I had the real depleasure in downloading a recent version of Inkscape to see a bug for the circle, about the size, the circle had 3px for the circumference, but it didn't appear at this size.
Worst, now I have circles with a "double circumference" when I use opacity for the surface. I re-use old version of Inkscape, without the story with the changing of the resolution I didn't remember, where there is not this bug, but when I copy my new circles in old file, the bug is still there.
I add pics to better understanding : with opacity, there is another circumference who is created around the circle, but I don't want it.
Please can you help me to correct that, cause I would like not to recreate the stuff I have done with the new version, before I see it was terrible...
This is not a bug really, but a deficiency in the SVG file format.
There have been plenty of suggestions to allow users to align the border to the outside or inside, but all have been rejected by the World Wide Web Consortium that controls the standard. They have decided that all borders shall sit at the center of the path.
So what you see on the inside is half of your border.
I had the real depleasure in downloading a recent version of Inkscape to see a bug for the circle, about the size, the circle had 3px for the circumference, but it didn't appear at this size.
Worst, now I have circles with a "double circumference" when I use opacity for the surface. I re-use old version of Inkscape, without the story with the changing of the resolution I didn't remember, where there is not this bug, but when I copy my new circles in old file, the bug is still there.
I add pics to better understanding : with opacity, there is another circumference who is created around the circle, but I don't want it.
Please can you help me to correct that, cause I would like not to recreate the stuff I have done with the new version, before I see it was terrible...
Thanks in advance
This is not a bug really, but a deficiency in the SVG file format.
There have been plenty of suggestions to allow users to align the border to the outside or inside, but all have been rejected by the World Wide Web Consortium that controls the standard. They have decided that all borders shall sit at the center of the path.
So what you see on the inside is half of your border.
I suggest exploring the Tutorials in Inkscape's Help menu, for better understanding of the basic tools.
Here is one solution, using the inverse clip.