Creates a tabbed box with kerf setting for tight fits. Or dimples for press fits. - set dimensions in various units, - width, depth, height, material thickness, - choose number of tabs for each dimension, - include corners or not, - kerf adjustable - if tight fit required, or - can use dimples for pressure fits for wood etc (rounds or triangles), or - can set zero kerf and use minimal material to create. In all cases - uses minimal lines to optimise for laser cutting. You will find it under the Render menu in Extensions. [Edit: fixed for Inkscape 1.0] --- Reviewed by Martin Owens on May 12 2021 2:48 PM pytest coverage: 0% pylint score: 2.85/10 tested in Inkscape 1.1 - 1.3
Rounded Corners Version 1.3 by Chris Hawley This effect is designed to round off the corners on shapes made with the pencil tool. It will round off corners made of straight edges, while ignoring bezier lines. Corners that are too short for the desired radius will also be ignored. It does not work on Inkscape objects like the rectangle or star - the user must convert objects to paths before using this extension. Installation and usage instructions are at Download the latest version on github:
Generate a 3D-printable OpenSCAD cookie cutter file out of an Inkscape document. To use this: 0. Unzip into your Inkscape extensions directory. 1. Convert all objects to paths. 2. Remove all object fill. 3. Make the outer outline be a simple polygon in red. 4. Any inner hollow areas should be bounded by simple polygons in green. 5. Inner lines (which will not go all the way down and hence won't cut the cookie, so they are good for inside detail features) can be black. 6. Connections that connect inner parts to the outside should be filled-in polygons. 7. File Save As... "OpenSCAD Cookie Cutter file" 8. Load into OpenSCAD, adjust parameters, generate STL, print.
With this extension you will be able to export your Inkscape documents into a variety of formats and colormodes. As it initial and main goal,Inkscape Output Pro export into the CMYK colormode, compatible with the press and graphic industry standards. It is possible to use specific ICC profiles, set other colormodes than RGB and CMYK, like Grayscale and Lab, set specific JPEG configurations, insert pre-press marks and even more.
Extension to make Apollonian gaskets. Tested Inkscape 0.91. An Apollonian gasket can be constructed as follows. Start with three circles C1, C2 and C3, each one of which is tangent to the other two (in the general construction, these three circles can be any size, as long as they have common tangents). Apollonius discovered that there are two other non-intersecting circles, C4 and C5, which have the property that they are tangent to all three of the original circles – these are called Apollonian circles. Adding the two Apollonian circles to the original three, we now have five circles. Take one of the two Apollonian circles – say C4. It is tangent to C1 and C2, so the triplet of circles C4, C1 and C2 has its own two Apollonian circles. We already know one of these – it is C3 – but the other is a new circle C6. In a similar way we can construct another new circle C7 that is tangent to C4, C2 and C3, and another circle C8 from C4, C3 and C1. This gives us 3 new circles. We can construct another three new circles from C5, giving six new circles altogether. Together with the circles C1 to C5, this gives a total of 11 circles. Continuing the construction stage by stage in this way ad infinituum one obtains a set of circles which is an Apollonian gasket. Source: Wikipedia
Adds transparency to the selected elements, while keeping the original color value. The color is calculated with respect to a background color, so that the element will have it's original color when overlaying the background. The background is white by default, but might be set to any other color. If the amount of transparency ist set to high, the rgb channels might exceed the possible value range of 0 -255. In this case, the highest possible transparency is applied. Alternatively, you can check the "force transparency" option, which will adjust the color to allow the desired transparency. The extension is available under extensions/color. It applies to stroke and fill and also works on gradients and elements, which already have an transparency set. Transparentify is available for inkscape v.1.x. --- Curated by Martin Owens on May 12 2022 3:39 PM
Inkscape extension to export SVG layers as (JPG, PNG) images. The exported images can be a combination of multiple layers. Please click on the external link for updates. Its the official repository on github.
Batch convert files with a windows bat file More Info:
this extension makes it possible to generate mazes using different algorithms it uses the maze module (in file if you want to add an algorithm, take inspiration from the 5 algorithms I've already coded, it shouldn't be too hard to add some compatible ones it is also possible to choose the thickness of the lines, the size of the squares and the size of the labyrinth (in number of squares). The result will be displayed in black, in a group containing all the paths. And you can then easily manipulate them for all questions, comments, bugs: this extension is under licence MIT @ Tiemen DUVILLARD 2020 EDIT : 27/05/2021 : New Version, with a new Algorithm 18/03/2024 : Solve bug with 1.3.2
Grab color from underlying bitmap and apply it to path objects. The color is averaged all over the path area. Erode parameter can be used to shrink or expand (using negative value) this area. If multiple bitmaps are selected, only one is considered. In version 2.0, you can also alter the scale each path object. see source code on
Inkscape extension that creates parametric origami patterns, while easily being able to select different kind of stroke styles for different types of folds/cuts. The emphasis is on making it as simple as possible to implement new patterns, and to either print it to fold by hand, lasercut it or test it on
An extension for Inkscape that will help you export your artwork easier: - Export each layer as a separate file. - Choose which layers to export. - Configure background layers. - Export based on layer hierarchy. - Automated file naming. - Supports multiple export file formats (SVG, PNG, PS, EPS, PDF, EMF, WMF, XAML). Please visit the Github repositoy for a more detailed usage description. [LAST-UPDATE]: 12-September-2021 - Fix: Possible crash when Inkscape throws lots of warnings on the export process.
This Inkscape extension lets you delete lines shorter than a given threshold. The extension was made to clean up heavy PDFs exported from SketchUp, but can probably be used in various other situations too. *Install* Copy the content in src/ into your Inkscape extension directory. The extension directory path can be found in Edit > Preferences > System inside of Inkscape. Tested in Inkscape 0.91 and 0.92 on Windows 7 and Windows 8
SVG Stencil Export helps publishing stencils to About ---------------------------- SVG Stencils is a community driven stencil library. This video shows how it works: Extension Features ------------------ - Exports each layer as component svg-file - Choose which layers to export. - Automated file naming. - Optionally creates a stencil-meta.json - Optionally creates a front page index.html - Optionally creates a - Optionally creates a Github Pages Action configuration file - Optionally creates a Gitlab Pages CI configuration file HELP THE STENCIL LIBRARY GROW! ============================== Create and submit your own stencils. This extension helps you creating and publishing new stencils in minutes. Read the documentation here: Credits ------- The extension is based on Batch Export (
QR Code generator for VCard (a format standard for electronic business cards. A common use case it to place the code on a business card so the details are easily added by phone QR Code scanner software. ou can also Extract and put files from archive to your Incscape extension folder (C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions), restart (start) Inkscape and go to "Extensions->Render->Barcode->QR Code VCard..." Simply fill all needed fields, choose QR Card size (Auto, if you don't know), error correction level you need, select input codepage (your operational system codepage) and output codepage (usually, UTF-8) and press Apply button. You can check your QR Code by any QR Code scanner software by you smartphone. Enjoy!
Video showing some of the new shapes in the python extension Shapes, more info and download in
An extension for Inkscape that export a drawing to a icon file
Zoetrope maker. - Prints disk of given diameter and number of images around the outside. - Also includes a pulse trigger ring to trigger a strobe. - Width and phase of the pulse can be defined. - Prints image references for paint programs. - Both distorted and undistorted - for use in a paint program to size/scale/distort the source inages to fit onto the Disk. Excellent Hardware to make a working Zoetrope can be found here: Works in Inkscape 1.0
Allows to add trivial <animate> tags to a SVG document. Embedded animations work for standalone SVG graphics. Some instructions are understood by the GIF interpolation in ★export_gif <> (which this was originally intended for). Usually requires selecting one object, invoking the module in Extension➜Animation➜Animate-Yo, and selecting one of the tabs to inject an <animate*> tag. The [move] option additionally requires a selected path (second argument) for transitioning the main object on. You can use Inkscapes´ XML editor (Ctrl+Shift+X) to expand the options (keyFrames also have partial support in export_gif now).
Generates a GIF slideshow from image layers ☰ (Shift+Ctrl+L). The menu option Extensions➔>Export➔GIF-slideshow… iterates over layers to generate animation slides. They get merged from bottom to top. Depending on shape overlap or layer transparency, there's different usage modes: 🞂 With a solid background in each layer, there's no accumulation to take care of. 🞂 Alternatively elect layers` can be labeled as [background] to stick, or [fixed] as permanent foreground, or [merge] for down-grouping. 🞂 If the -layers option is composite/coalesce/merge then all lower layers remain visible until the current frame. 🞂 Any [animate] layers get interpolated as is, layer transparency preserved. Requires ImageMagick installed; fit for standard Linux setups. But might work with convert.exe on Windows. And alternatively there's the builtin Pillow conversion method. The options mostly map to IM flags. 🞂 Without the PNG conversion step, SVG interpretation is up to Imagick, and will not render fancy font/path effects. Just for plain old SVGs. 🞂 The [PNG→Pillow] option works without ImageMagick, but often generates rougher GIFs, yet might produce smaller result files. 🞂 In [JavaScript] mode, no output file will be generated. It just adds a script for animating slides into the current document (web views). 🞂 A [fixed] layer label describes a permanent foreground (until overdrawn), but never constitues a frame. Whereas [background] layers only become active and permanent when its frame is reached. Additionally [merge] labels will enjoin partial layers to the preceding full slide. But also [exclude] to omit layers entirely. 🞂 There's also a rudimentary [animate=5] option to craft subframes from embedded <animate*> instructions. 🞂 Each layer label may also specify ImageMagick flags [--delay=2.5]. 🞂 The "default background color" is useful for otherwise transparent layers. Half-transparancy can be useful to gradually fade out lower frames (only seems to work in SVG/ImageMagick -displace mode). 🞂 Extra arguments are just a list of sample options, might not be particularly useful by themselves. Use the second input or [--flag=X] labels for more refined combinations. 🞂 Can't run two instances in parallel, due to fixed /tmp/inkscape… dir 🞂 It's also available as File > Save As... option (fewer options). 🞂 Tested on Inkscape 1.2 (2022-05-xx) and 1.3-dev (2022-09-xx) Might require some experimentation, and heavily utilizing the preview option. Potential error popups become informative at the very end. Code is derived from Xavi's "Export Layers Redux For Inkscape 1.1+". <> ZIP contains the `pmd2inks` command-line tool to ease extending the options dialog (using the <> format). While the DEB package bundles the new animate_yo extension. v1.0 · more animation support, redesigned dialog v0.9 · add [merge] grouping, preliminary animation support v0.8 · support per frame [--options=xyz] and [exclude] v0.7 · introduce combined modes · JavaScript embed option v0.6 · support file→save-as invocation v0.5 · revamped layer combination handling v0.4 · support SVG export by removing nodes v0.3 · introduced more imagemagick options v0.2 · migrated to plugin meta data · more robust file handling v0.1 · prototype
This extension allows to delete with a certain probability each of the selected objects. Edit 18/03/2024 : Solve bug with 1.3.2
# Inkscape Artist Signature An extension for Inkscape artists to put their name in their art >About This project is pretty new and for sure it's not perfect and has some issues, but I hope to make it better and for it to actually be useful one day. >Features For now, you can: - Choose your artist name - Choose text size - Choose text font - Select an image and choose where you want to put it on your image(there are options for each corner and the center) - Pick the color you want your signature to be in - Choose a social media preset that formats your name as this social media's username style >How to use ? 1. Download the zip file / clone the repository 2. Extract the zip 3. Put the two artist_signature files(the .inx and .py ones) in your inkscape extensions directory 4. Open Inkscape and you'll find the extension in >extension/artist 5. Select your image/drawing 6. Put your artist name, choose text size, text font and text placement. Change text color and social media too if you want! 7. Click apply. Done! You have your signature!
Inkscape extension to export SVG layers as standalone PDF, PNG, SVG or JPEG images. The exported images can progressively reveal content of an Inkscape document.
This extension adds the option to save to an OpenSCAD or STL file by inflating the filled paths (convert all objects to paths before using) in your object. There are a number of parameters controlling the inflation. The inflation height at a given point x is calculated as proportional to the L^p norm of the exit time of a random walk started at x (with some edge corrections, and with an optional exponential kill-time to flatten tops if desired). There is also included an svg2scad extension that extracts paths to OpenSCAD point lists, ribbons or polygons. It also tries to handle nested holes. The official home of the project is
Inkscape v1.2.0+ plugin to export the hand poses corresponding to your SVG layers. This plugin was developed using Nikolai Shkurkin's plugin export-layers-combo ( as a base.
Eurorack Panel Designer Enables the design of front panels for Eurorack format typically used in audio equipment. Can be used for laser cutting or for panel layout and design. The Eurorack format calls for modules of 128.5mm (slightly over 5") height. Horizontal width is measured in "horizontal pitch", where 1 HP = 5.08mm (exactly 0.2"). 3.5mm mono phone jacks are used for interconnection. more info: Appears in: Extensions->Render->Eurorack Panel Designer Works in Inkscape 1.0 - 1.3
Designed to illustrate Piano scales. Can input Key and start and end notes as well as intervals. Can also choose locrian etc from menu. Will draw single scales as well as help sheets for entire pages. Appears in Extensions/Music/PianoScale Inkscape 1.0 - 1.3
With this extension, you can drive the VC1520 plotter from within Inkscape.
Copy, rotate, and resize a path or group of paths along a precise parametric trajectory. Tested on Mac OS X High Sierra and Ubuntu Linux (16.04 LTS), with Inkscape 0.91. --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on March 22 2018 12:26 AM: fixed version tag so it will be selectable directly from extensions tag list.
This is an update of the old export-layers extension by Xavi, which supports the 1.1+ versions of Inkscape. This extension allows you to batch export each layer as a separate PNG or JPG image by marking the layer with [export] or [fixed] in the layer name before the actual name. Layers marked with [export] will be, surprise, exported as individual images. Layers marked [fixed] will be merged with any other exported layer. I use this tool for animation. Each layer is a separate frame which can then be exported for use with a video editor or game engine. Thanks for this tool, Xavi!
svg-path-to-polygons - Simple page which uses ( by Gavin Kistner (MIT Licence) - This page is a browserified version Converts all paths to polygons in SVG files. Please note : Quadratic Bézier / arc commands are not supported.
State of Oregon Single Site Design --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on February 8 2020 8:31 PM - not an SVG tool.
QR Code generator for VCard (a format standard for electronic business cards. A common use case it to place the code on a business card so the details are easily added by phone QR Code scanner software. ou can also Extract and put files from archive to your Incscape extension folder (C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions), restart (start) Inkscape and go to "Extensions->Render->Barcode->QR Code VCard..." Simply fill all needed fields, choose QR Card size (Auto, if you don't know), error correction level you need, select input codepage (your operational system codepage) and output codepage (usually, UTF-8) and press Apply button. You can check your QR Code by any QR Code scanner software by you smartphone. Enjoy! Inkscape Reset to Standard Configuration Extension This extension resets the visibility of all layers in an Inkscape document to a predefined standard configuration. Functionality The extension works with SVG files that have a hierarchical layer structure, where: Top-level layers represent option groups. Sub-layers represent specific options within those groups. Layers are made visible or invisible to enable or disable corresponding options. Layers that are part of the standard configuration have "(STD)" appended to their names. The extension resets the visibility of all layers so that only the layers with "(STD)" in their names (and their parent layers) are visible. Usage Install the extension by placing the reset_to_std_config.inx and files in your Inkscape extensions directory. Open your SVG document in Inkscape. Go to Extensions > Layer > Reset to Standard Configuration. Acknowledgements This extension was developed with the help of Gemini Advanced, Google's next-generation AI model. Special thanks to the Inkscape community for their valuable contributions and support, particularly the following resources: Inkscape Forum: Inkscape Wiki: Inkscape Extensions Documentation:
Description and Installation Notes: or look at the colors here: or bash one liner: ```bash curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | bash ``` (!) Also check the source code before executing a random script in the command line
# Inkscape Layer Locking Extensions This repository contains three Inkscape extensions for managing layer locking: ## 1. Lock/Unlock All Layers This extension provides a convenient way to toggle the lock state of all layers in your Inkscape document. **Functionality:** * If any layer is unlocked, the extension will lock all layers. * If all layers are locked, the extension will unlock all layers. **Usage:** 1. Install the extension by placing the `lock_unlock_all_layers.inx` and `` files in your Inkscape extensions directory. 2. Open your SVG document in Inkscape. 3. Go to `Extensions > Layer > Lock/Unlock All Layers`. ## 2. Lock All Layers This extension locks all layers in your Inkscape document, regardless of their current state. **Usage:** 1. Install the extension by placing the `lock_all_layers.inx` and `` files in your Inkscape extensions directory. 2. Open your SVG document in Inkscape. 3. Go to `Extensions > Layer > Lock All Layers`. ## 3. Unlock All Layers This extension unlocks all layers in your Inkscape document, regardless of their current state. **Usage:** 1. Install the extension by placing the `unlock_all_layers.inx` and `` files in your Inkscape extensions directory. 2. Open your SVG document in Inkscape. 3. Go to `Extensions > Layer > Unlock All Layers`. ## Acknowledgements This extension was developed with the help of [Gemini Advanced](, Google's next-generation AI model. Special thanks to the Inkscape community for their valuable contributions and support, particularly the following resources: * Inkscape Forum: []( * Inkscape Wiki: []( * Inkscape Extensions Documentation: [](
This Inkscape extension transforms an object along the x-axis. The bounding box remains unchanged. Points near the center of the object move to create the illusion of a curved surface. Points move left, if you choose an exponent > 1, and right if the exponent is < 1. An exponent of 1.0 does exactly nothing. This can be used in combination with the bend path effect to create a cone projection that retains aspect ratio. Idea from Simon Budig while preparing for the lampshade workshop.
posição das peças prévia - Jogo Ritmomachia
Wingwalker is an tool to import airfoil specifications in the form of Selig- or Lednicer-formatted DAT files, such as from The extension does all the work of translating the unitless coordinates in the DAT file into SVG coordinates. The resulting SVG files can be used for further design work or can be used to generate 3D-printable wings.
A simple extension to make all layers visible
Inkscape Extension to Export Multi-DPI TIFF files with options for 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0 and/or 4.0 scale for the base DPI. The `Multi-DPI TIFF (*.tiff)` is available in the Export section. Check the for details. Last release: Tested: * Inkscape 1.4 * Inkscape 1.3
Create and update embedded Javascript and CSS in the SVG file using Visual Studio Code. Tested on Windows 11, Inkscape 1.3.2.
Posição para iniciar uma partida de Ritmomachia
As peças que possuem * são as camadas das pirâmides.
node js tool for your to create your own color palette. > tool to generate your own color palette. for more info and latest code:
Color Palette Great Data/Chart/Diagram Visualization, for more resources (palette, template, symbol) please visit my open-source repository:
Remove transforms from SVG files. Simple page which uses ( flatten.js Project I have no connection to the original code which is published under The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Timo ( This page allows the loading / processing and saving of SVG files after being flattened.
Reasonable Colors is an open-source color system for building accessible and nice-looking color palettes made by Matthew Howell. (I asked permission to make a palette for Inkscape) Let me know if you spot any errors or incompatibilities.
Extenssions untuk generate ayat al quran dengan terjemahan indonesia
This extension can draw fingerboards, including fanned fret ones, with strings (optional), nut and saddle position. --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on February 13 2023 11:50 PM
Export combinations of layers to a series of images in bulk. The tool looks for the 'export-layer-combo' attribute on your layers and then parses them to do combination exports with them. The format of the value for this attribute is '[group],[selector]', where '[selector]' can be one of 'combo-children', 'visible', or 'hidden'. You can also chain multiple '[group],[selector]' values by separating them with a semicolon. Please see the github link for examples. This extension should work on all platforms but has only been tested on v1.2 with macOS.
This is an extension used to upload map metadata in building map for the game Warzone.
vji --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on January 22 2022 9:47 PM - Not an SVG tool