Beginners' Questions clip photo and export to png
  1. #1
    designomoly designomoly @designomoly

    Hi there all,

    I'm getting the same message when I clip a photo

    I imported a photograph, Drew the complex outline of the object and the punches with a Beziere tool, chose Path exclusion to unite them. Then using the normal selector used object > clip > set. It did a lovely job on the image. But now I get error message 'are chosen to export is invalid' when I try export it as a png (saves are just blank). The pixel resolution is LOOOOW, as if Inkscape is only seeing the clip outline, not the photo, and yet I can't get them detatched from each other again. I've googled a lot and cannot find how the background can be removed from a photo and then saved as a png, the first part and the last part are in conflict. Many videos explaining how to clip photos, but not how to get them out of inkscape into a png in one piece. I hope you can help. I've tried a trial on Adobe Illustrator and I really prefer Inkscape now for ease of use.


  2. #2
    brynn brynn @brynn

    I just answered where you posted before:

    Sorry, I guess we were posting at the same time.  Here:

    If you could share the SVG file, we can sort it out.

    If you cannot share the SVG file, try selecting the clipping path, rather than the whole image, to do the export.  You can find the clipping path by selecting the clipped image, and then switch to the Node tool.  Click this button on the Node tool control bar .  Then the clipping path will show up as a green line.

  3. #3
    designomoly designomoly @designomoly

    Dear Brynn

    Following your instructions I was able to find the clip outline again. I tried moving it to a new layer so I could isolate it and send it to you, but, it moves as one object nonetheless. I will try clip release now and see. But something else is happening at the same time. My export window will not allow any other file size than 1 pixel high and 1 wide and 96 dpi. I thought it had to do with trying to export the photo that the svg file didn't really recognize, it was brought in as a jpeg with no further alteration except the clip. Then lo and behold, when wanting to export a completely different design this morning, that has worked perfectly before, except I added a flat background, and I've added flat backgrounds many times without any problems in exporting, it, namely my machine, did the same thing. It would only allow the setting 1 pixel high and 1 wide. I clicked on something, don't remember what in the export panel, and then it allowed 16 pixels. a minute file, also involving a new clip. This is not a photo thats been clipped this time, its a vector image in all layers. I'm just telling you this as you may recognize what has suddenly whacked out my pixel settings, and maybe that is the problem. 

    I am sorry if this is all a bit garbled. I'm going to try path - clip - release on that clip path as I said, and report on what happens.


  4. #4
    designomoly designomoly @designomoly

    Dear Brynn

    Thank you ! I've managed to undo the clip and isolate the outline. I could move it into a separate layer. I am not sure how to send you the outline. I have tried various buttons that looked like an attachment to this letter, but none of them seem to be working. So I use copy and, lets try control V, that is also giving the computer too much to think about. It has crashed it. I don't seem to be able to attatch and image or an inkscape file. sorry.

    I tried an alternative cutting method, using path intersection, it also did a nice clip, but it also saves as a blank png and will not export, with the same 1 pixel high problem. 

    I've checked my storage capacity and I've plenty of room 120 gigabytes.

    I noticed while learning Adobe illustrator, that when other beginners submitted enquiries, they were sometimes told in a snarky tone to go back to the basics tutorials on layers. By this time I'd been through a lot of them and I don't believe the question the man was answering was in any basics tutorials I had seen. I therefore doubly appreciate how you speak to us, that is your resoectful tone. You are very helpful and answer questions with incredible precision and understanding. I can see  you know inkscape like the back of your hand, but you show empathy for those struggling to learn.

    Thank you


  5. #5
    designomoly designomoly @designomoly

    Dear Brynn

    I've sorted out the 1 pixel setting and the program's refusal to export. I had tailed save as and export functions one on the other and was trying to save a png from an alreeady exported or saved png. When I tried judiciously saving the image in inkscape before exporting or saving as, and workign from that file I got a good image in export !

    solved, thank you so much



  6. #6
    designomoly designomoly @designomoly

    Dear Brynn

    Sorry, problem not solved. I had a good png image. But the outline needed some more attention. I sorted it out and ran through all the operations again, got nice clips, but I'm back to the one pixel problem.


    Caroline (Eish)



  7. #7
    designomoly designomoly @designomoly

    Dear Brynn

    Sorry, for all the letters.

    I must have swept over the settings at the top, whether to export page, drawing, selection, or custom and it seems to have caused a lot of problems. Finally really saw them. Really finally solved. got a good clip, and saved to png. Panic and frustration makes you partialy blind.

    so relieved to be solving these things.


  8. #8
    brynn brynn @brynn

    No worries, Caroline!  We were all beginners once, so we understand.

    I'm glad you finally got it solved  😀