Creates a polygon with a given side length. Should work for user units (mm, in) or pixels. Also creates arc circles with n-nodes Circles with less than 4 nodes will be corrected ! Appears under 'Extensions > Render > Polygon Side' 31.07.22 - Update to correct polygon orientation
csv fun Appears in Extensions>Text Inkscape Extension - ** Requires Inkscape 1.1+ ** Nothing exciting, just very basic csv importing Would recommend quoting all values in the export options of Excel or Libreoffice Calc.
Inkscape Extension, simple registration marks across objects. Possibly useful for bitmap scans or printing Inkscape 1.1+ Appears Under 'Extensions>Render>Simple Registration' 08.10.21 - Added correction for existing layer transforms. 09.10.21 - Text label toggle off
Objects To New Layer - An Inkscape Extension Inkscape 1.1 + ▶ Creates a new layer and copies or transfers the selected objects to that layer ▶ Appears in 'Extensions>Arrange' ▶ A shortcut can be used to org.inkscape.inklinea.objects_to_new_layer.noprefs ----------------------------- 10.02.22 ----------------------------- Some updates and corrections for preexisting layer transforms. ----------------------------- 06.10.22 ----------------------------- Added z-order pasting sequence support. This allows the objects currently selected to be pasted according to a sequence you choose. For example if you have 3 objects selected: Typing 1,1,1,2,2,3 would paste 3*object 1, 2*object 2 and 1*object 3 in that z-order.
Icon Export Some Simple Icon Exporting Appears under Extensions>Export>Icon Export ▶ Batch exporting of .ico and .png ▶ Choice of padding / stretching or not ▶ Inkscape 1.2+
Indexed Colour - a simple Euclidean colour distance setter Colours can be taken from ▶ Web safe SVG 1.1 palette ▶ .gpl - Gimp palette files ▶ First selected gradient ▶ All gradients contained in document ▶ Colours which appear in bitmap image (via PIL) ▶ Can create square sample swatches for the palette ▶ Euclidean colour distance can be weighted ▶ A bit slow for svgs with large object counts ▶ Does not recolour gradients ▶ Inkscape 1.1+
Simple Frame - Create frames around selected objects - Inkscape 1.1+ Appears Under Extensions>Render>Simple Frame ▶ User choice of margin units ▶ Style can be copied from last selected object ▶ Inkscape 1.1+
Clip Out Inkscape Extension to clip a background image by object outlines then export to multiple png. Supports: Exporting individual clipped objects ( normal and inverse ) Export master of all clipped objects ( normal and inverse ) Cropping to resulting image size, or exporting to background image size. Appears under Extensions>Export Requires Inkscape 1.1+ --> The image to be clipped must be the last selected. An easy way to do this, is select all then shift & left click the image twice to make it the last selected. It does require that you have saved our svg file at least once before using ( will not work on an unsaved svg ) ----- 10.03.22 - bug fix ----
A dbus based inkscape selection passback extension ** Appears Under - Extensions>Arrange>Selection Plus ** Gives a few extra selection options: - Xpath selection - Path lengths / node count / path area - Bounding box ( width / height / diagonal / area / width-height ratio / height-width ratio ) - Some selection order sorting for the above - Colour selection - ( limit / range / distance ) ---------------------- 25.03.23 - Correction for typo in combined paths detection 07.04.23 - Now updated to include a simple visual lasso tool (similar to that in photoshop or gimp). Appears under Extensions>Arrange>Ink Lasso ----------------------------------- 130524 - Should be fixed for Inkscape 1.3 now :)
Inklin - a collection of things I 'ave an inkling might be useful to someone. Requires Inkscape 1.1+ Extract the zip into your extension folder. Contains 3 files, inklin.inx, and (menu file) Appears in Extensions > Render > Inklin 080721 --------------------------- Currently just contains a polygon arc generator. Creates polygons with arcs as sides instead of straight lines.
Funshapes. Requires Inkscape 1.1+ Just a very simple extension to test if Gtk3 Gui works well for simple extensions. Gtk3 based preview window with slider. The extension appears under Extensions>Render>Fun Shapes
Quick Export - Quickly export Inkscape svg, plain svg, png, pdf and html5 canvas Inkscape 1.1+ This is not a replacement for saving or Inkscape autosave :) Appears at Extensions>Export ------------------------------------------------------ After setting the options in the main dialogue Assign a shortcut in Inkscape Edit>Preferences>Interface>Keyboard to: org.inkscape.inklinea.quick_export.noprefs For shortcut triggered quick export --- Not 100% sure where the PDF and HTML5 settings are pulled from, presume from last used save settings. ------------------------------------------------------ 21.01.23 - Added `text-to-path` options. Allows for all text objects to be exported as paths.
Spacey - An Inkscape Extension Inkscape 1.1+ ** Appears In Extensions Menu Under 'Arrange' ** Just drop the spacey folder into the Inkscape extensions folder. ( It is not necessary to put individual files in the extension folder root) ▶ Gradients across objects ▶ nth Child Colour ▶ csv Colour list import ( uses only the first column which can be css colour name or #hex value, or rgb(1,2,3) value ) (some samples are included) ▶ csv Horiztontal distribution of object ▶ Labelling of objects ( Numbers, Letters, Custom List) ▶ Can crash to the desktop during live preview sometimes - please be aware ▶ Works on simple objects - rectangle, circle, ellipse, path etc ▶ Does not work on clones, or groups. ▶ For repeated csv distribution, transforms must be applied see:
Ink Dbus ------------------------------------ 21.01.23 update to automatically detect the python path on windows so should work if you have installed Inkscape to non default folder. ------------------------------------ A test of the new dbus features of Inkscape 1.2.1+ This allows an Inkscape session to be controlled from a separate gui. It supports running basic macros. There are 3 branches of dbus actions: Application / Window / Document Choose an action - add a parameter if required, click run to activate the action. Double click the action to add to the macro list. The items in the macro list can be toggled on / off or deleted. The macro list supports drag reordering of items. You can set a number of repeats - for example you could simplify 72 times if you wanted to. For Ubuntu 20+ everything should work. For Windows 10+ The 'Window' branch of dbus does not work. I have raised an issue on Inkscape gitlab for this. Please note: It does help if you have some knowledge of how the command line works. Most of the Application dbus actions mirror the command line and its parameters. Some of the commands act as 'flags' which are set, for example if you set export-area-page to True, then it has to be set to False again before you can use export-area-drawing set to True. As a quirk export-area which takes dimensions, once used you cannot go back to export-area-page etc. for that session. This is a new feature of Inkscape - so be prepared for exciting things to happen unexpectedly.
Grey To MonoAlpha - An Inkscape Extension Inkscape 1.1 + ▶ Appears under Extensions>Colour ▶ Converts a Greyscale Image to Monochrome with variable Opacity. ▶ Threshold setting to avoid solid colour ▶ Can be applied to stroke / fill or both
Bitmap to Gradient - An Inkscape Extension Inkscape 1.1 + ▶ Creates a simple Linear or Radial Gradient from a bitmap file or existing embedded image ▶ Option to export gradient rgb colour list to .csv ▶ Appears in 'Extensions>Images ▶ Would recommend using this on a blank document and copy / pasting the resulting objects to the document you are working on. --- 07.03.22 --- Bug fix.
Page Watermark - Some simple Page Watermarking An Inkscape 1.2+ extension Appears under Extensions>Pages>Page Watermark ▶ Page Watermark - Some simple Page Watermarking> ▶ Watermarks can be clones or duplicates ▶ Might break with tricky transforms :)