1. Feb 03 12:00:02 <Tavmjong> ************ Inkscape Board Meeting **************
  2. Feb 03 12:00:09 <Tavmjong> Who is here?
  3. Feb 03 12:00:41 <bryce> o/
  4. Feb 03 12:00:49 <jazzynico> Hi!
  5. Feb 03 12:00:58 <brynn> brynn, probably have to leave a little early
  6. Feb 03 12:01:01 <Tavmjong> ScislaC: tedg_: doctormon: ?
  7. Feb 03 12:01:17 <Tavmjong> Hi jazzynico and bryce !
  8. Feb 03 12:01:27 <bryce> heya
  9. Feb 03 12:01:28 <Lazur> Good evening!
  10. Feb 03 12:01:39 <fguimont> hi
  11. Feb 03 12:01:45 <ScislaC> hey
  12. Feb 03 12:01:53 <Tavmjong> Hi brynn and Lazur and fguimont and ScislaC !
  13. Feb 03 12:02:04 <brynn> whoa, full boat today!
  14. Feb 03 12:02:21 <bryce> shall we get started then?
  15. Feb 03 12:02:24 <Tavmjong> Hey, bryce and brynn have the first three letters in common...
  16. Feb 03 12:02:40 <Tavmjong> bryce: Yup, let's start.
  17. Feb 03 12:02:53 <bryce> yeah I get her stuff sometimes, she probably gets mine :-)
  18. Feb 03 12:03:02 <bryce> Agenda:
  19. Feb 03 12:03:02 <bryce> + Inkscape Forum status
  20. Feb 03 12:03:02 <bryce> - Update on receipt of forum data
  21. Feb 03 12:03:02 <bryce> - Update on OSUOSL hosting provisioning
  22. Feb 03 12:03:02 <bryce> + Inkscape gitlab
  23. Feb 03 12:03:02 <bryce> - experience so far
  24. Feb 03 12:03:02 <bryce> - self-hosting feasibility?
  25. Feb 03 12:03:02 <bryce> + Inkscape Website disk space
  26. Feb 03 12:03:02 <bryce> + Merchandise sales
  27. Feb 03 12:03:02 <bryce> + Sponsorship levels followup
  28. Feb 03 12:03:25 <Tavmjong> Portland hackfest?
  29. Feb 03 12:03:28 <bryce> ok
  30. Feb 03 12:03:29 <rindolf> Hi all
  31. Feb 03 12:03:53 <bryce> brynn, anything new to report on the forum this month?
  32. Feb 03 12:04:32 <brynn> unfortunately no - I hesitate to bug Courtney because of not having a server yet
  33. Feb 03 12:04:44 <brynn> I have not heard anything from osuosl
  34. Feb 03 12:05:11 <bryce> ok
  35. Feb 03 12:05:21 <bryce> next item is gitlab
  36. Feb 03 12:05:33 <brynn> something Martin said made me think he might have heard from them
  37. Feb 03 12:05:36 <bryce> doctormon, are you with us today?
  38. Feb 03 12:05:58 <bryce> brynn, that may be the disk space issue (next up)
  39. Feb 03 12:06:07 <brynn> ok
  40. Feb 03 12:06:33 <bryce> so, obviously the big news with gitlab is the outage + rm -rf backups
  41. Feb 03 12:07:13 <bryce> honestly I actually like seeing how transparent they were through the problem. Obviously shit happens in life, it's how you deal with it that defines your character.
  42. Feb 03 12:07:34 <Tavmjong> Does it make sense for us to host on either github or gitlab with one being primary and the other a mirror?
  43. Feb 03 12:07:44 <bryce> however it also adds question regarding their policies, and that's something we'll need to collect more data points on
  44. Feb 03 12:07:45 <Tavmjong> s/either/both/
  45. Feb 03 12:07:48 <ScislaC> Tavmjong: I think so
  46. Feb 03 12:07:59 <bryce> Tavmjong, yes indeed, and I think that'd be a good approach
  47. Feb 03 12:08:05 <bryce> hi ScislaC
  48. Feb 03 12:08:15 <bryce> one other option we should keep on the table is self-hosting
  49. Feb 03 12:08:47 <bryce> I was wondering if someone wouldn't mind taking a task of investigating what the machine requirements are for gitlab?
  50. Feb 03 12:08:49 <brynn> I've collected some prelimlinary info on what our hosting need are, in case we wanted to go that route
  51. Feb 03 12:08:51 <Tavmjong> I don't think self-hosting is a good idea considering how little developer time we have.
  52. Feb 03 12:09:00 <ScislaC> I personally think that the self-hosting option is just creating more work for ourselves than we need to take on.
  53. Feb 03 12:09:16 <Tavmjong> brynn: What did you find out?
  54. Feb 03 12:09:29 <Tavmjong> Tweenk: !
  55. Feb 03 12:09:30 <ScislaC> hi Tweenk
  56. Feb 03 12:09:36 <Tweenk> Hello :)
  57. Feb 03 12:09:40 <brynn> I just made a small text file with some info. Hold on and I'll upload it
  58. Feb 03 12:09:43 <bryce> heya Tweenk
  59. Feb 03 12:11:13 <Tavmjong> Tweenk: We're discussing gitlab vs. github vs. self-hosting.
  60. Feb 03 12:11:31 <bryce> Tavmjong, no to be clear I'm just asking about self-hosting as a contingency option
  61. Feb 03 12:11:36 <doctormon> bryce: I am
  62. Feb 03 12:11:53 <bryce> I want to avoid us being in situations where we're "stuck".
  63. Feb 03 12:12:03 <brynn> https://inkscapecommunity.com/jd/hosting-report.odt
  64. Feb 03 12:12:09 <doctormon> sorry for the slight late, I heard the ping and ignored it *blush*
  65. Feb 03 12:13:15 <doctormon> bryce: databases are 300MB, not 300GB
  66. Feb 03 12:13:47 <brynn> Oops, sorry, I'll fix
  67. Feb 03 12:14:40 <doctormon> Tavmjong: IT's not developer time, it's sysadmin time and we have even less of that.
  68. Feb 03 12:15:30 <brynn> I'd be willing to learn how to be a sysadmin - but will take some time
  69. Feb 03 12:15:39 <bryce> in my experience on other projects, sysadmin time can be increased through recruiting
  70. Feb 03 12:16:16 <bryce> so, that may be something we could address
  71. Feb 03 12:16:25 <doctormon> brynn: That's kind of you to offer, but only do so if you're planning it as a career :-D it's a very deep well.
  72. Feb 03 12:16:28 <bryce> obviously has to be done with care if bringing in outsiders
  73. Feb 03 12:16:44 <Tavmjong> I am happy to go with gitlab and have github as backup. I did find setting up gitlab for my mesh pollyfill to be more difficult than expected but I haven't set up anything on gitlab to compare.
  74. Feb 03 12:17:00 <brynn> I'm to old for a new career, but I still like learning new things
  75. Feb 03 12:17:01 <bryce> and yes, some combination of training + sandboxed working areas may be sensible
  76. Feb 03 12:17:03 <doctormon> brynn: inkscape.org now has 100GB of disk thanks to osuosl getting back to us.
  77. Feb 03 12:17:25 <brynn> did they say anything about the forum?
  78. Feb 03 12:17:32 <doctormon> nothing
  79. Feb 03 12:17:50 <doctormon> nothing on mailing lists either.
  80. Feb 03 12:17:51 <bryce> a lot of stuff we want to do going forward is going to require us to have solid sysadmin support
  81. Feb 03 12:17:58 <doctormon> They don't get back to us about stuff they can't do.
  82. Feb 03 12:18:17 <bryce> ok, as we're drifting from gitlab already... next topic on the agenda is website disk space
  83. Feb 03 12:18:24 <fguimont> Both gitlab and github seem to work very weel. I have a bias towards github because they seem to focus more on the community.
  84. Feb 03 12:18:36 <bryce> doctormon, I was a bit confused but sounds like we got upgraded on both systems to 100G now?
  85. Feb 03 12:18:40 <doctormon> fguimont: That would be the other way round no?
  86. Feb 03 12:18:41 <fguimont> s/weel/well/
  87. Feb 03 12:19:43 <doctormon> bryce: No, just py1.osuosl.org (i.e. inkscape.org) inkscape.osuosl.org (i.e. wiki) is 42GB
  88. Feb 03 12:19:46 <fguimont> I found that there's more contributions, traffic on github, though that's a subjective opinion and not a researched fact :X
  89. Feb 03 12:20:03 <bryce> doctormon, it's troubling that they are limiting us on things we need to get updated
  90. Feb 03 12:20:32 <Tweenk> I think moving to Git at all is more important than which host we end up using
  91. Feb 03 12:20:34 <bryce> doctormon, but you're right, the pattern's gotten pretty hard to miss now
  92. Feb 03 12:20:34 <doctormon> bryce: Limiting as in not really answering us when we need forums and mailing lists... yes.
  93. Feb 03 12:20:46 <doctormon> Tweenk: +1
  94. Feb 03 12:21:33 <bryce> I would say the move to git is already under way. Once 0.92.1 is out the door we'll do the switch.
  95. Feb 03 12:21:38 <doctormon> bryce: I'd like to put out a call for a sysadmin with email experence. I really want to nail getting mailing lists in place and it's really sore.
  96. Feb 03 12:21:52 <bryce> So the thinking goes to what's next beyond that
  97. Feb 03 12:21:53 <Tavmjong> bryce: What about 0.91.2?
  98. Feb 03 12:22:07 <su_v> 0.92.2
  99. Feb 03 12:22:12 <bryce> Tavmjong, do we need a 0.91.2?
  100. Feb 03 12:22:19 <Tweenk> So far the main argument for gitlab is that it's open source, so we can self-host if the need arises, and the main argument for github is that it's a lot more popular. The former is more ideological and the latter pragmatic
  101. Feb 03 12:22:33 <su_v> bryce: you rejected things, and promised there's time for 0.92.2
  102. Feb 03 12:22:38 <su_v> no its not. ok.
  103. Feb 03 12:22:45 <doctormon> Tavmjong: It's hard to do the exports and imports of all our major banches so they all have the same hashes... would be incredible if possible though.
  104. Feb 03 12:22:52 <Tavmjong> bryce: Yes, I've got three or four patches to go in.
  105. Feb 03 12:22:54 * su_v grumbles, disappointed ;)
  106. Feb 03 12:22:55 <bryce> su_v, right there's definitely going to be a 0.92.2. Tav was asking about 0.91.2 though
  107. Feb 03 12:23:09 <su_v> bryce: I'm sure that was a typo ;)
  108. Feb 03 12:23:11 <Tavmjong> That was a typo...
  109. Feb 03 12:23:14 <bryce> ah
  110. Feb 03 12:23:26 <bryce> well, we could totally do a 0.91.2 too, I just didn't know that was needed
  111. Feb 03 12:23:32 <Tavmjong> I was only about 1% off.
  112. Feb 03 12:23:35 <bryce> heh
  113. Feb 03 12:23:48 <bryce> well, so plan is 0.92.1, then git migration, then 0.92.2
  114. Feb 03 12:23:54 <bryce> s/plan/my plan/
  115. Feb 03 12:23:59 <su_v> 0.92.2 from git?
  116. Feb 03 12:24:03 <bryce> yes
  117. Feb 03 12:24:06 <doctormon> Tweenk: We like to think of it as "managing future risk" rather than "ideological" ;-)
  118. Feb 03 12:24:13 <su_v> so there will have to be migrations for packagers too?
  119. Feb 03 12:24:18 <su_v> why the rush?
  120. Feb 03 12:24:27 <Ede_123> there's a risk that gitlab can't handle what we need...
  121. Feb 03 12:24:38 <Ede_123> whos says they'll stay in business?
  122. Feb 03 12:24:45 <Ede_123> github seems solid
  123. Feb 03 12:25:20 <fguimont> they lost 66million last year, I hope the investments keep coming in.
  124. Feb 03 12:26:03 <doctormon> I should add that I've got my lpout modules coming along very nicely to take out miletones, bugs and such from launchpad. Only GitLab can host our bug labels. GitHub has no feature.
  125. Feb 03 12:26:09 <Tavmjong> It seems to be easy to mirror gitlab and github: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/workflow/repository_mirroring.html
  126. Feb 03 12:26:16 <bryce> su_v, for PPA packages, I can handle that, it's not hard I'm already doing similar for wayland/git. For Windows I don't think they're that tied into bzr. For OS X the packaging is already fairly nebulous and the new effort's already talking about setting up something on git. I don't see it impacting packaging at all.
  127. Feb 03 12:26:34 <bryce> main impact will be the source tarball, which does have some bzr-isms, but I'm prepared to deal with that.
  128. Feb 03 12:26:39 <doctormon> (by "our bug labels" I mean the bug labels for inkscape-web)
  129. Feb 03 12:26:45 <su_v> bryce: I suspect that 0.92.2 then won't happen - everyone will be busy adopting to git and whatnot - focus will definitely elsewhere. but ... your call ;)
  130. Feb 03 12:27:18 <Ede_123> su_v why? Testing the git transfer with a 0.92.2 makes sense..
  131. Feb 03 12:27:39 <su_v> Ede_123: there's time for that for 0.93 RC / pre-releases
  132. Feb 03 12:27:56 <bryce> su_v, again, the main impact I foresee is to myself, and I'm not super worried. I've done lots of packaging on git, and done some bzr->git moves with pretty much all my other projects
  133. Feb 03 12:28:08 <doctormon> Tweenk: Maybe a script like this would help us import many of our branches: https://gist.github.com/ahdiaz/1231726
  134. Feb 03 12:28:10 <su_v> why burden a stable release branch with a pending bug-fix release with a migration of the repository and code managment system?
  135. Feb 03 12:28:26 <Ede_123> I'm thinking as a Windows packager: 0.93 is far away (gtk3)
  136. Feb 03 12:28:32 <doctormon> Tweenk: Getting the exports to all feed into one git repository with a set of branches for 0.92, 0.91 etc would help a lot
  137. Feb 03 12:28:34 <Tweenk> Tavmjong: it seems the repo mirroring is only in enterprise edition, not the community edition
  138. Feb 03 12:28:54 <doctormon> Tweenk: So we don't get it if we self-host.
  139. Feb 03 12:29:25 <Tweenk> doctormon: we don't get it unless we self-host *and* pay for the enterprise edition
  140. Feb 03 12:29:45 <su_v> gitlab.com runs ee
  141. Feb 03 12:30:02 <doctormon> Tweenk: Gitlab.com is enterprise edition https://gitlab.com/help
  142. Feb 03 12:30:06 <bryce> Ede_123, I don't know what the state of trunk is for 0.93, but would kind of like to kick out a 0.93pre0 once 0.92.2 is out, just to start nudging it towards release readiness
  143. Feb 03 12:30:15 <Tweenk> Ah. Forgot about that, I thought it's CE
  144. Feb 03 12:30:34 <doctormon> bryce: Since you've done git imports from bzr, what do you think of getting our version branches into the git repo?
  145. Feb 03 12:31:29 <Ede_123> bryce: Right now 0.93 is pretty broken with win64 and can't even be buillt for win32
  146. Feb 03 12:31:30 <bryce> anyway, if others also feel the git migration should wait until after 0.92.2, I'd not be opposed to it. There isn't any particular thing rushing us, other than that a lot of people want it, and the sooner we get through the teething pains the sooner we can focus on getting 0.93 release-ready
  147. Feb 03 12:31:33 <Tweenk> doctormon: it's entirely doable, my import on github has a few branches. Doesn't have all since you need to specify each separately on the command line
  148. Feb 03 12:31:42 <ScislaC> bryce: way premature on 0.93
  149. Feb 03 12:32:12 <bryce> doctormon, you mean 0.92.x? If the import script is worth anything it should migrate branches as well with zero fuss.
  150. Feb 03 12:32:12 <ScislaC> the gtk3 transition has upended a lot and I've noticed all kinds of oddities related to it
  151. Feb 03 12:32:16 <doctormon> Tweenk: That's good to hear, I didn't want to have to end up throwing away a bunch of things. We could publish the marks file for people who want to upgrade their personal branches?
  152. Feb 03 12:33:25 <Tweenk> I guess we could, but I thought people would just start fresh from the import
  153. Feb 03 12:33:28 <bryce> ScislaC, yes, that's what I fear. But I also worry if we don't start giving those issues attention, they may stick around for a long time and people shift their focus to unrelated development work
  154. Feb 03 12:34:24 <bryce> ScislaC, which is why I think if we start thinking about release *now*, it would help in getting the issues more visibility and prioritization, so we can build a TODO list and get attention into the escalated items
  155. Feb 03 12:34:58 <doctormon> bryce will hover a big release stick over us until we fix all the gtk3 bugs... I think.
  156. Feb 03 12:36:15 <Ede_123> I'm afraid if we go to fast we don't do ourselves a favor... There are still high-priority bugs from 0.91 unfixed in 0.92 and now we're talking 0.93?
  157. Feb 03 12:36:38 <bryce> also, knowing that 0.93 was going to be a bit crazy with all the changes, I've treated 0.92 as going to be our "LTS"
  158. Feb 03 12:37:03 <bryce> so we can market 0.93 as more on the experimental side, and continue point releases on 0.92 with stability fixes
  159. Feb 03 12:37:34 <jazzynico> yep, there are still *some* regressions to fix...
  160. Feb 03 12:37:36 <bryce> that's one of the reasons I've been pushing on us getting rapid point releases going on 0.92.x, as I want people to feel they can depend on it for stabilization
  161. Feb 03 12:37:37 <Ede_123> then I'd say letting it sit in makes even more sense... don't rush now and have 0.92 buggy while 0.93 becomes unusable
  162. Feb 03 12:38:51 <bryce> su_v, also that ^^ is part of my thinking regarding moving to git; if we're going to do 0.92.3, .4, etc. down the road then we'll need the 0.92.x branch ported to git so we're not "stuck" on bzr in order to keep a LTS around
  163. Feb 03 12:38:51 <jazzynico> And as you wrote, the 0.92.x branch could well be the last for win32 (at least for old Windows XP systems).
  164. Feb 03 12:39:34 <bryce> jazzynico, right
  165. Feb 03 12:40:45 <doctormon> bryce: Yes that's what I was talking about
  166. Feb 03 12:40:55 <bryce> ok, back onto the topic of hosting
  167. Feb 03 12:40:57 <doctormon> All these branches need to be folded into the same git repo.
  168. Feb 03 12:41:07 <su_v> "stuck" on bzr - that sounds as if bazaar is the worst thing that ever happened to inkscape
  169. Feb 03 12:41:28 <doctormon> Nah the worst thing is being stuck on sourceforge mailing lists.
  170. Feb 03 12:41:29 <su_v> scnr
  171. Feb 03 12:41:44 <bryce> I spoke with plinnel about how scribus is hosted. They're hosting is contributed by a company that provides them with hardware, root login access, tons of disk space, and so on
  172. Feb 03 12:42:35 <bryce> I am thinking, given all the issues we've been running into, as discussed earlier, that it may be time for us to start looking at something like that.
  173. Feb 03 12:42:58 <doctormon> I'd love to have that to be honest. More room to do what we need to do.
  174. Feb 03 12:43:09 <bryce> I've strongly wanted to keep all our eggs in a basket and avoid fragmented hosting, but we may be pushing OSUOSL beyond their comfort zone to achieve that
  175. Feb 03 12:43:45 <bryce> so I'd like to propose we start an effort to look at a separate host, which initially would be focused only on things we do not have hosting for currently
  176. Feb 03 12:43:46 <doctormon> Maybe if we have a solid hosting direction I can convince brynn to have the forum on inkscape.org :-D
  177. Feb 03 12:43:53 <bryce> namely mailman3 and inkscapeforum.com
  178. Feb 03 12:44:27 <bryce> second phase would be to migrate things that are currently on obsolescent hardware such as planet and wiki
  179. Feb 03 12:44:34 <brynn> I think having the forum on inkscape.org is the ideal situation!
  180. Feb 03 12:45:00 <bryce> third phase would be consolidating easily migrated pieces
  181. Feb 03 12:45:05 <bryce> fourth phase would be remainder
  182. Feb 03 12:45:05 <brynn> Unless you mean not using a php based forum
  183. Feb 03 12:46:35 <bryce> doctormon, one bit that's been giving me pause that I'd need your advice on is the Fastly bandwidth caching. Would we be able to use that independently of OSUOSL? And if so, are there steps we could take to help us utilize it better, that we should think about before looking at any hosting?
  184. Feb 03 12:47:23 <doctormon> bryce: I'm already working on that. The vast majority of the traffic on inkscape.org is non-logged in users accessing pages, mostly downloads.
  185. Feb 03 12:47:46 <doctormon> bryce: If Fastly was covering the whole site, then it'd take off a huge amount of pressure from the webserver.
  186. Feb 03 12:48:09 <bryce> doctormon, I guess my question is, is Fastly something we get via OSUOSL or is it being provided to us independently?
  187. Feb 03 12:48:24 <doctormon> bryce: But we'd lose two things. One is stats, we'd have no idea how many hits, we'd have no logs. Fastly has a log-getting API that needs to be codded for.
  188. Feb 03 12:48:42 <ScislaC> bryce: Fastly is a CDN
  189. Feb 03 12:49:18 <doctormon> bryce: The second is cache expirary, we'd need to get the changes to propergate to Fastly using their API. I already do this for static and media. But for html, I'd need to code more.
  190. Feb 03 12:49:49 <doctormon> bryce: Fastly is being provided to us separately.
  191. Feb 03 12:50:00 <bryce> doctormon, ok excellent
  192. Feb 03 12:50:57 <bryce> alright, well this would be a very long term effort, so we can discuss it more next meeting. For now I'm going to try and get a bit more solid info from plinnel & co.
  193. Feb 03 12:51:05 <doctormon> Great
  194. Feb 03 12:51:15 <bryce> alright, anything else on hosting?
  195. Feb 03 12:51:32 <bryce> next is merchandise sales
  196. Feb 03 12:51:41 <bryce> =========== Merchandise Sales ==============
  197. Feb 03 12:51:59 <brynn> Sorry, I have to leave now. Thanks :)
  198. Feb 03 12:52:08 <bryce> doctormon, guessing you've been too busy with other priorities but if there's been progress please inform us :-)
  199. Feb 03 12:52:10 <bryce> brynn, cya
  200. Feb 03 12:52:46 <doctormon> bryce: I was hoping our friendly volunteer was taking the shop where is needed to go.
  201. Feb 03 12:52:49 <bryce> also, I ran across https://teespring.com/ which is being used by VLC for their shirts I believe
  202. Feb 03 12:53:51 <bryce> doctormon, ok. Could you drop an email to check in on progress?
  203. Feb 03 12:54:45 <doctormon> bryce: OK
  204. Feb 03 12:55:26 <bryce> I still haven't spotted income from the earlier spreadshirt sales to ledger, and should probably re-ping Conservancy about that, but I'll give them a bit more time, they'r eprobably still busy with lots of other priorities
  205. Feb 03 12:55:44 <bryce> next item then
  206. Feb 03 12:55:53 <bryce> ============ Sponsorship levels followup ==============
  207. Feb 03 12:56:24 <bryce> doctormon, did you get a chance to talk with Maren about adding the levels on our website?
  208. Feb 03 12:56:41 <doctormon> bryce: Nothing outside of the mailing list
  209. Feb 03 12:56:42 <bryce> I still have the task to re-raise the discussion about the levels on the board list
  210. Feb 03 12:57:03 <bryce> I'm hoping that will be a short discussion, guess we'll see
  211. Feb 03 12:57:37 <bryce> ok, last topic
  212. Feb 03 12:57:43 <bryce> ============ Portland Hackfest ==============
  213. Feb 03 12:58:10 <bryce> again, still on my todo list to re-raise the proposal (I need to look at schedule availability). Been busy with other stuff this month
  214. Feb 03 12:58:15 <jabiertxof> bryce: ping
  215. Feb 03 12:58:19 <bryce> jabiertxof, yes
  216. Feb 03 12:59:14 <jabiertxof> Hi I do a fix for 3 patches bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/1659229 but not know how to make the new patch
  217. Feb 03 12:59:24 <jabiertxof> never use multipatch
  218. Feb 03 12:59:25 <doctormon> jabiertxof: Meeting right now.
  219. Feb 03 12:59:32 <jabiertxof> surry!
  220. Feb 03 12:59:36 <jabiertxof> sorry!
  221. Feb 03 13:00:04 <Tavmjong> bryce: Do you have a target date?
  222. Feb 03 13:00:29 <bryce> jabiertxof, ok hang on 10 min
  223. Feb 03 13:00:52 <bryce> Tavmjong, iirc the place we had in mind was pretty fully scheduled 2 months out
  224. Feb 03 13:01:13 <bryce> so guessing Apr/May/Jun timeframe
  225. Feb 03 13:01:15 <doctormon> bryce: I'd +1 for a US hackfest, I'm not willing to leave the country at the moment (or for a while).
  226. Feb 03 13:01:32 <bryce> Portland weather tends to be nicer in May/June
  227. Feb 03 13:01:46 <bryce> doctormon, understood
  228. Feb 03 13:02:23 <Tavmjong> bryce: Sound like a reasonable plan.
  229. Feb 03 13:03:20 <bryce> theme-wise for the hackfest could be four options: 0) themeless, 1) 0.93.x development/stabilization, 3) infrastructure, 2) user-oriented
  230. Feb 03 13:04:12 <bryce> I'll note that OSUOSL is here in oregon so that could potentially be of some benefit on infrastructure-related matters.
  231. Feb 03 13:04:34 <Tavmjong> Might be reasonable to pick two themes.
  232. Feb 03 13:04:38 <bryce> I've met OSUOSL folks at other hackfests here in town so betting they'd be open to pop by for a visit regardless
  233. Feb 03 13:04:48 <Tweenk> bryce: regarding timing, I'll be outside the U.S. late April/early May
  234. Feb 03 13:05:08 <bryce> also, I'll mention that Bradley's here in Portland now, so also could be invited
  235. Feb 03 13:06:03 <bryce> Tavmjong, two themes sounds doable
  236. Feb 03 13:06:21 <bryce> ok, I'll draft something up and try and get it posted to the list
  237. Feb 03 13:06:40 <doctormon> Oooh, osusol and Bradley, sounds perfect.
  238. Feb 03 13:06:43 <bryce> anything else on hackfests or portland?
  239. Feb 03 13:06:44 <Tavmjong> bryce: At Leeds we had a couple of themes going... not everybody is an expert in all areas.
  240. Feb 03 13:07:04 <doctormon> bryce: We've shopped getting a airbnb house
  241. Feb 03 13:07:19 <bryce> doctormon, yep I'm going to re-look at that
  242. Feb 03 13:07:52 <bryce> I meant to do that by now, sorry, January has been a busy and stressful month here
  243. Feb 03 13:07:57 <bryce> ok, next topic
  244. Feb 03 13:08:05 <bryce> ============= Other Business ==============
  245. Feb 03 13:08:16 <bryce> anyone have anything else we should discuss before we close?
  246. Feb 03 13:10:12 <Tavmjong> bryce: You wanted to discuss the next release?
  247. Feb 03 13:10:43 <bryce> Tavmjong, yep. I'll close the board meeting and we'll move to the release meeting.
  248. Feb 03 13:10:50 <bryce> ====== EOM =======




Board Meeting - February 3, 2017



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