Beginners' Questions My paths filled
  1. #1
    great spud great spud @greatspud

     Hi Ive tried everything. This is a line drawing I was working on the tail. When I moved to the head I saw it had filled in areas when it was off screen. I can not seem to get it back to lines. Thank

    Desert Horse 276 401 Cinterline
  2. #2
    dwhall dwhall @dwhall

    With the path selected - click on the big red X at the bottom left of the Inscape screen.

    This removes the line fill. The Fill: just below the X in the status bar should now say None.

    Mouse click selects for fill (small solid cicle), Shift mouse click for Stroke (large open circle)

  3. #3
    great spud great spud @greatspud

    Oh, that easy, thanks.