





Shining Star

Long ago, a man was walking through the mountains when suddenly, a star fell from the sky. It was bent, frail and lacking shine. It also looked different from the other stars. Unfortunately he didn't have the time or the energies to care for the star. So, he passed it on to his friend.

His friend not wanting to give up on the fallen star cared for it deeply and for a long time. Just when it seemed his efforts were useless, something unexpected happened. The star broke out, shooting high into the air and shinning miraculously in the sky. It was large and well shaped, outshining the other stars and even producing stars of it's own.

What was once broken and seemingly useless, became a shining star providing glorious light in the night sky.

This story was inspired by the origins of inkscape (mostly the fact that the founders are not there anymore) as well my own personal life. Inkscape over the years with all the time, love and care put into it has become big and will no


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About Screen Contest

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Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
Pacer wrote :

Hello @Alias6639

Thank you for your entry.
I notice that while you do have your text on a hidden layer, as requested, your hidden layer doesn't match the text, in location or size. Could you please move your text to the correct size and position.

Thank you.

Contest Admin

Alias6639 wrote :

Pacer, the changes have been made. The text appeared in three places so I put the original font in three places. They are directly on top of the text which got converted into paths and with the same fill color. If anything else is up just leave a comment.

Pacer wrote :

Thank you. Putting you through.

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