Android O icon

Venceslas DuetAndroid O icon

Venceslas Duet

Base template of an android O icon

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3d Gamepad Icons

Abdullah3d Gamepad Icons



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Concept design art pack for Mypaint

Ramon MirandaConcept design art pack for Mypaint

Ramon Miranda

I use a lot inkscape to create this kind of presenting images. All was done with simple operations and in one layer. Nothing fancy or complicated. The idea was to create a simple Skeumorphism design to mimic traditional concept art style. You can download freely from mypaint program. Si lees español esta fue la noticia:

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Bonaventura Insta

bulevardiBonaventura Insta


Hi all! Just wanted to let you know my first Inkscape artwork is finished! Hopefully you like it It's a cover art for my latest song I've made. ( which you can find via ) Some feedback and tips are very very welcome, for when I make some new stuff later on! I'm really a fan of street signs and picto's and stuff like that. And Inkscape inspired me to create it like that. Only the marble in the letters is done via Gimp. I'm doing everything in Linux, also the music is done in Linux. I'm planning to create my next artworks with Inkscape too :) Hope you like it! Cheers! Dirk

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School Icons

David DiganSchool Icons

David Digan

School icons

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