Using Inkscape with Cutters/Plotters silhouette 4 inkscape extension
  1. #1
    stephen3 stephen3 @stephen3

    Hi all

    Just got myself a silhouette 4 cutter,   Im using;   

    Inkscape 1.4 (1:1.4+202410161351+e7c3feb100)

                          Compile  (Run)
        GLib version:     2.80.0
        GTK version:      3.24.41 (3.24.41)
        glibmm version:   2.66.7
        gtkmm version:    3.24.9
        libxml2 version:  2.9.14
        libxslt version:  1.1.39
        Cairo version:    1.18.0 (1.18.0)
        Pango version:    1.52.1 (1.52.1)
        HarfBuzz version: 8.3.0 (8.3.0)

        OS version:       Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS    

    and While the extension cuts.   no problem there.   I cant seem to line the cut with the print,   ( if I have an image I want to cut out )      Ive tried every combination reg marks , no reg marks.    Im using the mat that came with the machine

    Can someone steer me in the right direction?

    I primarily got the cutter to produce stencils   ( to which it is doing well )     but I would like to make stickers !


    Thanks in advance




  2. #2
    Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz @jabiertxof

    not work on appimages just for aniona came with shilluete. For your ISSUE I finaly stop using regmarks and do some marks in perimeter printed and lates with X-Y fit the tests till finnaly place all cuts well. When this happend I cut the rest of the work.

    My machine is old and usualy Y play with container group and perspective envelope LPE to perfect cut.

    Hope it helps you!

  3. #3
    Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz @jabiertxof

    Is tedious and make me lazy to start