Ink/Stitch Embroidery Extension

KaalleenInk/Stitch Embroidery Extension


Inkscape extension for generating embroidery stitch files. Usage: Select objects that you want to apply embroidery properties and using the extension, set the parameters for the desired object(s). Once all desired objects have embroidery properties, use the extension to generate the necessary stitch file. A variety of raw stitch files are supported. Note: Follow the link to the Ink/Stitch website. There you can find download links, installation instructions and in depth-documentation.

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Rania AminaInkporter

Rania Amina

An extension that will help you to export your object in your SVG file to several formats (SVG, JPG, PDF, Multiple PDF Page, WEBP, and EPS) by its ID. If you're a book creator, icon designer, seller in a marketplace, web designer, this extension will help you with your task. This extension is also available as a CLI version ( How does Inkporter work? The simple explanation is that Inkporter will read ID patterns (i.e icon-1, icon-2, icon-3, etc) that you've set and then export them to the file format you need. Inkporter allows you to feel like you're working with artboard-like or multiple pages in Inkscape. How do you use Inkporter? Just copy and paste the Inkporter directory, inkporter.inx and to the Inkscape extension directory. If the installation is correct, you will find Inkporter menu in Extensions -> Export -> Inkporter. For a complete guide and the dependencies needed, please refer to the file. If you need better performance of this tool, we provide Citramanik ( the next generation of Inkporter. --- Reviewed by Martin Owens on May 12 2021 4:55 PM pytest coverage: 0% pylint score: 5.75/10 Tested on Inkscape 1.1, packaging issues. --- Curated by Martin Owens on May 25 2021 1:37 PM --- Curated by Martin Owens on May 25 2021 2:41 PM

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Scientific Inkscape

burghoffScientific Inkscape


A set of extensions for efficiently importing, editing, and resizing scientific figures. 1. Scale Plots: Changes the size or aspect ratio of a plot without modifying its text and ticks. Especially useful for assembling multi-panel figures. 2. Flattener: A utility that eliminates much of the structure generated by common plot generation programs and PDF imports. For most imported plots, this should be the first thing you run. 3. Homogenizer: Sets uniform fonts, font sizes, and stroke widths in a selection. 4. Auto-Exporter: Automatically exports SVG files in a directory and keeps them updated. 5. Gallery Viewer: Provides a way to view and edit the SVG contents of files or folders. 6. Text Ghoster: Adds a semi-transparent background to text so that it can be overlaid with data. 7. Combine by Color: An extension that fuses paths of the same color and style together into a single path. 8. Favorite Markers: Lets you designate certain markers as favorites so that they can be conveniently accessed. --- Curated by Martin Owens on April 22 2022 9:10 AM

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Line Animator (draw by invisible hand)

Maren HachmannLine Animator (draw by invisible hand)

Maren Hachmann

Create simple, line-drawing animations for the web from selected paths. When you look at the file that you've applied the extension to using a web browser, it will look as if someone were drawing the paths with an invisible pen. Notes: * Find the extension as `Extensions > Animation > Line Animator` * **Only path objects** can be used for this. * **No path effects** should be applied to the paths (something may happen, but perhaps not what you expect). * The paths must have **a visible stroke** (else you won't see anything happen). * The object **lowest in stacking order** will be drawn **first**, then the one above it etc. * Animation speed can be changed by using the same animation name and selecting the same objects, then setting a different duration. * If you are animating a path consisting of **multiple subpaths**, all of them will start to be animated **at the same time**, but the shorter ones will finish first. * If you want to **change the direction** in which a path is drawn, change the path direction in Inkscape (`Path > Reverse`). Examples -------- See Installation ------------ Drop the files `` and `line-animator.inx` into your user extensions directory. Learn where to find the directory in Inkscape: `Edit > Preferences > System > User extensions`. License ------- This software is licensed under the GPL v2.0 or higher. Note ---- Due to a bug in Inkscape (, Inkscape 1.3 instantly crashes when you open the Selectors and CSS dialog. So don't do that!

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RealScale (resize by line of known length)

Maren HachmannRealScale (resize by line of known length)

Maren Hachmann

Quickly resize (architectural) drawings by indicating a line and its length in real world units. Optionally scale the drawing with a specific scale factor and draw a scale rule. Version 1.2, Inkscape extension for Inkscape 1.2 and higher. Download most current version from here: Installation: Copy the files and realscale.inx into the directory indicated in Edit -> Preferences -> System: User extensions Usage: • Import an architectural drawing / floor plan / map /... into Inkscape or open a file containing one. Make sure it is a single object (group it, if necessary). • Draw a straight line that connects two points in that drawing of which you know the distance in real life (for example, if you know how long a wall of your house in the drawing is, draw the line from one end of the wall to the other). • Select the line, then add the drawing to the selection. • Open the extension dialog: Extensions -> Scaling -> RealScale... • Enter the length of the line you just drew, as it is in the real world (for example, if your house wall is 10.5 m long, enter 10.50. • Select the unit you used (for your 10.50 m house, select m; for your 10 cm cardboard box, select cm) • If you intend to print the drawing, and the original object is bigger than the sheet, consider using a scale factor. • To do so, first select if you want to use a metric scale factor (based on mulitples of 5) or an imperial one (based on multiples of 2) or if you would like to enter your own scale factor. • Then, in the corresponding dropdown, or in the number entry field, select or enter the scale you would like to use. The dropdowns only offer scale factors for downscaling. In the 'Custom' field, however, you can also enter values smaller than 1 to upscale a drawing. • If you would like the scale rule to be drawn on the page, check the option 'Generate Scale Rule'. • Now choose the number of units the scale rule will comprise. Those will be doubled in the generated scale rule - e.g. it will show 10 cm to the left of the scale rule center (labelled 0) and 10 cm to its right. • Apply!

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Output Pro

woutOutput Pro


With this extension you will be able to export your Inkscape documents into a variety of formats and colormodes. As it initial and main goal,Inkscape Output Pro export into the CMYK colormode, compatible with the press and graphic industry standards. It is possible to use specific ICC profiles, set other colormodes than RGB and CMYK, like Grayscale and Lab, set specific JPEG configurations, insert pre-press marks and even more.

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Maurizio AruSvg2ico

Maurizio Aru

Save a SVG image to Windows ICO format

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Apollonian Master

macbuseApollonian Master


Extension to make Apollonian gaskets. Tested Inkscape 0.91. An Apollonian gasket can be constructed as follows. Start with three circles C1, C2 and C3, each one of which is tangent to the other two (in the general construction, these three circles can be any size, as long as they have common tangents). Apollonius discovered that there are two other non-intersecting circles, C4 and C5, which have the property that they are tangent to all three of the original circles – these are called Apollonian circles. Adding the two Apollonian circles to the original three, we now have five circles. Take one of the two Apollonian circles – say C4. It is tangent to C1 and C2, so the triplet of circles C4, C1 and C2 has its own two Apollonian circles. We already know one of these – it is C3 – but the other is a new circle C6. In a similar way we can construct another new circle C7 that is tangent to C4, C2 and C3, and another circle C8 from C4, C3 and C1. This gives us 3 new circles. We can construct another three new circles from C5, giving six new circles altogether. Together with the circles C1 to C5, this gives a total of 11 circles. Continuing the construction stage by stage in this way ad infinituum one obtains a set of circles which is an Apollonian gasket. Source: Wikipedia

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Contour Scanner And Trimmer

Mario VoigtContour Scanner And Trimmer

Mario Voigt

This tool helps you to find nasty contours which might bug you and prevent your work from being ready for production. It will find open contours, closed contours and self-intersecting contours. Self-intersecting contours can be closed or open contours so you can select this option additionally! Bentley-Ottmann algorithm is used to check for those intersections. The algorithm works with the accuracy of the selected paths (epsilons). Self-intersections usually happen if you just have large overlaps where the contour crosses itself like an 'eight' character for example. Using the highlighting it's easy to find contours with unproper path handles. While in a CAD system an area of of a surface can only be calculated if the contour is closed and clean, finding self intersections in InkScape is not required to do so. SVG format allows to calculate areas on open contours and self-twisted curves. This "artwork behaviour" makes it harder for handling machinery-like drawings for laser cutting, vinyl cutting or whatever. That's why we need to have extra sanity checks but we also have the great freedom of Inkscape. Finding self-intersecting contours does only work for curves with straight line segments (polylines) because it just calculates with a set of given XY points. It does not respect bezier curve segments. Bezier curves have no regular points but special handles, which define the slope of the curve per handle side (left and right). To properly handle a bezier curve we need to split the bezier curve in a lot of small linear segments (acting like infinitessimal solution). We can use the tool "Flatten Bezier to do this (will make your curve looking edgy or ugly possible). If you want to leave the shape of the line clean (bezier type, no edgy approximation) we can use Split Bezier (Subdivide) or Add Nodes instead. But remember that your calculated self-intersection points will only be an approximation then. The higher the subdivide count is the higher the precision of the calculated self-intersecting points coordinates will be.

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Conical box generator

thierry7100Conical box generator


This extension will generate a flex structure which could be used to build conical boxes, to be cut with a laser cutting machine.

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Color Label

christophfinkColor Label


adds text labels with the fill colour value of each selected feature

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Draw Ratchet

kie27Draw Ratchet


Ratchet maker. - creates a ratchet with variable number of teeth - variable inner and outer diameters and an inner hole if required notes: extension requires perl tested and working on linux should work on other platforms but not tested version 0.1

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NextGenerator (Replace & Export)

Maren HachmannNextGenerator (Replace & Export)

Maren Hachmann

Automatically replace values (text, attribute values) in an SVG file and export to various file formats. This extension is useful e.g. for generating images for name badges and other similar items, or for rotating object colors in a semi-automated way. Data must be given as a CSV (comma separated values) file. The extension is compatible with Inkscape starting from version 1.2 and requires Python 3. Visit for downloading the latest version, finding a set of examples, and some additional usage hints and to report bugs.

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Reginald WatersParabola

Reginald Waters

Parabola is an Inkscape extension that renders a series of lines in selected shapes to form an optical illusion of a curved line (Parabolic lines) Shapes available are: * Square * Cross * Triangle Output is an object made of a series of editable paths. See the github for documentation and example output: This extension was tested on: MacOS Big Sur running Inkscape version 1.0 Ubuntu Linux running Inkscape version 1.0.1 Windows 10 running Inkscape version 1.0.2 *Updated 2/28/2021* ============================================== Version 1.1.0 changes the border behavior. The border will now only be drawn along the edges of the corners selected to be rendered. Previously it would draw the entire shape border when the border option was selected. ==============================================

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Ids to text elements

whidevIds to text elements


A simple Inkscape extension that lets you extract attributes (like id) from all selected paths, and show them as <text> elements inside the paths. Useful for when you want to have all paths' id shown on the SVG document as <text> nodes. You can also use it for other path attributes, like `label`, `fill`, `stroke`, `width`, `height`. Available under the Extensions > Text submenu. Check the extension's repo on GitHub for examples. Options for styling and formatting the text: Font size in pixels Color (the fill color of the <text> elements) Font (should be installed on the system) Font Weight (should be supported by the selected font) Angle (controls the rotation of the generated <text> elements, in degrees) Options for further editing the extracted text (only used with id and label attributes): Text to replace (a simple replace function to remove characters you may not want from the text) Match Regular Expression (matches the extracted text of each path to a regular expression and uses the result on the path, e.g. if the id is `Province_055` and this field `\d+`, the text on the path will be just `055`) Capitalize (capitalize all text) Group paths with the generated text elements (if checked, also group the path with its text label) Note: only works on <path> elements. If you have a <circle>, <rectangle>, <text>, etc., first use Object > Object to Path to convert it. For Inkscape v0.92 and before, you should check the extension's repository on GitHub.

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Group to Layer

Rania AminaGroup to Layer

Rania Amina

This extension is owned by and as written in python file, everyone allowed to modify as long as comply with the provisions that have been determined. So, we modify this extension in order to make Group to Layer Extension can running well on Inkscape 1.0.

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TexText allows to add and re-edit LaTeX/ XeLaTeX/ LuaLaTeX/ typst generated SVG elements to your drawing. A fully functional LaTeX distribution and or typst installation must be installed on your system! Most recent version is TexText 1.10.1 from 2023-11-19. It is compatible with Inkscape 1.3.x. For Inkscape 1.2.x, 1.1.x, and 1.0. goto Extensive installation instructions and extension documentation can be found at For manual installation from this site: Download and place its content (i.e. the folder textext with all its files inside) into the Inkscape extension directory. Or load the zip-file via Inkscape's extension manager (experimental). Sourcecode and bug reports: This extension is a direct continuation of the discontinued TexText 0.4.4 developed by Pauli Virtanen (

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Andrew KurnChipscratches

Andrew Kurn

This extension creates visual noise of various kinds, using 3 ingredients, scratches, chips, and specks. Extensions -> Generate -> Noise -> ChipScratches The 3 ingredients go into 3 Inkscape groups. Where they are in the tree is controlled by the object selected at the time the extension is called. They become sisters of the selected object, under the same parent. If there is no selection, they go to the root level. In the text below, each * indicates a settable parameter in the pop-up box. The extension fills a rectangle, which defaults* to the page size, or is width* by height*. The overall size* and number* of marks is set. However, for each of the 3, a multiplier changes the size* and number*. To get the overall value, just set the multiplier to 1.0 Also, each of the 3 may be separately enabled* or disabled. For each ingredient, it is possible to set the size to grow* with y. For this case, it is possible to set the size to a negative multiplier, so that it, when growing, will pass through zero somewhere in the middle of the box. For scratches, it is possible to change their orientation from vertical to angular*, radiating from the center of the box. (If so, growth is measured from the center.) The initial angle* and the change with distance* are set. For chips and specks, there are similar controls, except the angular ones, which are omitted. Last, there is the option to use a density gradient*. In the simple case, the probability of making a mark is the same everywhere. With a gradient, it changes from 0 to 1 across the box from left to right. -- Some of the features above may be of little use, while some omitted ones might be important. This is a beta version, so I await user feedback. I notice that the extension might take 5 seconds to run. Is this important? A bit of clean-up might help this. Two features that might slow it down considerably are clusters and collisions. Collisions, if implemented, would keep any 2 marks from landing on top of each other. Slow, because each mark must search all the previous marks. Clusters is some method of putting new marks near old ones. I think this would be especially useful for specks, which could be clustered around the end of scratches. Right now, they're uniform, and so fade into the background. Again, feedback? Technical note: This file may also be used to generate the inx file. (The bundled inx file was generated this way.) Set the global /inxGen/ =1 and run the file stand-alone. - AK Sept 2018

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Rounder 0.4

Jabiertxo Arraiza CenozRounder 0.4

Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz

Menu "Objects->rounder" Round internal SVG data to a fixed decimal positions. Added options to also round stroke width X ,Y, Width and Height. Added options to round opacity. Fix some warnings. 0.4 Added option to round to 0.*5

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Andrew KurnClonesp

Andrew Kurn

This is an Inkscape extension that clones an object. It makes multiple clones that shrink toward a vanishing point, necessary for a perspective drawing.

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ImageJ Macro Panel and other Figure extensions

JeromeImageJ Macro Panel and other Figure extensions


A set of Inkscape extensions which uses third party software like ImageJ, R, PyMOL and Processing to generate figure panel images from source code taken from the current rectangle or image object. Installation: Unzip to 'User Extensions' folder. History: 2023-07-28: thanks to Tim-Oliver Buchholz, directly specify panel DPIs for R and Matplotlib 2023-06-16: add matplotlib panels; fix coordinates for panel and lane labels; assessed 1.3beta compatibility. 2022-04-08: upload version compatible with both 1.1 and 1.2beta 2021-07-12: fix file separators on windows for R, PyMOL, Processing; work around call returntype for inkscape 1.2 2021-05-24: fix file separators on windows

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Round Corners

Jürgen WeigertRound Corners

Jürgen Weigert

Apply a radius to sharp corners of a path. The extension is written for inkscape 1.0.1 (but also contains a backport for 0.92.4). Usage: The screenshot demonstrates the usage. In the upper half, a red path with 4 vertices is shown. We select two vertices: the top left and bottom left corner (shown in blue). Run "Rounded Corners" from "Extensions" -> "Modify Path". The result is the path below. (Viewed here in edit mode again to show all the new vertices.)

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SVG Stencil Export

mipmipSVG Stencil Export


SVG Stencil Export helps publishing stencils to About ---------------------------- SVG Stencils is a community driven stencil library. This video shows how it works: Extension Features ------------------ - Exports each layer as component svg-file - Choose which layers to export. - Automated file naming. - Optionally creates a stencil-meta.json - Optionally creates a front page index.html - Optionally creates a - Optionally creates a Github Pages Action configuration file - Optionally creates a Gitlab Pages CI configuration file HELP THE STENCIL LIBRARY GROW! ============================== Create and submit your own stencils. This extension helps you creating and publishing new stencils in minutes. Read the documentation here: Credits ------- The extension is based on Batch Export (

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Book Art

KaalleenBook Art


Create cut and fold book art patterns How To Use The Extension ======================== First import or create your design and scale it to the correct size. Open Extensions > Generate from Path > Book Art ... Set parameters as necessary, here the important ones: * number of pages (start page, end page) * book height * line distance for your convenience * font size * units Click on apply How to cut and fold your book ============================= Print the pattern and prepare your tools: * book and the printed pattern * pencil * ruler or triangle ruler * scissors Now draw two vertical lines on every page of the book: * cut line: to where you cut * fold line: to where you fold Use the pattern to mark the cut points. Cut horizontally from the mark to the cut line. Then fold. You can either fold the pattern to the inside or to the outside to achieve a different effect. Follow the link to see an illustration on how this is done.

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VCard QR Code generator

Сергей ВедерниковVCard QR Code generator

Сергей Ведерников

QR Code generator for VCard (a format standard for electronic business cards. A common use case it to place the code on a business card so the details are easily added by phone QR Code scanner software. ou can also Extract and put files from archive to your Incscape extension folder (C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions), restart (start) Inkscape and go to "Extensions->Render->Barcode->QR Code VCard..." Simply fill all needed fields, choose QR Card size (Auto, if you don't know), error correction level you need, select input codepage (your operational system codepage) and output codepage (usually, UTF-8) and press Apply button. You can check your QR Code by any QR Code scanner software by you smartphone. Enjoy!

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Place randomly

Philipp DoePlace randomly

Philipp Doe

Randomly place an object once or several times along a path. --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on May 20 2018 9:29 PM Added tags

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Inkscape extension to export SVG layers independently to PDFs

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Inkscape Travel Extension

Rich PangInkscape Travel Extension

Rich Pang

Copy, rotate, and resize a path or group of paths along a precise parametric trajectory. Tested on Mac OS X High Sierra and Ubuntu Linux (16.04 LTS), with Inkscape 0.91. --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on March 22 2018 12:26 AM: fixed version tag so it will be selectable directly from extensions tag list.

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Extension for drawing Origami diagrams. Helps drawing all Huzita-Hatori-Justin Axioms (1-7), find the Rabbit-Ear complementary crease and does angles and segments N-Sections. Fully internationalized : currently, English (native) and a French translation are available. Need Inkscape0.92 or later. Comes with easy install scripts for Linux (tested on Ubuntu and Mint, Fedora & Suse), Windows (tested on Windows 10 Family) and MacOS (tested on High Sierra with MacPorts Inkscape). Enjoy! New version released on 02/01/2020, version 0.70

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Imaseq Helper

CrobenImaseq Helper


WHAT IS IMASEQ HELPER? Imaseq Helper is a free and open-source extension for Inkscape 1.0, released under the GPL version 3 license. This extension allows you to export PNG images by visibility or layers. You can also choose to make the extension duplicate a layer base on a setting, which is a common task when making a frame by frame animation. FEATURES • Export PNG image(s) to a fixed directory. • Export images using the layer name as a file name. • Batch export of rectangles or layers with incremented naming option. • Duplicate layers with incremented name and opacity of your choice. VIDEO HOW IT WORKS? To make the extension work, you will have to create a layer that has a “rectangle object” in it. And it has to be a rectangle object, not a circle or rectangle path. This rectangle object will serve as a selection export area. Everything visible within the bounds of the rectangle will be exported as a PNG image. INSTALLATION 1. You must have Inkscape 1.0 installed. 2. Close Inkscape if it is open. 3. Copy or move the imaseq_helper.inx and into Inkscape extension folder. • On Mac and Linux it is in ~/.config/inkscape/extensions. • On Windows it is in C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\inkscape\extensions. 4. Launch Inkscape. If you install it correctly, you should see “Imaseq Helper” on “Export” sub-menu under the “Extensions” menu. HOW TO USE? 1. Select an “Export Mode” • None – The extension will not export anything. • Visible – Everything visible within the rectangle object gets exported as a single PNG image. • All Layers – Every layer except for the bounds and sub-layers will get exported individually. 2. Set a “Bounds Layer” • Create a new layer, name it, then type the name on the input field. • Add a “rectangle object” and make sure it’s big enough and position it to capture the target view. 3. Give it a “File Name” • You can choose to input a file name or leave it blank to use the layer name. 4. Choose a “Directory” • Set a folder where exported images will be saved. 5. To “Overwrite” or not • If not checked existing file will not be overwritten unless the “Export Mode” is “All Layers” 6. Set image “DPI” • To determine the desired DPI select the “rectangle object,” open export window (Shift+Ctrl+E), go to the "Selection" tab, in the "Image size" section, you can see the DPI. • If you want to export using the dimensions of the rectangle object, you can set the DPI to a number lower than one like zero. 7. To “Duplicate Layer” or not • On the “Layer Settings” tab, you can set to duplicate the selected layer if the “Export Mode” is “Visible” or “None” 8. Set “Layer Opacity” • This slider will determine the opacity of the duplicated layer. FRIENDLY TIPS 1. Using “Multiple” Rectangle Objects • Will not guarantee correct file name order, because the rectangles may get exported randomly. In this case, consider moving the target images to its own layer and use “All Layers” as the export mode. 2. Setting Export Mode To “All Layers” • This mode produces temporary files equal to or more than the number of layers to be exported. Therefore, you are advised to clean these temporary at your convenience. • Setting a file name will not guarantee correct naming order, because layers may get exported randomly. So it is best to leave the file name blank and use the layer name instead. 3. Fixed Background For All Exports • If you have a background on a separate layer and want it to be visible on every export. You can make the background layer a child of the bounds layer. Just make sure you set the alpha or opacity of the rectangle object to zero. 4. Child Layers Are Not Exported Individually • If you have a group of layers, only the parent layer is exported. But if the child layers are visible, then they too will be captured on the exported image. 5. Export Using The Dimensions Of The Rectangle Object • If you set the DPI to zero, the dimension of the rectangle object will be used as the dimension of the image. But keep in mind that if the dimension in “pixels” is not a “whole number,” it will be rounded to the nearest one. Example 24.1 pixels will be 24 pixels, 99.5 pixels will be 100 pixels, etc. GITHUB PAGE

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Convert To Polylines

Mario VoigtConvert To Polylines

Mario Voigt

This extension takes the points of a path and make a straight polyline out of it. Nothing less, nothing more. You can do the same with default InkScape UI but it might be quicker to use in some use cases. This extension handles duplicate points on a path by removing them.

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Export Layers

Dmitry TExport Layers

Dmitry T

Inkscape extension to export SVG layers as standalone PDF, PNG, SVG or JPEG images. The exported images can progressively reveal content of an Inkscape document.

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Bingo Card Creator

KaalleenBingo Card Creator


Creates bingo cards with various parameters. Can be used with custom templates.

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Inkscape Export Hand Poses

lambevinInkscape Export Hand Poses


Inkscape v1.2.0+ plugin to export the hand poses corresponding to your SVG layers. This plugin was developed using Nikolai Shkurkin's plugin export-layers-combo ( as a base.

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Typst is a markdown-based typesetting system comparable to LaTeX but much easier to learn. This extension renders typst code to svg and inserts it into your Inkscape document. Notes: - This extension will be part of Inkscape by default, most likely starting with Inkscape 1.4. Until then you need to install it as described below. - This extension just inserts a formula into your document. If you need to edit your formulas try the TexText extension, which also supports typst: Installation instructions (2 possibilities): A) Installation via Inkscape's Extension Manager 1. Download the zip file 2. Launch Inkscape and open "Extensions" - "Manage Extensions..." 3. Select "Install Packages" and then click on the disk button 4. Select the downloaded zip file and close the extension manager. 5. Restart Inkscape. You will find the extension under "Extensions"- "Text" - "Typst Formula..." B) Manual installation 1. Download the zip file 2. Extract its content into Linux, Mac: ~/.config/inkscape/extensions Windows: C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions 3. Restart Inkscape. You will find the extension under "Extensions"- "Text" - "Typst Formula..."

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Guillotine Plus

BoottaGuillotine Plus


Improved basic Inkscape guillotine extension. Added: - DPI input to export window for Guillotine extension. To install extension extract content of download into the directory listed at Edit > Preferences > System: User extensions

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Localization / translation example extension

Nikki.SmithLocalization / translation example extension


For extension developers. This minimal extension pulls together some helpful documentation about adding localization to an extension, including where the translation files go and what gettext commands to use on both Windows and Linux.

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Andrew KurnStreaks

Andrew Kurn

Streaks is an extension to fill a rectangle with vertical lines to use as a texture. Quite a variety of textures is possible. Two examples: and

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Cut encoding for Shaper Origin

hosliCut encoding for Shaper Origin


The extension sets the line colors and fill colors based on Shaper Origin defaults. the manual cutting depth can also be set. In addition, the extension allows a check for closed paths. Die erweiterung setzt die Linienfarben und Füllfarben anhand der vorgabe von Shaper Origin. es kann auch die manuelle schnitt tiefe eingestellt werden. zusätzlich erlaubt die erweiterung einen check auf geschlossene Pfade.

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Export to LaserGRBL for laser cutting

Nikki.SmithExport to LaserGRBL for laser cutting


This free extension for Inkscape speeds up preparation of laser cutting jobs if you use LaserGRBL (included with most laser cutters). Pick your model of laser and material / thickness from pulldown lists, then export a complex job directly into LaserGRBL with one click. Use different coloured lines for each part of a job. eg, red lines to engrave in a single pass at 3000 mm/min @ 80% power, but blue lines cut in 3 passes at 300 mm/min @ 90% power. The emphasis is on it being very easy to use, with the bare minimum of settings. v1.10 14/Oct/2024

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Small inkscape extension tutorial list all layers,paths and node

costycncSmall inkscape extension tutorial list all layers,paths and node


This extension is util for who want to learn the base principle of python language and in special for who want create for first time or want to understand how request all paths or nodes for ulterior custom programming.

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Sibelius ViewBox

musikaiSibelius ViewBox


This is an extension for Inkscape 1.2 for correcting SVG-files that were exported by Sibelius via the graphic selection tool. These SVG are always the full page with 4 white rectangles that cover the unwanted area. The page size and viewbox isn't set correctly to show only the selected area. The extension will correct this and has the options to - remove the white cover boxes - remove all elements that are outside the page (most of it). #### Download: Click on the image above #### Video: #### Installation: On Windows extract the zip file into something like this path: C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions\ To find and open the correct folder you can also open Inkscape->Edit->Preferences->System->User Extensions->Open After installation and restart Inkscape you can run the extension in "Extensions"->Document->Sibelius Viewbox. #### (Optional) Usage as .bat-file to process multiple SVGs: As it is a python script it also can be used to batch process multiple files via command line. Put this line into a text-file, edit the paths (yourname) and save as SibeliusViewbox.bat: for %%a in (%*) do python.exe "C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions\SibeliusViewbox\" --remove_whiteboxes=True --remove_elements=True %%a > %%a_viewbox.svg An example .bat-file is included. Once created you can drag and drop multiple SVGs onto the SibeliusViewbox.bat-file and the script will generate the corrected SVGs. Note: If Inkscape is not installed in "C:\Program Files\" you must edit the Python script. #### (Optional) Add .bat-file to Send-to-Menu: You can add the .bat-file to the Windows Send-to-menu. Open Windows-Explorer and insert this into the address-bar: shell:sendto This opens the Send-to-folder. Copy the .bat-file into it. Now you can select all your SVGs, right click -> Send-to -> SibeliusViewbox.bat

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Quran ID

NesteroQuran ID


Extenssions untuk generate ayat al quran dengan terjemahan indonesia

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This is a small extension which generates an empty table within Inkscape.

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Dynamic GUI example extensions with GTK

Nikki.SmithDynamic GUI example extensions with GTK


For extension developers. Most extensions to Inkscape use an .inx file that describes a static user interface, then a Python script is run one time when the user clicks "Apply". To create a dynamic UI (that changes as the user clicks buttons, selects from dropdown menus, etc) you can build it in GTK using a Python script that runs immediately. Requires Inkscape v1.1 or newer. These short examples demonstrate a handful of functions in GTK+ 3.

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Exponential X-Axis

Jürgen WeigertExponential X-Axis

Jürgen Weigert

This Inkscape extension transforms an object along the x-axis. The bounding box remains unchanged. Points near the center of the object move to create the illusion of a curved surface. Points move left, if you choose an exponent > 1, and right if the exponent is < 1. An exponent of 1.0 does exactly nothing. This can be used in combination with the bend path effect to create a cone projection that retains aspect ratio. Idea from Simon Budig while preparing for the lampshade workshop.

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