1. #1
    kwscales kwscales @kwscales

    How do I convert a drawing made with inkscape to a gcode file to run on my arduino cnc?

  2. #2
    fred_dot_u fred_dot_u @fred_dot_u

    If you perform a search using "inkscape to gcode" you will get a number of results presenting the steps necessary to accomplish your objective.

  3. #3
    Jurgen Gaeremyn Jurgen Gaeremyn @JurgenG

    @fred_dot_u actually try it... you'll be disappointed to find out that (at least for me) the first 8 links lead to unsupported/old extensions that are not compatible with Inkscape 1.x


  4. #4
    fred_dot_u fred_dot_u @fred_dot_u

    I suppose that since I keep a running version of 0.92 going, such a problem doesn't crop up. I have too many useful extensions for 0.92 that I rarely use 1.x

  5. #5
    kwscales kwscales @kwscales

    I finally figured out that none of those extensions work on Inkscape version 1.x.

    I uninstalled it and reinstalled Inkscape .92.

    Rather than me spending two days trying to figure out how to install an extension on Inkscape .92, can you give me a hint on how to do it?

    I think Gcodeplot might be the extension to use.

    Keep in mind that I am not real smart.



  6. #6
    inklinea inklinea @inklinea⛰️

    If you are just cutting simple 2D shapes with depth.

    I use JScut -


  7. #7
    kwscales kwscales @kwscales

    Thank you for your response. I will try it.
