content New in r12798: - Proxy icons in window title bar for easy access to file via Finder (contributed by Liam P. White; based on OS X port of Gedit 3.x) New in r12804: - About Inkscape, Preferences, Input Devices moved to application menu (contributed by Liam P. White) New in r12839: - experimental was merged into trunk: ° Internal resolution changed from 90dpi to 96dpi ° Templates: cleaned-up defaults, new procedural templates ° New drawing modes (pen, pencil): spirolive, bspline ° New LPEs: fillet/chamfer, roughen, simplify, show_handles, lattice2, perspective/envelope ° New (from ponyscape): Objects dialog, Selection sets ° New LPEs (from ponyscape): Attach path, Bounding Box, Ellipse by 5 pts, Fill between many, Fill between strokes, Join type, Taper stroke New in r12900: - support for experimental GTK3 app bundle added New in r12902: - new packages won't include custom theming options by default New in r12908: - update for mesh gradient definitions. For details please read Note: this code change breaks existing Inkscape SVG files with mesh gradients. The perl script attached to the message will update files to the new spec. Note: Latest packages - include patched cairo 1.14.2 to work around a regression with canvas text introduced in the Quartz backend of cairo 1.14.2. For details see - include freetype build with old freetype CFF engine driver enabled (workaround for bug #1396582) Debugging options (launch the app in the Terminal with the commands below): - launcher script: INK_DEBUG_LAUNCHER=true /Applications/ - inkscape via gdb INK_DEBUG=gdb /Applications/ - inkscape via lldb (Mavericks) INK_DEBUG=lldb /Applications/ - Use external loader/module cache files USE_EXTERNAL_LOADER_CACHES=true /Applications/ For questions or problems (related to packaging): <suv-sf at>

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Inkscape Portable 1.0 RC 1

Gord CaswellInkscape Portable 1.0 RC 1

Gord Caswell


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Inkscape 1.0alpha2-x64

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.0alpha2-x64

Marc Jeanmougin


Comment here...

Patrick Storzinkscape-1.0.2-2-x64.msi

Patrick Storz


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inkscape 0.47pre0

Martin Owensinkscape 0.47pre0

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.48.1 2 win32

Martin Owensinkscape 0.48.1 2 win32

Martin Owens


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InkscapePortable 0.48.1.paf

Martin OwensInkscapePortable 0.48.1.paf

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.91Pre4 1 Win64 Debug

Adib TarabenInkscape 0.91Pre4 1 Win64 Debug

Adib Taraben


Comment here...
Readme r12922

su_vReadme r12922



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inkscape 0.48.1 1 win32

Martin Owensinkscape 0.48.1 1 win32

Martin Owens


Comment here...
Inkscape 0.91Pre4

Adib TarabenInkscape 0.91Pre4

Adib Taraben


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inkscape 0.47pre3.tar

Martin Owensinkscape 0.47pre3.tar

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.48.2 1 SNOWLEOPARD

Martin OwensInkscape 0.48.2 1 SNOWLEOPARD

Martin Owens


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Martin OwensInkscape-0.48.1-1-LEOPARD+.dmg

Martin Owens

(universal) Mac package for ≥10.5 Leopard

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inkscape 0.42 1mdk.i586

Martin Owensinkscape 0.42 1mdk.i586

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.48.1 1

Martin OwensInkscape 0.48.1 1

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.39 suse91.3.i686

Martin Owensinkscape 0.39 suse91.3.i686

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.39.tar.bz2

Martin Owensinkscape 0.39.tar.bz2

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.45.1 1.win32

Martin OwensInkscape 0.45.1 1.win32

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.48.1 1 win32

Martin Owensinkscape 0.48.1 1 win32

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.48pre1 win32

Martin Owensinkscape 0.48pre1 win32

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.39 1.win32

Martin Owensinkscape 0.39 1.win32

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.48.1 1 win32 debug

Martin Owensinkscape 0.48.1 1 win32 debug

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.42 0

Martin OwensInkscape 0.42 0

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.92pre5 win32 exe

Adib TarabenInkscape 0.92pre5 win32 exe

Adib Taraben

Inkscape 0.92pre5, win32, exe installer MD5 ce6a68e403c9492e361b2f89a4aefadb

Comment here...
inkscape 0.44 0.i686

Martin Owensinkscape 0.44 0.i686

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.45.1.x86.package

Martin Owensinkscape 0.45.1.x86.package

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.39 1.slack.i386

Martin Owensinkscape 0.39 1.slack.i386

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.42.tar.gz

Martin Owensinkscape 0.42.tar.gz

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.38 powerpc

Martin Owensinkscape 0.38 powerpc

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.38.1.tar.gz

Martin Owensinkscape 0.38.1.tar.gz

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.38.1.tar

Martin Owensinkscape 0.38.1.tar

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.38.1 1.mdk91.i586

Martin Owensinkscape 0.38.1 1.mdk91.i586

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.91pre4 1 win32

Martin OwensInkscape 0.91pre4 1 win32

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.38.1 0.fdr.1.src

Martin Owensinkscape 0.38.1 0.fdr.1.src

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.38.1 0.rh9.1.i686

Martin Owensinkscape 0.38.1 0.rh9.1.i686

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.44 1.universal

Martin OwensInkscape 0.44 1.universal

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.48.2 1 win32

Martin OwensInkscape 0.48.2 1 win32

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.91pre4.tar

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre4.tar

Martin Owens


Comment here...
inkscape 0.38.1.tar.bz2

Martin Owensinkscape 0.38.1.tar.bz2

Martin Owens


Comment here...

Martin Owensinkscape

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.44.tar

Martin Owensinkscape 0.44.tar

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.44.tar.bz2

Martin Owensinkscape 0.44.tar.bz2

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.91pre3 2

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre3 2

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inkscape 0.44 0.src

Martin Owensinkscape 0.44 0.src

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.91pre3 1 win32

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre3 1 win32

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inkscape 0.91pre2

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre2

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inkscape 0.91pre3.tar.gz

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre3.tar.gz

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.44.tar.gz

Martin Owensinkscape 0.44.tar.gz

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.47pre2 1

Martin OwensInkscape 0.47pre2 1

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inkscape 0.91pre3.tar.bz2

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre3.tar.bz2

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.91pre0.win32

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre0.win32

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Inkscape 0.44 1.win32

Martin OwensInkscape 0.44 1.win32

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inkscape 0.44.x86

Martin Owensinkscape 0.44.x86

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 1.0rc1

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.0rc1

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 0.91Pre4 1

Adib TarabenInkscape 0.91Pre4 1

Adib Taraben


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inkscape 0.91pre1.tar

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre1.tar

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.91pre0 1

Martin OwensInkscape 0.91pre0 1

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inkscape 0.91pre4.tar

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre4.tar

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.91pre3 1

Martin OwensInkscape 0.91pre3 1

Martin Owens


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Martin OwensMIRRORS

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.91pre2 1

Martin OwensInkscape 0.91pre2 1

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.91pre2 x64

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre2 x64

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Inkscape 0.91pre1 1

Martin OwensInkscape 0.91pre1 1

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inkscape 0.91pre3 x64

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre3 x64

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inkscape 0.91pre2

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre2

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inkscape 0.45.1.tar.gz

Martin Owensinkscape 0.45.1.tar.gz

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inkscape 0.42.tar

Martin Owensinkscape 0.42.tar

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Inkscape 0.46 2.PANTHER.PPC

Martin OwensInkscape 0.46 2.PANTHER.PPC

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inkscape 0.41 1.src

Martin Owensinkscape 0.41 1.src

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inkscape 0.41.tar.gz

Martin Owensinkscape 0.41.tar.gz

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Inkscape 0.41 1.win32

Martin OwensInkscape 0.41 1.win32

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inkscape 0.41 2.x86

Martin Owensinkscape 0.41 2.x86

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inkscape 0.41.tar.bz2

Martin Owensinkscape 0.41.tar.bz2

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inkscape 0.91pre0.tar

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre0.tar

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inkscape 0.91pre0

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre0

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inkscape 2 win32

Martin Owensinkscape 2 win32

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inkscape 0.41.tar.bz2

Martin Owensinkscape 0.41.tar.bz2

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inkscape 0.46.tar.gz

Martin Owensinkscape 0.46.tar.gz

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inkscape 0.91pre0

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre0

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.42.2 0.src

Martin Owensinkscape 0.42.2 0.src

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.44.1 1.INTEL

Martin OwensInkscape 0.44.1 1.INTEL

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.44.1 1.UNIVERSAL

Martin OwensInkscape 0.44.1 1.UNIVERSAL

Martin Owens


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Martin Owensinkscape

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.47pre0 1.win32

Martin OwensInkscape 0.47pre0 1.win32

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.41.tar.gz

Martin Owensinkscape 0.41.tar.gz

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inkscape 0.41 3.x86

Martin Owensinkscape 0.41 3.x86

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inkscape 0.40 1.static.i386

Martin Owensinkscape 0.40 1.static.i386

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Inkscape 0.44.1 1.win32

Martin OwensInkscape 0.44.1 1.win32

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.40.tar.bz2

Martin Owensinkscape 0.40.tar.bz2

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inkscape 0.40.tar

Martin Owensinkscape 0.40.tar

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inkscape 0.40 1.src

Martin Owensinkscape 0.40 1.src

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.47pre0 1.win32

Martin OwensInkscape 0.47pre0 1.win32

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.91pre3 1 win64 debug

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre3 1 win64 debug

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.40.tar.gz

Martin Owensinkscape 0.40.tar.gz

Martin Owens


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InkscapePortable 0.47.paf

Martin OwensInkscapePortable 0.47.paf

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.47 3 win32 debug

Martin OwensInkscape 0.47 3 win32 debug

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.47pre4 1

Martin OwensInkscape 0.47pre4 1

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.48pre0.tar

Martin Owensinkscape 0.48pre0.tar

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.37 powerpc

Martin Owensinkscape 0.37 powerpc

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.43 0.static.i386

Martin Owensinkscape 0.43 0.static.i386

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inkscape 0.43.tar

Martin Owensinkscape 0.43.tar

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inkscape 0.43.tar.bz2

Martin Owensinkscape 0.43.tar.bz2

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inkscape 0.48pre0.tar

Martin Owensinkscape 0.48pre0.tar

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.37 1.rh90.i386

Martin Owensinkscape 0.37 1.rh90.i386

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.37 0.fdr.7.1.src

Martin Owensinkscape 0.37 0.fdr.7.1.src

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.40 1.static.i686

Martin Owensinkscape 0.40 1.static.i686

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.43 2.win32

Martin OwensInkscape 0.43 2.win32

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.43.x86

Martin Owensinkscape 0.43.x86

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.43 1mdk.i586

Martin Owensinkscape 0.43 1mdk.i586

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inkscape 0.43 0.static.i686

Martin Owensinkscape 0.43 0.static.i686

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inkscape 0.48pre0

Martin Owensinkscape 0.48pre0

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inkscape 0.37.tar.gz

Martin Owensinkscape 0.37.tar.gz

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inkscape 0.37 1.rh90.i686

Martin Owensinkscape 0.37 1.rh90.i686

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.43 2.win32

Martin Owensinkscape 0.43 2.win32

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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-x86.msi

Patrick Storz


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Martin OwensREADME

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.42.x86

Martin Owensinkscape 0.42.x86

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.48.2 1 win32

Martin Owensinkscape 0.48.2 1 win32

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.91pre1.tar

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre1.tar

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.46 3.TIGER.UNIVERSAL

Martin OwensInkscape 0.46 3.TIGER.UNIVERSAL

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.91pre2

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre2

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.44.1 1.PPC

Martin OwensInkscape 0.44.1 1.PPC

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.46.win32

Martin OwensInkscape 0.46.win32

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.47 1.TIGER.PPC

Martin OwensInkscape 0.47 1.TIGER.PPC

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.39.tar

Martin Owensinkscape 0.39.tar

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.41 1.static.i386

Martin Owensinkscape 0.41 1.static.i386

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.41 2hjh.i586

Martin Owensinkscape 0.41 2hjh.i586

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.92.2pre0 Source Package

Bryce HarringtonInkscape 0.92.2pre0 Source Package

Bryce Harrington


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Inkscape 0.92Pre1 X64 R15110

Adib TarabenInkscape 0.92Pre1 X64 R15110

Adib Taraben

Inkscape 0.92pre1r15110 win64 installer msi md5 b56f23a6f77fbeab966aa2c1094a6a10 *./inkscape-0.92pre1-x64-r15110.msi

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InkscapePortable 0.48.paf

Martin OwensInkscapePortable 0.48.paf

Martin Owens


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0.91pre4 Source Tarball (gzip)

Bryce Harrington0.91pre4 Source Tarball (gzip)

Bryce Harrington

Inkscape 0.91 (not released yet - AnnouncePlanning091) Release highlights Released on «YYYY-MM-DD». • Cairo rendering for display and PNG export • OpenMP multithreading for all filters • C++ code conversion • Major improvements in the Text tool • Measure tool • Type design features [1],[2] • Symbol library and support for Visio stencils • Cross platform WMF and EMF import and export • Improved support for Corel DRAW documents, Visio importer • Support for real world document and page size units, e.g. millimeters • Numerous usability improvements • Native Windows 64-bit build • See Notable bug fixes Rendering and performance Inkscape 0.91 includes a new renderer based on the Cairo library. This work was done mainly during Google Summer of Code 2010 and 2011 projects. • Improved performance. The new renderer is significantly faster on most drawings. Renderings of the most complex objects are automatically cached to improve responsiveness during editing. • OpenMP multithreading for filters. Filters use all available processor cores for computation. This results in substantial speedups when editing drawings containing large filtered objects on multi-core systems. • Substantial memory savings. Inkscape now uses less memory when opening complex drawings, in some cases using only 25% of the memory used by Inkscape 0.48. Larger files can now be opened. • Responsiveness improvements. The rendering of the SVG drawing is now cached. This results in massive improvements in responsiveness of path highlights, object selection / deselection, and path editing in delayed update mode. • Rendering bug fixes. Most of the rendering glitches in our bug tracker are no longer present in Inkscape 0.91. The following things now render correctly: □ Pattern fills (no more gaps between tiles, regardless of transformation) □ Stroke of transformed objects in patterns □ Patterns containing clipped objects □ Nested clipping paths □ Masked and clipped objects with large masks / clipping paths in Outline view □ Paths with wide strokes and long miters □ Fonts Color display mode A grayscale display color mode has been added, that shows a preview of your drawing in grayscale. Shift+numpad5 toggles the color display mode between normal and grayscale. Tools Node tool The tool control bar for the Node Tool features a new dropdown to insert new nodes on the selected segments extreme values. For example, (as demonstrated in the image below) it is possible to add a new node at the highest point in a curve using Insert Node at Max Y Add nodes at max.gif Measurement tool The Measurement tool is a new feature for the artist to measure the elements in their drawing. To use the measurement tool, simply choose the tool, click anywhere on the drawing and drag the ruler out. The measurement tool will live-update with measurements of length and angles as you pass over objects in your drawing. Ruler.png Text tool • Text size default unit is now points (pt) and is customizable (px,pt,pc,mm,cm,in,em) • Text toolbar shows full list of font style variants for that font • Files with text in em units read correctly • Font substitution warning dialog Gradients • Gradient toolbar enhanced to select and modify gradient stops, invert, repeat, and link gradients • On-canvas gradient editing fixes: double clicking to create stops, correct focus on select • Gradients sortable by color, name and usage in Fill/Stroke • Gradients can be renamed in Fill/Stroke Dialogs, etc. Arrange (was rows and columns) - NEW: renamed to 'Arrange' - NEW: polar arrangement (separate tab) <http://> Align and Distribute • The new updated Inkscape features a new set of buttons in the Align and Distribute Dialog called Exchange position of selected objects. It adds the ability to exchange the positions of the objects that the artist has selected. □ In the following example, three objects were selected, and their positions were exchaged with each other (using this new feature) according to their selection order. Swap-objects.gif • □ There are also two other new buttons in the dialog that allow the artist to exchange the selected objects based on the stacking (z-index) order, or just exchange them clockwise based on the object's position on the page. • Keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+Alt+Keypad numbers) for align operations Document Properties Optionally disable antialiasing (bug #170356, interface partially implemented) Find/Select • It is now easier to select items which are not at the top of the Z-order: use Alt+mouse wheel scroll to cycle through all items that are stacked on top of each other at the location of the mouse pointer (use Shift+Alt+mouse wheel scroll to add to the existing selection). At present, groups are not honoured, i.e., only individual items within groups are considered. • New Find/Replace dialog can operate on text or any attribute • "Select Same" is a new feature that allows an artist to select objects that have the same properties as the currently selected object. For example, you could select an object that has a fill of blue. Then, using the new feature select all other objects in the drawing with a fill set to that same shade of blue. Selectsame.gif The new feature is a menu choice under Edit ▶︎ Select Same or as a Context menu if you right click on a selected object. Also there are other choices available to select same, including: matching both Fill and Stroke, matching just stroke, matching stroke style, or matching on object type. Fill and Stroke • The Gradient view in the fill and stroke dialog now displays a list of all the gradients in the document. The list displays the gradient, the gradient name, and number of uses of that gradient in the document. Gradient-fill-stroke.png • More compact Markers selectors Layers • Drag and drop to reorder layers and create sublayers • Show/Hide All layers options in context menu Symbols Inkscape has a new Symbols dialog. The dialog displays symbols from a symbol library. Inkscape 0.91 includes five example libraries: logic symbols, AIGA/DOT transportation symbols, map symbols, flow chart shapes and word balloons. The dialog will also create a pseudo-library of all existing symbols in the current Inkscape drawing. (A symbol is defined by an SVG <symbol> element.) Symbols can be dragged from the dialog onto the Inkscape canvas. Any document with symbols can serve as a source for a symbol library. Simply copy it to the symbols directory in your configuration directory (typically share/inkscape). If proper care is taken, symbols can be provided with default fill and stroke colors that later can be overridden by the user. Visio Stencil files (.vss) can also be used by dropping them in the same symbols directory. Results may not be as satisfactory as using SVG symbol libraries. See the Symbols Dialog Wiki page for more details. Text and Font • NEW: lists fonts used in the current document at the top • NEW: select all text objects with same font as current selection • NEW (to be verified): support list with fallback fonts (CSS2) Transform • Rotation of objects clockwise or counterclockwise Markers • Markers now take objects color Trace Bitmap • Trace bitmap preview updates live and is resizeable Live Path Effects An object's Live Path Effects are now forked upon object duplication. PowerStroke Here a list of the current state. Note that this is very much work in progress and anything can change. I think this is the most efficient place of keeping track how the powerstroke LPE works. • Stroke knots are purple diamonds • When first applied, 3 stroke knots are added: start, end, and somewhere in the middle along the path • Add nodes: Ctrl+click purple knot • Delete nodes: Ctrl+Alt+click purple knot • "sort points" reorders the stroke knots according to where they lie along the path (where they are closest to the path), instead of keeping them in original order. • Start and end caps can be specified. The SVG cap types are available, as well as an extra type, "Zero width", that is identical to adding a width control knot at the start/end of the path with zero width. • Join type can be specified. In addition to the SVG join types, there are two new types: □ Extrapolated: this extrapolates the contour of the stroked path to obtain a more natural looking miter join. □ Extrapolated arc: Mathematical explanation. □ Spiro: rounds the join using a spiro curve (the rounded type rounds the curve using an elliptical arc). example screenshot Clone Original The Clone original LPE ignores the path data of the path it has been applied to; instead, it copies the original-d path data, i.e. the path data before LPE calculation, from the path linked to by the Linked path parameter. The Clone original LPE is made to be used in conjunction with powerstroke. Powerstroke creates a path with a variable stroke, but this path can then not be filled (because the fill is used as the stroke). To fill a powerstroked path, one must create a second path (dummy path), apply the Clone original LPE and link it to the powerstroked path. Because this second path clones the original path data before the Powerstroke LPE, it can be used to fill the powerstroked path. To quickly create a dummy path and apply this effect, one can select the path to 'clone' and click the menu item Edit ▶︎ Clone ▶︎ Clone original path (LPE). Like for normal clones, pressing Shift+D, when the selected path has the Clone original LPE applied, selects the path referred to by the LPE. Another very useful ability of the Clone original LPE is to create a clone with a different style than its referred path. To facilitate this, the LPE dialog will add the Clone original LPE when a clone is selected and the "+" button is pressed. Filters The new Custom predefined filters allow users to create predefined filters with custom parameters. See SpecCustomPredefinedFilters. Trace Pixel Art (libdepixelize) A new library developed for Inkscape to automatically vectorize raster images specialized in Pixel Art was integrated in the form of the "Trace Pixel Art" dialog (menu item Path ▶︎ Trace Pixel Art...). Good and old general "Trace Bitmap" is still there. Check the supplementary material of the algorithm authors to see a preview of how the algorithm behaves. Other User Interface General • Canvas background color can be set without exporting it (background transparency is only used for export but not the canvas). • Panning the canvas with the Space bar is now always turned on and doesn't require an additional mouse button press to grab the canvas: just press the Space bar and move the mouse pointer to pan the canvas. Guides • Guides visibility can be toggled by clicking the ruler • Guides can now have labels, and the colour of individual guides can also be set by the user. To label or colour a guide, double click on the guideline to bring up the guide properties dialog. Labelled-guides.png Menu/Access • The interface elements are accessible through the keyboard with ALT+key in many more dialogs • "Text and Font", "Fill and Stroke", and "Check Spelling" dialogs are added to the text object context menu (right click) • Menu items renamed: □ Edit ▶︎ Preferences □ Edit ▶︎ Input Devices □ File ▶︎ Cleanup Document • Checkboxes to indicated status of View ▶︎ Grid/Guides/Snap/Color Management • Group/Ungroup from the context menu Preferences • New keyboard shortcut editor • Prefs ▶︎ Interface -- New option for dockbar and switcher style (icons, text, icons & text) (bug #1098416) • Prefs ▶︎ Interface ▶︎ Windows -- optionally don't save & restore documents viewport (bug #928205) • Prefs ▶︎ Behavior ▶︎ Steps -- unit selector for steps (move, scale, inset/ outset) (bug #170293) • Prefs ▶︎ Behavior ▶︎ Steps -- option for relative snapping of guideline angles (rev 10307) • Prefs ▶︎ Behavior ▶︎ Clones -- optionally relink linked offsets on duplication (bug #686193) • Prefs ▶︎ Input/Output ▶︎ SVG output -- NEW: optionally enforce relative or absolute coordinates (bug #1002230) Dialogs • Dialog status and position is remembered between sessions • Most dialogs now dockable (including "Object properties", "Object attributes", "Text and Font", "Check spelling", "Export PNG image", "XML editor", "Find/Replace", and "Tiled clones") • New preference to allow Windows users to choose between native and Gtk Open /Save dialog • Preferences dialog cleanup • Document Metadata dialog merged into Document Properties Simple calculations in spinboxes In most spinboxes (a spinbox is an entry field with up and down "spinbuttons" next to it) you can now write simple calculations. Some examples: • 2 * 3 • 50 + 100, or • ((12 + 34) * (5 + 5) - 2) / 2 Moreover, you can use units in entering values, like 2 + 2 cm. The result will be converted to the selected unit for the particular entry. Configurable Control Handles New preferences have been added to allow for the size of the on-canvas controls to be increased or decreased. The "Input Devices" section has been updated to control this. Translations • The Keyboard and mouse reference (inkscape-docs project) and the labels of color palettes are now translatable. • New UI translation in Latvian. • New tutorial translations in Galician and Greek. • New Keyboard and mouse reference translation in Belarusian. • New man pages in Chinese (zh_TW) Greek (el), Japanese (ja) and Slovak (sk), and updated French translation. [Galician (gl) and Polish (pl) in progress] • Man pages now use PO files for translation (inkscape-docs project). • The tutorial generation system now fully supports RTL languages. File format support • New Flash XML Graphics (FXG) export format. • New Synfig Animation Studio (SIF) export format. • New HTML5 Canvas export format • New Visio (VSD) import format, based on libvisio. • New internal CorelDraw (CDR) import format, based on libcdr. • XAML export improvements (including a new Silverlight compatible mode). • Compressed SVG and media export extension improvements. New options: □ set an image directory in the zip file □ add a text file that lists the fonts used in the SVG document. • New preference to allow users to always link, embed or ask when importing bitmaps. • New preferences that allow the checking of SVG on input and/or export for invalid or not useful elements, attributes, and properties. Options control whether such items generate warnings (when Inkscape is run from the command line) or in removing such items. • The --export-text-to-path option now works with Plain SVG export. EMF/WMF EMF and WMF input and output filters have been completely rewritten and are now cross-platform. It is now possible to copy and paste EMF files between Windows applications running in Wine and a native Linux version of Inkscape. Gimp XCF • The Save Background option allows users to choose if the page background is saved with each GIMP layer. • The exported layers now use the label attribute or, if not set, the id attribute • New Resolution option • New Help tab • Some bugs and warnings fixed PDF • Bleed/margin: Added an option to specify an extra margin by which the bounding box to be exported is expanded. This may be helpful to export a PDF with a small white margin around the drawing, or for exporting a bleed region a few mm outside the area of the page. PDF/EPS/PS + LaTeX • Added the possibility of scaling the image. The calc package must be included in the preamble. Then the image can be scaled by defining \ svgscale instead of \svgwidth. • The font shape is now also exported. \textit{} for italic text, \textbf{} for bold text, and \textsl{} (slanted) for oblique text. It is important to note that Arial has an oblique font shape, not italic. Thus, the result in LaTeX will be slanted, instead of italic. It is better to use another font in Inkscape when you want true italics. Extensions Units: Breaking change Due to the implementation of proper document units, the functions inkex.unittouu and inkex.uutounit had to be modified and moved to the inkex.Effect class. Unit conversion calls should be replaced with inkex.Effect.unittouu and inkex.Effect.uutounit calls (usually self.unittouu and self.uutounit). See also: Notes On Units Handling in Extensions in 0.91 New • The new guillotine extension is used for exporting PNG slices from a drawing. The slice rectangles are defined by adding horizontal and vertical guides within the canvas boundary, the canvas boundary serves as the outside of the sliced area. • The new G-code tools extension converts paths to G-code (using circular interpolation), makes offset paths and engraves sharp corners using cone cutters. • New QR code generator. • New isometric grid generator. • New bitmap crop extension. • New Extract text extension. Outputs a document’s text elements in a chosen order. • New Merge text extension. • New HSL adjust extension. • New Replace font extension. • New N-Up layout extension. • New Voronoï diagram extension (creates Voronoï diagrams and Delaunay triangulations based on the selected objects' barycenter). • New Interpolate Attribute in a group extension. • New Typography extensions menu. • New Hershey Text extension. Improvements • Number nodes. New parameters allowing users to choose the starting dot number and the numbering step between two nodes. • Color Markers to Match Stroke extension improvements. The markers can now inherit the fill and stroke colors and alpha channels from the object, or be customized with color selectors in a separate tab. • Optional sliders added on float and int extension parameters (full and minimal modes). • Extension parameters values (except attributes!) can now be contextualized for translation (with msgctxt). • New sub-menus in the Render menu, grouping the bar-codes, grids and layout extensions. SVG Support Rendering of the following properties is now supported (without UI except via XML editor): • clip-rule • color-interpolation-filters: Non-Inkscape filters that specify linearRGB color interpolation will render properly. Filters created inside Inkscape will still use sRGB color interpolation by default. • text-decoration: Underline, strike-through, over line. • text-decoration-line, text-decoration-style: Preliminary support (CSS 3). • paint-order: Allows stroke to be painted under fill; useful for text. Snapping • The snapping preferences and the snap toolbar have been reworked (in the underlying code and in the GUI) to should make the snapping preferences easier to understand, maintain, and find and fix any remaining snapping bugs • Inkscape now also snaps perpendicularly and tangentialy to paths, when creating paths in the pen tool, when dragging nodes, or when manipulating guides. Newly created guides (dragged off the ruler) will snap perpendicularly or tangentialy to any curve that is being snapped to. Two checkboxes have been added to the document properties dialog (on the snapping tab). Please note that snapping perpendicularly or tangetialy will not work in the selector tool when transforming an object or a selection of objects. • Intersections of paths and guides can now be snapped to too • Snapping has been implemented fully for transforming selections of multiple nodes in the node tool • Snapping to text anchors and baselines has been implemented properly • If one has chosen for only snapping the snap source closest to the mouse pointer, then the tab key can be used to cycle to the next closest snap source Notable bug fixes Notable bug fixes since last bug fix release (0.48.4): • Images are no longer recompressed when embedding or exporting them. [3] • Relative image paths are no longer stored as absolute (regression introduced with 0.47). • Many rendering glitches were fixed. • The rendering of the stroke on transformed objects now matches the SVG specification. • Values entered in the numeric input boxes for the selector tool (X, Y, width, height) are much more accurately applied. • Inkscape launches faster due to new icon cache (on disk) and improved font loading. (Bug #488247) Known issues • On MS Windows when the desktop colordepth is set to 16-bit, Inkscape is unusable because of exploding memory usage. Please set the colordepth to 32-bit. • The Cairo library used in the new renderer does not implement downscaling, which causes large bitmaps to be pixelated on export. [4] The issue can be fixed by upgrading to Cairo 1.14.0. [5] For information on prior releases, please see:

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Inkscape 0.91pre3 x11 10.7 x86 64

Martin OwensInkscape 0.91pre3 x11 10.7 x86 64

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 1.0beta2 source package

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.0beta2 source package

Marc Jeanmougin


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-rc-x64.exe

Patrick Storz


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Inkscape 0.48.1 2

Martin OwensInkscape 0.48.1 2

Martin Owens


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Martin OwensNEWS

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.47pre4 1.win32.dbg

Martin OwensInkscape 0.47pre4 1.win32.dbg

Martin Owens


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-rc-x86.7z

Patrick Storz


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Inkscape 0.47 pre0 1.LEOPARD

Martin OwensInkscape 0.47 pre0 1.LEOPARD

Martin Owens


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InkscapePortable 0.48.4 1.paf

Martin OwensInkscapePortable 0.48.4 1.paf

Martin Owens


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-rc-x86.msi

Patrick Storz


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Inkscape 0.42 1.win32

Martin OwensInkscape 0.42 1.win32

Martin Owens


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inkscape 2 win32 debug

Martin Owensinkscape 2 win32 debug

Martin Owens


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-rc-x64.msi

Patrick Storz


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inkscape debuginfo 0.40 0.fdr.3.i386

Martin Owensinkscape debuginfo 0.40 0.fdr.3.i386

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.91

Adib TarabenInkscape 0.91

Adib Taraben

Inkscape 0.91 win32 installer msi

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inkscape 0.91pre4 x64

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre4 x64

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.91pre3

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre3

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.46.win32.debug

Martin Owensinkscape 0.46.win32.debug

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.44.1 1.win32

Martin OwensInkscape 0.44.1 1.win32

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.40 0.fdr.3.src

Martin Owensinkscape 0.40 0.fdr.3.src

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.39 1.mdk91.i586

Martin Owensinkscape 0.39 1.mdk91.i586

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.39 i386

Martin Owensinkscape 0.39 i386

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.47pre3 1.win32.dbg

Martin OwensInkscape 0.47pre3 1.win32.dbg

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.39 1.src

Martin Owensinkscape 0.39 1.src

Martin Owens


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.0-x86.msi

Patrick Storz


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Patrick StorzInkscape-

Patrick Storz

Windows 7z archive of "Inkscape 0.92.0" (32-bit)

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Inkscape 1.0.1 tarball

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.0.1 tarball

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape 1.0.1 source tarball sha256: cf9295edf46a633caf3aac0562364a24aef7cd6294601365aca38aeead2d57c2

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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.0.1-x64.msi

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-0.92.2-x86.7z

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-0.92.5-x86.7z

Patrick Storz


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Inkscape 0.44 0.PPC

Martin OwensInkscape 0.44 0.PPC

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.48.0 1 win32

Martin OwensInkscape 0.48.0 1 win32

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.47pre1 1.win32

Martin OwensInkscape 0.47pre1 1.win32

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.40 CVS.i586.suse92

Martin Owensinkscape 0.40 CVS.i586.suse92

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.48.0 1

Martin OwensInkscape 0.48.0 1

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.44.1 1.win32

Martin OwensInkscape 0.44.1 1.win32

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.47pre2 1.win32

Martin OwensInkscape 0.47pre2 1.win32

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.48.1 2 win32

Martin Owensinkscape 0.48.1 2 win32

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 1.1 Alpha 2021 01 17 65d249f X86

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.1 Alpha 2021 01 17 65d249f X86

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 0.45.1 1.win32

Martin OwensInkscape 0.45.1 1.win32

Martin Owens


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inkscape 0.48.5 1 win32

Martin Owensinkscape 0.48.5 1 win32

Martin Owens


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Build info GTK3

su_vBuild info GTK3



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Patrick StorzInkscape-0.92.0-x64.7z

Patrick Storz

Windows 7z archive of "Inkscape 0.92.0" (64-bit)

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inkscape 0.42.2 1mdk.i586

Martin Owensinkscape 0.42.2 1mdk.i586

Martin Owens


Comment here...
0.91pre4 Source Tarball (zip)

Bryce Harrington0.91pre4 Source Tarball (zip)

Bryce Harrington

Inkscape 0.91 (not released yet - AnnouncePlanning091) Release highlights Released on «YYYY-MM-DD». • Cairo rendering for display and PNG export • OpenMP multithreading for all filters • C++ code conversion • Major improvements in the Text tool • Measure tool • Type design features [1],[2] • Symbol library and support for Visio stencils • Cross platform WMF and EMF import and export • Improved support for Corel DRAW documents, Visio importer • Support for real world document and page size units, e.g. millimeters • Numerous usability improvements • Native Windows 64-bit build • See Notable bug fixes Rendering and performance Inkscape 0.91 includes a new renderer based on the Cairo library. This work was done mainly during Google Summer of Code 2010 and 2011 projects. • Improved performance. The new renderer is significantly faster on most drawings. Renderings of the most complex objects are automatically cached to improve responsiveness during editing. • OpenMP multithreading for filters. Filters use all available processor cores for computation. This results in substantial speedups when editing drawings containing large filtered objects on multi-core systems. • Substantial memory savings. Inkscape now uses less memory when opening complex drawings, in some cases using only 25% of the memory used by Inkscape 0.48. Larger files can now be opened. • Responsiveness improvements. The rendering of the SVG drawing is now cached. This results in massive improvements in responsiveness of path highlights, object selection / deselection, and path editing in delayed update mode. • Rendering bug fixes. Most of the rendering glitches in our bug tracker are no longer present in Inkscape 0.91. The following things now render correctly: □ Pattern fills (no more gaps between tiles, regardless of transformation) □ Stroke of transformed objects in patterns □ Patterns containing clipped objects □ Nested clipping paths □ Masked and clipped objects with large masks / clipping paths in Outline view □ Paths with wide strokes and long miters □ Fonts Color display mode A grayscale display color mode has been added, that shows a preview of your drawing in grayscale. Shift+numpad5 toggles the color display mode between normal and grayscale. Tools Node tool The tool control bar for the Node Tool features a new dropdown to insert new nodes on the selected segments extreme values. For example, (as demonstrated in the image below) it is possible to add a new node at the highest point in a curve using Insert Node at Max Y Add nodes at max.gif Measurement tool The Measurement tool is a new feature for the artist to measure the elements in their drawing. To use the measurement tool, simply choose the tool, click anywhere on the drawing and drag the ruler out. The measurement tool will live-update with measurements of length and angles as you pass over objects in your drawing. Ruler.png Text tool • Text size default unit is now points (pt) and is customizable (px,pt,pc,mm,cm,in,em) • Text toolbar shows full list of font style variants for that font • Files with text in em units read correctly • Font substitution warning dialog Gradients • Gradient toolbar enhanced to select and modify gradient stops, invert, repeat, and link gradients • On-canvas gradient editing fixes: double clicking to create stops, correct focus on select • Gradients sortable by color, name and usage in Fill/Stroke • Gradients can be renamed in Fill/Stroke Dialogs, etc. Arrange (was rows and columns) - NEW: renamed to 'Arrange' - NEW: polar arrangement (separate tab) <http://> Align and Distribute • The new updated Inkscape features a new set of buttons in the Align and Distribute Dialog called Exchange position of selected objects. It adds the ability to exchange the positions of the objects that the artist has selected. □ In the following example, three objects were selected, and their positions were exchaged with each other (using this new feature) according to their selection order. Swap-objects.gif • □ There are also two other new buttons in the dialog that allow the artist to exchange the selected objects based on the stacking (z-index) order, or just exchange them clockwise based on the object's position on the page. • Keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+Alt+Keypad numbers) for align operations Document Properties Optionally disable antialiasing (bug #170356, interface partially implemented) Find/Select • It is now easier to select items which are not at the top of the Z-order: use Alt+mouse wheel scroll to cycle through all items that are stacked on top of each other at the location of the mouse pointer (use Shift+Alt+mouse wheel scroll to add to the existing selection). At present, groups are not honoured, i.e., only individual items within groups are considered. • New Find/Replace dialog can operate on text or any attribute • "Select Same" is a new feature that allows an artist to select objects that have the same properties as the currently selected object. For example, you could select an object that has a fill of blue. Then, using the new feature select all other objects in the drawing with a fill set to that same shade of blue. Selectsame.gif The new feature is a menu choice under Edit ▶︎ Select Same or as a Context menu if you right click on a selected object. Also there are other choices available to select same, including: matching both Fill and Stroke, matching just stroke, matching stroke style, or matching on object type. Fill and Stroke • The Gradient view in the fill and stroke dialog now displays a list of all the gradients in the document. The list displays the gradient, the gradient name, and number of uses of that gradient in the document. Gradient-fill-stroke.png • More compact Markers selectors Layers • Drag and drop to reorder layers and create sublayers • Show/Hide All layers options in context menu Symbols Inkscape has a new Symbols dialog. The dialog displays symbols from a symbol library. Inkscape 0.91 includes five example libraries: logic symbols, AIGA/DOT transportation symbols, map symbols, flow chart shapes and word balloons. The dialog will also create a pseudo-library of all existing symbols in the current Inkscape drawing. (A symbol is defined by an SVG <symbol> element.) Symbols can be dragged from the dialog onto the Inkscape canvas. Any document with symbols can serve as a source for a symbol library. Simply copy it to the symbols directory in your configuration directory (typically share/inkscape). If proper care is taken, symbols can be provided with default fill and stroke colors that later can be overridden by the user. Visio Stencil files (.vss) can also be used by dropping them in the same symbols directory. Results may not be as satisfactory as using SVG symbol libraries. See the Symbols Dialog Wiki page for more details. Text and Font • NEW: lists fonts used in the current document at the top • NEW: select all text objects with same font as current selection • NEW (to be verified): support list with fallback fonts (CSS2) Transform • Rotation of objects clockwise or counterclockwise Markers • Markers now take objects color Trace Bitmap • Trace bitmap preview updates live and is resizeable Live Path Effects An object's Live Path Effects are now forked upon object duplication. PowerStroke Here a list of the current state. Note that this is very much work in progress and anything can change. I think this is the most efficient place of keeping track how the powerstroke LPE works. • Stroke knots are purple diamonds • When first applied, 3 stroke knots are added: start, end, and somewhere in the middle along the path • Add nodes: Ctrl+click purple knot • Delete nodes: Ctrl+Alt+click purple knot • "sort points" reorders the stroke knots according to where they lie along the path (where they are closest to the path), instead of keeping them in original order. • Start and end caps can be specified. The SVG cap types are available, as well as an extra type, "Zero width", that is identical to adding a width control knot at the start/end of the path with zero width. • Join type can be specified. In addition to the SVG join types, there are two new types: □ Extrapolated: this extrapolates the contour of the stroked path to obtain a more natural looking miter join. □ Extrapolated arc: Mathematical explanation. □ Spiro: rounds the join using a spiro curve (the rounded type rounds the curve using an elliptical arc). example screenshot Clone Original The Clone original LPE ignores the path data of the path it has been applied to; instead, it copies the original-d path data, i.e. the path data before LPE calculation, from the path linked to by the Linked path parameter. The Clone original LPE is made to be used in conjunction with powerstroke. Powerstroke creates a path with a variable stroke, but this path can then not be filled (because the fill is used as the stroke). To fill a powerstroked path, one must create a second path (dummy path), apply the Clone original LPE and link it to the powerstroked path. Because this second path clones the original path data before the Powerstroke LPE, it can be used to fill the powerstroked path. To quickly create a dummy path and apply this effect, one can select the path to 'clone' and click the menu item Edit ▶︎ Clone ▶︎ Clone original path (LPE). Like for normal clones, pressing Shift+D, when the selected path has the Clone original LPE applied, selects the path referred to by the LPE. Another very useful ability of the Clone original LPE is to create a clone with a different style than its referred path. To facilitate this, the LPE dialog will add the Clone original LPE when a clone is selected and the "+" button is pressed. Filters The new Custom predefined filters allow users to create predefined filters with custom parameters. See SpecCustomPredefinedFilters. Trace Pixel Art (libdepixelize) A new library developed for Inkscape to automatically vectorize raster images specialized in Pixel Art was integrated in the form of the "Trace Pixel Art" dialog (menu item Path ▶︎ Trace Pixel Art...). Good and old general "Trace Bitmap" is still there. Check the supplementary material of the algorithm authors to see a preview of how the algorithm behaves. Other User Interface General • Canvas background color can be set without exporting it (background transparency is only used for export but not the canvas). • Panning the canvas with the Space bar is now always turned on and doesn't require an additional mouse button press to grab the canvas: just press the Space bar and move the mouse pointer to pan the canvas. Guides • Guides visibility can be toggled by clicking the ruler • Guides can now have labels, and the colour of individual guides can also be set by the user. To label or colour a guide, double click on the guideline to bring up the guide properties dialog. Labelled-guides.png Menu/Access • The interface elements are accessible through the keyboard with ALT+key in many more dialogs • "Text and Font", "Fill and Stroke", and "Check Spelling" dialogs are added to the text object context menu (right click) • Menu items renamed: □ Edit ▶︎ Preferences □ Edit ▶︎ Input Devices □ File ▶︎ Cleanup Document • Checkboxes to indicated status of View ▶︎ Grid/Guides/Snap/Color Management • Group/Ungroup from the context menu Preferences • New keyboard shortcut editor • Prefs ▶︎ Interface -- New option for dockbar and switcher style (icons, text, icons & text) (bug #1098416) • Prefs ▶︎ Interface ▶︎ Windows -- optionally don't save & restore documents viewport (bug #928205) • Prefs ▶︎ Behavior ▶︎ Steps -- unit selector for steps (move, scale, inset/ outset) (bug #170293) • Prefs ▶︎ Behavior ▶︎ Steps -- option for relative snapping of guideline angles (rev 10307) • Prefs ▶︎ Behavior ▶︎ Clones -- optionally relink linked offsets on duplication (bug #686193) • Prefs ▶︎ Input/Output ▶︎ SVG output -- NEW: optionally enforce relative or absolute coordinates (bug #1002230) Dialogs • Dialog status and position is remembered between sessions • Most dialogs now dockable (including "Object properties", "Object attributes", "Text and Font", "Check spelling", "Export PNG image", "XML editor", "Find/Replace", and "Tiled clones") • New preference to allow Windows users to choose between native and Gtk Open /Save dialog • Preferences dialog cleanup • Document Metadata dialog merged into Document Properties Simple calculations in spinboxes In most spinboxes (a spinbox is an entry field with up and down "spinbuttons" next to it) you can now write simple calculations. Some examples: • 2 * 3 • 50 + 100, or • ((12 + 34) * (5 + 5) - 2) / 2 Moreover, you can use units in entering values, like 2 + 2 cm. The result will be converted to the selected unit for the particular entry. Configurable Control Handles New preferences have been added to allow for the size of the on-canvas controls to be increased or decreased. The "Input Devices" section has been updated to control this. Translations • The Keyboard and mouse reference (inkscape-docs project) and the labels of color palettes are now translatable. • New UI translation in Latvian. • New tutorial translations in Galician and Greek. • New Keyboard and mouse reference translation in Belarusian. • New man pages in Chinese (zh_TW) Greek (el), Japanese (ja) and Slovak (sk), and updated French translation. [Galician (gl) and Polish (pl) in progress] • Man pages now use PO files for translation (inkscape-docs project). • The tutorial generation system now fully supports RTL languages. File format support • New Flash XML Graphics (FXG) export format. • New Synfig Animation Studio (SIF) export format. • New HTML5 Canvas export format • New Visio (VSD) import format, based on libvisio. • New internal CorelDraw (CDR) import format, based on libcdr. • XAML export improvements (including a new Silverlight compatible mode). • Compressed SVG and media export extension improvements. New options: □ set an image directory in the zip file □ add a text file that lists the fonts used in the SVG document. • New preference to allow users to always link, embed or ask when importing bitmaps. • New preferences that allow the checking of SVG on input and/or export for invalid or not useful elements, attributes, and properties. Options control whether such items generate warnings (when Inkscape is run from the command line) or in removing such items. • The --export-text-to-path option now works with Plain SVG export. EMF/WMF EMF and WMF input and output filters have been completely rewritten and are now cross-platform. It is now possible to copy and paste EMF files between Windows applications running in Wine and a native Linux version of Inkscape. Gimp XCF • The Save Background option allows users to choose if the page background is saved with each GIMP layer. • The exported layers now use the label attribute or, if not set, the id attribute • New Resolution option • New Help tab • Some bugs and warnings fixed PDF • Bleed/margin: Added an option to specify an extra margin by which the bounding box to be exported is expanded. This may be helpful to export a PDF with a small white margin around the drawing, or for exporting a bleed region a few mm outside the area of the page. PDF/EPS/PS + LaTeX • Added the possibility of scaling the image. The calc package must be included in the preamble. Then the image can be scaled by defining \ svgscale instead of \svgwidth. • The font shape is now also exported. \textit{} for italic text, \textbf{} for bold text, and \textsl{} (slanted) for oblique text. It is important to note that Arial has an oblique font shape, not italic. Thus, the result in LaTeX will be slanted, instead of italic. It is better to use another font in Inkscape when you want true italics. Extensions Units: Breaking change Due to the implementation of proper document units, the functions inkex.unittouu and inkex.uutounit had to be modified and moved to the inkex.Effect class. Unit conversion calls should be replaced with inkex.Effect.unittouu and inkex.Effect.uutounit calls (usually self.unittouu and self.uutounit). See also: Notes On Units Handling in Extensions in 0.91 New • The new guillotine extension is used for exporting PNG slices from a drawing. The slice rectangles are defined by adding horizontal and vertical guides within the canvas boundary, the canvas boundary serves as the outside of the sliced area. • The new G-code tools extension converts paths to G-code (using circular interpolation), makes offset paths and engraves sharp corners using cone cutters. • New QR code generator. • New isometric grid generator. • New bitmap crop extension. • New Extract text extension. Outputs a document’s text elements in a chosen order. • New Merge text extension. • New HSL adjust extension. • New Replace font extension. • New N-Up layout extension. • New Voronoï diagram extension (creates Voronoï diagrams and Delaunay triangulations based on the selected objects' barycenter). • New Interpolate Attribute in a group extension. • New Typography extensions menu. • New Hershey Text extension. Improvements • Number nodes. New parameters allowing users to choose the starting dot number and the numbering step between two nodes. • Color Markers to Match Stroke extension improvements. The markers can now inherit the fill and stroke colors and alpha channels from the object, or be customized with color selectors in a separate tab. • Optional sliders added on float and int extension parameters (full and minimal modes). • Extension parameters values (except attributes!) can now be contextualized for translation (with msgctxt). • New sub-menus in the Render menu, grouping the bar-codes, grids and layout extensions. SVG Support Rendering of the following properties is now supported (without UI except via XML editor): • clip-rule • color-interpolation-filters: Non-Inkscape filters that specify linearRGB color interpolation will render properly. Filters created inside Inkscape will still use sRGB color interpolation by default. • text-decoration: Underline, strike-through, over line. • text-decoration-line, text-decoration-style: Preliminary support (CSS 3). • paint-order: Allows stroke to be painted under fill; useful for text. Snapping • The snapping preferences and the snap toolbar have been reworked (in the underlying code and in the GUI) to should make the snapping preferences easier to understand, maintain, and find and fix any remaining snapping bugs • Inkscape now also snaps perpendicularly and tangentialy to paths, when creating paths in the pen tool, when dragging nodes, or when manipulating guides. Newly created guides (dragged off the ruler) will snap perpendicularly or tangentialy to any curve that is being snapped to. Two checkboxes have been added to the document properties dialog (on the snapping tab). Please note that snapping perpendicularly or tangetialy will not work in the selector tool when transforming an object or a selection of objects. • Intersections of paths and guides can now be snapped to too • Snapping has been implemented fully for transforming selections of multiple nodes in the node tool • Snapping to text anchors and baselines has been implemented properly • If one has chosen for only snapping the snap source closest to the mouse pointer, then the tab key can be used to cycle to the next closest snap source Notable bug fixes Notable bug fixes since last bug fix release (0.48.4): • Images are no longer recompressed when embedding or exporting them. [3] • Relative image paths are no longer stored as absolute (regression introduced with 0.47). • Many rendering glitches were fixed. • The rendering of the stroke on transformed objects now matches the SVG specification. • Values entered in the numeric input boxes for the selector tool (X, Y, width, height) are much more accurately applied. • Inkscape launches faster due to new icon cache (on disk) and improved font loading. (Bug #488247) Known issues • On MS Windows when the desktop colordepth is set to 16-bit, Inkscape is unusable because of exploding memory usage. Please set the colordepth to 32-bit. • The Cairo library used in the new renderer does not implement downscaling, which causes large bitmaps to be pixelated on export. [4] The issue can be fixed by upgrading to Cairo 1.14.0. [5] For information on prior releases, please see:

Comment here...

Patrick Storzinkscape-0.92.4-x86.msi

Patrick Storz


Comment here...
inkscape 0.91pre3.tar

Martin Owensinkscape 0.91pre3.tar

Martin Owens


Comment here...
inkscape 0.41 1.static.i686

Martin Owensinkscape 0.41 1.static.i686

Martin Owens


Comment here...
Inkscape 0.91 1 Win32

Adib TarabenInkscape 0.91 1 Win32

Adib Taraben

Inkscape 0.91 win32 binary archive

Comment here...
Inkscape 1.0beta1 win64 7zip

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.0beta1 win64 7zip

Marc Jeanmougin


Comment here...
inkscape 0.41 2hjh.x86 64

Martin Owensinkscape 0.41 2hjh.x86 64

Martin Owens


Comment here...

Patrick Storzinkscape-1.0-x64.7z

Patrick Storz


Comment here...
Inkscape 0.92.1-3

Matthias VogelgesangInkscape 0.92.1-3

Matthias Vogelgesang

Flatpak for inkscape v0.92.1. --- Package version 3 fixes a problem* with opening PDFs. * See for details.

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Inkscape 0.92Pre1 1 R15110

Adib TarabenInkscape 0.92Pre1 1 R15110

Adib Taraben

Inkscape 0.92pre1r15110 win32 installer exe md5 fc71e3ce4027293f6258415baa8df1e9 *./Inkscape-0.92pre1-1-r15110.exe

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inkscape 0.38.1 suse90.1.i686

Martin Owensinkscape 0.38.1 suse90.1.i686

Martin Owens


Comment here...

Martin Owensinkscape

Martin Owens


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Inkscape 0.42 1.win32

Martin OwensInkscape 0.42 1.win32

Martin Owens


Comment here...