OK, this one is a real challenge for you artists out there. You can draw, but can you draw something [which appears to be] moving?
While we know we are going to get some stunning artwork and novel ideas, we also want to encourage beginners. If you are new to Inkscape, try something simple like a ball with a motion blur. Remember:
Multiple entries are welcome, and please do stick around for the chat!
All abilities are invited to get involved. The complexity of your entry is down to you.
Please post your finished artwork below.
IMPORTANT: If you would like to know what you could do to improve your artwork, add the phrase to your comment: "Brutal Feedback" --- only for those with nerves of steel!
All entries to be submitted by 30 November 2022.
Please do spread the word! #inkscapechallenge
To submit your artwork, scroll to the bottom of the page and while logged in, click the paperclip (bottom-left) to upload your image, add a description in the text box (optional) and click "Submit Reply".
If you'd like to post work-in-progress artwork, create a thread in the "Work in Progress" section of the forum, and post your images there, with the title "November 2022 Draw Something in Motion WIP - [your artwork title]" (you are welcome to ask for help there if you get stuck). When finished, post the final graphic to this thread.
There are no winners. These challenges are intended to inspire, to encourage you to share your work and to build a supportive community.
You're encouraged to discuss and offer feedback/constructive criticism to others, but please be respectful.
Most importantly, be creative, give your best, and have fun!
Following the suggestion of @bleke, this gif came out. It looks very "robotic", but I liked the idea. It's the first one I've made, I guess I would need many more images to make it look fluid 🤔🙂 The gif is made in Gimp, everything else in Inkscape.
Thanks, @pacer Yes, this was an illustration I did a while back and wanted to represent the idea of community https://inkscape.org/~mrks9/★liberty_2022-wallpaper . But it wasn't meant to animate, it was the suggestion of @bleke that moved me to turn it into a gif. I added the logo at the end because for me it represents perfectly both Freedom and Community 🙂
Final image is animated GIF built from sixteen exported png files, each export done from an Inkscape image, adjusting the piston parts to make a repeating loop.
The conversion uses the GNU/Linux command convert -delay 10 -loop 0 piston*.png piston10.gif from the imagemagick set of tools.
Hi. I am undergoing some startling eye problems that began in the last week. While seeking medical help, I currently do not know for the short term nor long term how this will develop. That said, I thank the Inkscape community for encouraging me and inspiring me and helping me for so long a time. I will not be able to participate in things Inkscape related until my vision improves. ( I can hardly even read text anymore.,)
I welcome any prayers and thoughts for my welfare as well as for my family. Please continue in your efforts to help one another and share the goodness within yourselves.
Trusting in God for better days for myself and all of you in this community. Thank you each one and I will be *back* when I can. Truly God bless you.
@ken10001000 I am very sorry to hear about your eyesight. I have had an eyesight scare myself and it can be frightening. For what it is worth, whatever the cause, I believe it is important to stay hydrated.
Please do update us on how you get on, if and when you can.
I created the ghosting effect with the Tiled-Clone tool with shift, rotation and opacity changing for each row. The meaning?.. Its a banana happily jumping into a pool of hot chocolate!☺
@mrks9 Liberty: That turned out pretty cool. Some suggestions/details you could change: Add an extra frame when the weights are completely lifted, with the prisoner still kneeing on the ground. This way its easier to see this rather complex part of the animation. The Inkscape logo is a bit distracting. Maybe let the running man dissappear at the right border completely then add a frame with the logo appearing. Just some ideas, its already cool!
A simple triangle shape that turned into something abstract travelling at high speeds in the clouds. I created the reflections on the pieces with the Bevels-Button-filter.
Here's a giraffe from a photo I saw on reddit. Was going to add the skin pattern, maybe something randomly created (using tweak tool I think) but decided that was too much for my current skills, but still a good practice :-) Thanks!
@AlgotRuneman No skill deficit, just a different approach to your goals. My view... Some have a natural eye for the surreal (cartoon, impressionism...) and some for the technical (functional and accurate). It seems that everyone struggles with a particular style as they are 'mentally blind' to them. Over time, the imagination develops a more varied set of references and these styles suddenly work.
Your word art is clean and clearly represents movement. Thank you for a great entry!
I agree pacer. I think the most common effect of motion is known from photographs or games, the motion blur. Its the most technical way to draw something in motion. To imagine new approaches is more difficult and artistic, because it is necessary to think and imagine in a more abstract way. Just how comics use some correct places lines to indicate a kind of abststact motion blur.
@AlgotRuneman looks good. The idea, that the E creates the middle distortion-line is great!
@kinow An interesting perspective of a giraffe. It gives me the feeling of standing next to the animal, and provides a realistic representation of size. Thank you for a great entry. I saw your previous low poly depiction of a cashew fruit... It's good to see you back in the challenges.
The image of @pacer gave me an idea. As I don't know if I will be able to continue working on it, I leave a gif of the process so far. The compression of the gif has made the glows look horrible, but anyway 🌊🙂
Here I am posting two versions of a drawing I did to pay tribute to a brazilian old Car model, the Gurgel Itaipu.
I'm posting two versions of it, and putting here the link to visit the project on my (on development) website. On version qas animated in Enve, and other was only made in Inkscape.
@mrks9 beautiful drawing! The waves look really dynamic and powerful. Maybe add some spotlight indication from the lighthouse. The Animation reminds me of speed-drawing videos😀
@mako-gfx I will try to reanimate it in a ciclic way someday!. Other thing that is in my plans is to rebuild the car on Blender, and animate it in different ways!
Hello everyone. This is my first posting on here after only recently upgrading to Inkscape 1.2.1 and I am loving it.
This is a variation on the main character I created for an upcoming computer game called "Cogalot" (for Android, iOS and Windows). It uses a lot of gradients and the blur filter in a cartoon style. I hope you like it :)
@jeff3rsn welcome to the challenges. I thought at first that the car was heavily styled, but I see it is quite an accurate depiction of the original. Thank you for a great entry and for showing your design in motion too.
Speaking of the latest release of Inkscape, have you moved over to 1.2.x? If so, what are your thoughts and what are your favorite changes? Have you come across any issues?
Thanks @pacer let's see if I can finish it. I have some idea to create a foreground that connects with the lighthouse character. We'll see... Regarding your question about the version, I've been with the development version for quite some time now, with the wonderful new features coming soon. And without too many problems. For what I do, it has barely crashed a couple of times, plus I have fun with the shape builder. And I take advantage of tools like last move repeat, lasso selection on nodes, etc. On Linux it works great 😄
@jeff3rsn you could also import the svg to blender. Its quite easy, just make sure you convert lines with the "create path from contours" tool. Then animate it in 2D with simple 2d-paths for the movement👌
@Ndim_Donald nice board and especially the shading on the wheels! If the pattern is supposed to be straight on the board meaning not diagonal or tilted, the Font should follow the same perspective as the pattern. So the vertical lines of the font should have the same angle as the pattern. Just a detail I realized.
The permissions after save must be adjusted for posting to web sites (no " group or other" read permission is set without extra manual effort. Extra steps are a bother, and I don't want to get 404 errors when I forget to check.)
I get an error message when trying to use the stable ppa
@mako-gfx I will try to reanimate it in a ciclic way someday!. Other thing that is in my plans is to rebuild the car on Blender, and animate it in different ways!
@jeff3rsn: You can create an animated svg and upload it here too.
Using <animateMotion> is quite straightforward if you look into it, and the result will be looped by default -for each animated object.
As a plus, the loop time can be set differently for every object thus can achieve a continuous animation that hardly repeats itself.
@TylerDurden Thank you for the link. It looks like the manual removal of the "old" lib2geom file fixed my problem. The update went through smoothly after that.
I will now be able to comfortably move ahead with the current stable version. Thank you and thanks to @Pacer for raising the issue here. As always, it is the people of a community who build loyalty to an otherwise great Free Software tool.
(It feels great to be "moving ahead" during this months motion challenge!)
@Pacer The first "feature" I like is the improved splash screen which allows opening old files easier. I'll be playing with the other new features as possible. Would it be best to share reactions here, or in a separate location?
@Pacer I used 1.2 until I saved and most of my objects were gone when I opened the file again. Now I'm using 1.2.1 hoping that that bug is thoroughly fixed. :)
Luckily I had saved using a different filename earlier that day, so I only lost two hours of work.
@mrks9 I didn't expect romance in this image. :) Very nice!
@Ndim_Donald I see no issue creating icons in Inkscape. What type of icons are you looking to create?
I have no experience creating fonts, but this video looks fairly comprehensive: https://youtu.be/9rNex959Zbs Give it a shot and let us know how you get on.
The hands are using animateMotion. There is a colormatrix filter primitive animated too for the glow effect and the cube is animated via transformations.
Thanks @mako-gfx😉 Desaturating the colors was a tip from @bleke and I think it improves the result. The light idea was yours, so thanks to all for the suggestions 💙
@pacer, Been designing icons and fonts with Inkscape for a while and was thinking of creating packs that can be used by other apps, for UI, and by creators.
Experimented with Tiled Clones again to create a kind of Motionblur effect. I liked the slight dizzy-effect the overlapping white outlines created so I drew this image. My idea was to emphasize the effect of motion by putting static and moving or spinning parts of the machine next to each other.
I will now be able to comfortably move ahead with the current stable version. Thank you and thanks to @Pacer for raising the issue here. As always, it is the people of a community who build loyalty to an otherwise great Free Software tool.
You're welcome. As Inkscape doesn't monitor usage of the software, it is good to hear from users about how they are getting on with the software.
@Pacer The first "feature" I like is the improved splash screen which allows opening old files easier. I'll be playing with the other new features as possible. Would it be best to share reactions here, or in a separate location?
Great. Yeah post it here. I'm thinking of starting another thread for "challenger (non-challenge) chat", so we can talk about anything without confusing new-comers. What do you think?
@Pacer I used 1.2 until I saved and most of my objects were gone when I opened the file again. Now I'm using 1.2.1 hoping that that bug is thoroughly fixed. :)
Luckily I had saved using a different filename earlier that day, so I only lost two hours of work.
Oh no! I have had similar issues in the past. I did find that Inkscape had automatically backed up my work which was lucky. Do check for automatic backups if that happens again.
Thanks @pacer that's very kind of you. I do it just to learn and exercise my mind a bit. Unfortunately I came very late to the "vector world" I've been around for a only few years and yesterday I already turned 53 😄
I have created a separate thread for 'non-challenge chitchat for challengers'. This way we can "chat freely" without the risk of confusing newcomers. There are no set topics so feel free to ask questions, post challenge ideas, post non-challenge artwork/animations/tips, or even collaborate on your artwork.
It looks amazing @beke super dynamic. Even the detail of the neck scarf in the wind. The ostrich looks great and the bike/rider combo is wonderful. I just feel that the right rear view mirror looks like it's floating as you can barely make out the piece that holds it to the handlebars. Great work, thanks for sharing 😱💯👏
@bleke Amazing dynamic picture with so much detail in it! Great! Although you used different styles (outlines, no outlines, blur) it all blends together nicely👍
@mrks9 Yes, I should have made the mirror stalks metallic. I did make the motorcyclist a lighter grey than he was before so that the stalks should show up better, but when put against the bright background they kind of disappeared again.
@AlgotRuneman The giraffes are amazing! I'm so glad I didn't have to make them myself. 😁
@mako-gfx I thought it would separate foreground and background better if I skipped outline on the latter.
@Ndim_Donald Fantastic. I especially like the wear on the fireplace surround (details) 😄 The idea of @bleke seems great to me. Maybe with Lattice deformation from LPE you could create something quick and easy 🤔
But I think it would be a mistake to make the fire animation smooth. Fire is fast and flickering when it's gases coming out of pieces of firewood that's burning. If you animate a candle in a calm room, then you want smooth animation.
@Ndim_Donald I have no idea about animation, but with this month's challenge I've been testing with png sequences. First converting them to gif, but then @pacer talked about apng and I'm trying with that. In the thread https://inkscape.org/forums/competitions/challenger-chat-for-off-topic-ramblings-and-chitchat/?c=49426#c49426 there are small examples.
I did not understand where and how can I animate svg I've animated and saved it in gif and mp4. I don't code and don't know how to code in any language. So I need more specific instructions to do some svg animation, like "open that window, type something..." But I know I could done it better in enve, but I did not had time enough.
You could make your slot machine work using Javascript's math.random to select which items show up. Unfortunately that means Adobe will win occasionally. 🤔
Thanks for the info, @bleke That's a lot for me 😰😄. If you are talking of Adobe because of Figma, fortunately there are open source alternatives, such Penpot 😆
@mrks9 I am always amazed at what you come up with. I love your animation. I didn't anticipate that this challenge would be largely animation, but I really like the artwork and ideas people have come up with. Brilliant!
@Lazur I did not understand where and how can I animate svg I've animated and saved it in gif and mp4. I don't code and don't know how to code in any language. So I need more specific instructions to do some svg animation, like "open that window, type something..." But I know I could done it better in enve, but I did not had time enough.
@pacer there isn't much deeper meaning in the composition as per se. Wanted to create a 2,5 D scene with parallax animation behind a car
-to see if something similar can be animated as @jeff3rsn did using svg only.
Browsed for cars at openclipart and a similar VolksWagen T2 icon was the best choice I came across.
A hippie mobile was leading to some "flower power" theme.
Main inspirations were musical ones.
Desert scene can be familiar with desert rock (like, "Welcome to Sky Valley" by Kyuss, "Gravity X" by Truckfighters and... which one was that german band, can't remember their name.
They had an album cover of a T2 as a spaceship. Will edit this post if finding them again.)
The nautile theme was just an addition to the foreground. Other idea was making giant worms from the Dune but it'd appear repetitive in the animation.
(Figured it's too bland with just the car, 2 background layers and clouds moving in a 25-45 s loop.
@mrks9 I like the Stickman-Story. Simple but cool little story. Those walking frames look really convincing. The pace is nicely done too (the small break when looking at the poster)👍
playing around with "Pattern Along Path" Path Effect I came up with the idea of a road in topview taken in time exposure so the traffic blurs into chaotic lines and curves.
@mako-gfx Excellent! It has a lot of sense of movement. I love that long exposure effect in photos and this reminds me a lot of it. Great work, thanks for sharing 💯
@mako-gfx Brilliant! I looked at the graphic before reading your comment and what I saw matched your description perfectly. Another imaginative piece. Thank you for another great entry! I love seeing them.
I created this animation with Inkscape and Enve. I drew all parts in Inkscape. In Enve I created keys for the animation e.g. the handpositions and scale of the lines. I animated the appearing of the lines just by making them scale from 0 (invisible) to 1. First I tried to make the lines appear by animating the alpha-value but somehow that didnt work when exporting to SVG in Envy. So I scaled them instead. Needed some time to get into Envy but it is really fun to use. Otherwise I wouldnt have been able to animate this😊
Well, look at that. What a challenge! So many brilliant entries and the quality just keeps getting better! We have now broken the record for most challenge participation 2 months in a row. Wow! (thank you all so much for being so encouraging to each other).
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end [and November's challenge is no exception], but this cloud has a silver lining! December's challenge is now live.
Desert scene can be familiar with desert rock (like, "Welcome to Sky Valley" by Kyuss, "Gravity X" by Truckfighters and... which one was that german band, can't remember their name. They had an album cover of a T2 as a spaceship. Will edit this post if finding them again.)
Couldn't edit it but whoever is still wondering, the german album in question was Muttermaschine by Mother Engine.
We challenge you to:
Draw something in motion!
OK, this one is a real challenge for you artists out there. You can draw, but can you draw something [which appears to be] moving?
While we know we are going to get some stunning artwork and novel ideas, we also want to encourage beginners. If you are new to Inkscape, try something simple like a ball with a motion blur. Remember:
Multiple entries are welcome, and please do stick around for the chat!
All abilities are invited to get involved. The complexity of your entry is down to you.
Please post your finished artwork below.
IMPORTANT: If you would like to know what you could do to improve your artwork, add the phrase to your comment: "Brutal Feedback" --- only for those with nerves of steel!
All entries to be submitted by 30 November 2022.
Please do spread the word!
We look forward to seeing your entries!
Challenge entries (so far)
Oh, no! Not the morning coffee!
Following the suggestion of @bleke, this gif came out. It looks very "robotic", but I liked the idea. It's the first one I've made, I guess I would need many more images to make it look fluid 🤔🙂 The gif is made in Gimp, everything else in Inkscape.
@mrks9 Incredible! Is this all from your mind or did you take inspiration elsewhere?
Thanks, @pacer Yes, this was an illustration I did a while back and wanted to represent the idea of community https://inkscape.org/~mrks9/★liberty_2022-wallpaper . But it wasn't meant to animate, it was the suggestion of @bleke that moved me to turn it into a gif. I added the logo at the end because for me it represents perfectly both Freedom and Community 🙂
Wow Marcos, that turned out really good! 😃
@mrks9 I love how the first guy climbs up between the L & I and all the poses. It reminds me of an old Batman game I used to have. So very well done!
I'm thinking of the Mac version of Lode Runner.
@bleke Thanks for the suggestion, I would not have thought of doing this 😉
Final image is animated GIF built from sixteen exported png files, each export done from an Inkscape image, adjusting the piston parts to make a repeating loop.
The conversion uses the GNU/Linux command convert -delay 10 -loop 0 piston*.png piston10.gif from the imagemagick set of tools.
@AlgotRuneman Nice 👏
@AlgotRuneman Brilliant. Great work and, though not a requirement, the animation is good to see. Thanks for a great entry!
Hi. I am undergoing some startling eye problems that began in the last week. While seeking medical help, I currently do not know for the short term nor long term how this will develop. That said, I thank the Inkscape community for encouraging me and inspiring me and helping me for so long a time. I will not be able to participate in things Inkscape related until my vision improves. ( I can hardly even read text anymore.,)
I welcome any prayers and thoughts for my welfare as well as for my family. Please continue in your efforts to help one another and share the goodness within yourselves.
Trusting in God for better days for myself and all of you in this community. Thank you each one and I will be *back* when I can. Truly God bless you.
@ken10001000 I am very sorry to hear about your eyesight. I have had an eyesight scare myself and it can be frightening. For what it is worth, whatever the cause, I believe it is important to stay hydrated.
Please do update us on how you get on, if and when you can.
You can reach me here if you want to chat any time: https://chat.inkscape.org/direct/pacer
Your contributions to the challenge have been amazing.
My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family brother.
Look after yourself.
Good luck with the treatment Ken! Fingers crossed it's cataract rather than glaucoma.
@ken10001000 Ken, I'm very sorry to hear that, I can only say I hope everything goes well. From here we send you positive energy 💙
@ken10001000 Sorry to hear what is happining to you. I wish you all the best.
@AlgotRuneman detailed, smooth animation, pretty cool👌
@ken10001000 - Ken, step back from these challenges. Find your solution as quickly as you can.
I created the ghosting effect with the Tiled-Clone tool with shift, rotation and opacity changing for each row. The meaning?.. Its a banana happily jumping into a pool of hot chocolate!☺
@mrks9 Liberty: That turned out pretty cool. Some suggestions/details you could change: Add an extra frame when the weights are completely lifted, with the prisoner still kneeing on the ground. This way its easier to see this rather complex part of the animation. The Inkscape logo is a bit distracting. Maybe let the running man dissappear at the right border completely then add a frame with the logo appearing.
Just some ideas, its already cool!
@mako-gfx I suspect that a minion will land on his face right after the banana. :)
@mako-gfx that is an interesting effect. Love the chocolate splash.
From a distance, I thought your banana was a flame. Maybe try to make a flame on a candle using a similar effect? I'd like to see that.
Thanks for a great entry. :)
@mako-gfx It looks great! 💯
A simple triangle shape that turned into something abstract travelling at high speeds in the clouds. I created the reflections on the pieces with the Bevels-Button-filter.
Giving the impression of motion seems more difficult to me than simulating motion with animation. I've been impressed with the complex work so far.
It is my habit (and skill limit) to start with simple efforts. This image is what I came up with.
Here's a giraffe from a photo I saw on reddit. Was going to add the skin pattern, maybe something randomly created (using tweak tool I think) but decided that was too much for my current skills, but still a good practice :-) Thanks!
@mako-gfx I love the effect. Great work. @AlgotRuneman Fantastic, the sensation of movement is nicely achieved.
@mako-gfx You have an eye for this. Very dramatic. Love it!
@AlgotRuneman No skill deficit, just a different approach to your goals. My view... Some have a natural eye for the surreal (cartoon, impressionism...) and some for the technical (functional and accurate). It seems that everyone struggles with a particular style as they are 'mentally blind' to them. Over time, the imagination develops a more varied set of references and these styles suddenly work.
Your word art is clean and clearly represents movement. Thank you for a great entry!
@mrks9 @pacer thanks for your feedback!
I agree pacer. I think the most common effect of motion is known from photographs or games, the motion blur. Its the most technical way to draw something in motion. To imagine new approaches is more difficult and artistic, because it is necessary to think and imagine in a more abstract way. Just how comics use some correct places lines to indicate a kind of abststact motion blur.
@AlgotRuneman looks good. The idea, that the E creates the middle distortion-line is great!
@kinow An interesting perspective of a giraffe. It gives me the feeling of standing next to the animal, and provides a realistic representation of size. Thank you for a great entry. I saw your previous low poly depiction of a cashew fruit... It's good to see you back in the challenges.
Challenge Admin
Thank you @pacer! Good to be back :-)
The image of @pacer gave me an idea. As I don't know if I will be able to continue working on it, I leave a gif of the process so far. The compression of the gif has made the glows look horrible, but anyway 🌊🙂
Here I am posting two versions of a drawing I did to pay tribute to a brazilian old Car model, the Gurgel Itaipu.
I'm posting two versions of it, and putting here the link to visit the project on my (on development) website. On version qas animated in Enve, and other was only made in Inkscape.
See on my portfolio: https://maierjefferson.me/gurgel-itaipu/
@jeff3rsn Looks great, The animation is cool. thanks for sharing 👍
@jeff3rsn sweet animation and style. If it was cyclic I could watch it for hours😊
@mrks9 beautiful drawing! The waves look really dynamic and powerful. Maybe add some spotlight indication from the lighthouse. The Animation reminds me of speed-drawing videos😀
@mako-gfx I will try to reanimate it in a ciclic way someday!. Other thing that is in my plans is to rebuild the car on Blender, and animate it in different ways!
To all the amazing creators, despite all, always keep rolling
A piece I created in the past using 3d. Now, recreated using Inkscape!
Loving the process!!!
Hello everyone. This is my first posting on here after only recently upgrading to Inkscape 1.2.1 and I am loving it.
This is a variation on the main character I created for an upcoming computer game called "Cogalot" (for Android, iOS and Windows). It uses a lot of gradients and the blur filter in a cartoon style. I hope you like it :)
@NTK Hmmm... Your dude's unstoppable... Someone's definitely got to stop him!!!
Loving the flow on the metallic hands and legs
@mrks9 Oh #LIBERTY What'sbetter than Freedom!! 👌
@Ndim_Donald What a fancy skateboard 🙂
Is it a bitmap pattern you used?
@bleke... sure there's an easier way to get this but here's what was done!
@mrks9 Really nice. A very dramatic scene. I'd love to see how this turns out. Thanks for sharing your process!
@jeff3rsn welcome to the challenges. I thought at first that the car was heavily styled, but I see it is quite an accurate depiction of the original. Thank you for a great entry and for showing your design in motion too.
Challenge Admin
@Ndim_Donald Beautiful! I love the texture on the side and the wheels. Very professional. Thanks for a great entry.
Welcome to the challenges Neil. It's good to hear you are getting on well with 1.2.1.
I like your artwork, Both dynamic and lifelike.
Thank you for a great entry!
Challenge Admin
@AlgotRuneman @bleke @jeff3rsn @kinow @mako-gfx @mrks9 @Ndim_Donald @NTK
Side topic
Speaking of the latest release of Inkscape, have you moved over to 1.2.x?
If so, what are your thoughts and what are your favorite changes?
Have you come across any issues?
@NTK Welcome. I like it, it's fun 👍 @Ndim_Donald Fantastic. And I see you're faithful to your color palette 😄👏
Thanks @pacer let's see if I can finish it. I have some idea to create a foreground that connects with the lighthouse character. We'll see... Regarding your question about the version, I've been with the development version for quite some time now, with the wonderful new features coming soon. And without too many problems. For what I do, it has barely crashed a couple of times, plus I have fun with the shape builder. And I take advantage of tools like last move repeat, lasso selection on nodes, etc. On Linux it works great 😄
@mrks9 Sticking to the Brand bro 😅
@jeff3rsn you could also import the svg to blender. Its quite easy, just make sure you convert lines with the "create path from contours" tool. Then animate it in 2D with simple 2d-paths for the movement👌
@Ndim_Donald nice board and especially the shading on the wheels! If the pattern is supposed to be straight on the board meaning not diagonal or tilted, the Font should follow the same perspective as the pattern. So the vertical lines of the font should have the same angle as the pattern. Just a detail I realized.
Side Topic
I'm using 1.1 for my every day work because, on Kubuntu 20.04 LTS, the Snap version of 1.2 does not integrate properly into the file system.
I get an error message when trying to use the stable ppa
Algot Runeman, possible workaround for the PPA here: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/issues/3758
@mako-gfx The perfect imperfection... Thanks for the detail!!! 👌
@pacer haven't gotten to it yet...
Was wondering, Thinking of creating my fonts and icon packs. Can this be achieved on Inkscape? or something of future prospect?
@jeff3rsn: You can create an animated svg and upload it here too.
Using <animateMotion> is quite straightforward if you look into it, and the result will be looped by default -for each animated object.
As a plus, the loop time can be set differently for every object thus can achieve a continuous animation that hardly repeats itself.
Or adding a parallax effect for 2.5 D.
Side Topic (upgrade to 1.2.1):
@TylerDurden Thank you for the link. It looks like the manual removal of the "old" lib2geom file fixed my problem. The update went through smoothly after that.
I will now be able to comfortably move ahead with the current stable version. Thank you and thanks to @Pacer for raising the issue here. As always, it is the people of a community who build loyalty to an otherwise great Free Software tool.
(It feels great to be "moving ahead" during this months motion challenge!)
@Pacer The first "feature" I like is the improved splash screen which allows opening old files easier. I'll be playing with the other new features as possible. Would it be best to share reactions here, or in a separate location?
I don't know if I will continue with this illustration. So far, it became a serendipity in the middle of the storm 😋
@Ndim_Donald Thanks for the explanation!
@Pacer I used 1.2 until I saved and most of my objects were gone when I opened the file again. Now I'm using 1.2.1 hoping that that bug is thoroughly fixed. :)
Luckily I had saved using a different filename earlier that day, so I only lost two hours of work.
@mrks9 I didn't expect romance in this image. :) Very nice!
Thanks @bleke I wasn't convinced to put the spotlight on, but @mako-gfx suggested it and the girl's idea popped up immediately 😆
@mrks9 I like the decisions you made in your picture, because it looks a lot nicer and creates a story👍
@Lazur thanks for the tip! Unfortunatly its not possible to connect the motion to a path. That would be awesome☺
@Ndim_Donald I see no issue creating icons in Inkscape. What type of icons are you looking to create?
I have no experience creating fonts, but this video looks fairly comprehensive: https://youtu.be/9rNex959Zbs
Give it a shot and let us know how you get on.
Here is an oldie.
The hands are using animateMotion. There is a colormatrix filter primitive animated too for the glow effect and the cube is animated via transformations.
Latter is coming from Jarda at openclipart. https://openclipart.org/detail/328627/animated-rubiks-cube
Another old material, using animateMotion.
Thanks @mako-gfx 😉 Desaturating the colors was a tip from @bleke and I think it improves the result. The light idea was yours, so thanks to all for the suggestions 💙
@pacer, Been designing icons and fonts with Inkscape for a while and was thinking of creating packs that can be used by other apps, for UI, and by creators.
Experimented with Tiled Clones again to create a kind of Motionblur effect. I liked the slight dizzy-effect the overlapping white outlines created so I drew this image. My idea was to emphasize the effect of motion by putting static and moving or spinning parts of the machine next to each other.
@Lazur Ah now I understand what you mean with <animateMotion> after I googled it👍
@mako-gfx I think your idea is perfectly represented in this illustration. I love it! 👏
You're welcome. As Inkscape doesn't monitor usage of the software, it is good to hear from users about how they are getting on with the software.
Great. Yeah post it here. I'm thinking of starting another thread for "challenger (non-challenge) chat", so we can talk about anything without confusing new-comers. What do you think?
@mrks9 Beautiful work! Your compositions are dynamic and professional. Great entry!
@Lazur I love your animations. Literally stunning! Thanks for sharing!
@mako-gfx I love your innovative techniques. You have an interesting style. Thanks for sharing!
Oh no! I have had similar issues in the past. I did find that Inkscape had automatically backed up my work which was lucky. Do check for automatic backups if that happens again.
Thanks @pacer that's very kind of you. I do it just to learn and exercise my mind a bit. Unfortunately I came very late to the "vector world" I've been around for a only few years and yesterday I already turned 53 😄
@AlgotRuneman @bleke @jeff3rsn @ken10001000 @kinow @Lazur @mako-gfx @mrks9 @Ndim_Donald @NTK
I have created a separate thread for 'non-challenge chitchat for challengers'. This way we can "chat freely" without the risk of confusing newcomers. There are no set topics so feel free to ask questions, post challenge ideas, post non-challenge artwork/animations/tips, or even collaborate on your artwork.
PS. This is not to replace challenge-related chitchat as that belongs here, and don't worry about the odd off-topic comment on the challenge.
@mrks9 Happy day after birthday! 🎂
Thanks for the Link @pacer... surely very useful!!
@Lazur Really Cool night city loop 👏...
How many layers have you got on there??
Been looking at it for hours with some cozy soft music
while holding my babe and thinking of the future 😎😋💪
Thank you for the feedback!
That parallax animation was based on this one:
There are 3 moving objects over the still background.
It's like there are 3 Hanna-Barbera backgrounds atop eachother playing at a different speed.
@mako-gfx Have you tried the method in practice after googling it?
Anyone interested in a tutorial on the matter?
@Lazur No havent tried it yet. Basically I am more into drawing and design than editing SVG-Files🎨😊
I think I've run out of steam with this one, so I'll just publish it in its current state.
In case anyone is interested in the svg: https://drive.google.com/file/d/125UC110kQrtAfkelprnwXuZguDw5mQhP/view?usp=sharing
It looks amazing @beke super dynamic. Even the detail of the neck scarf in the wind. The ostrich looks great and the bike/rider combo is wonderful. I just feel that the right rear view mirror looks like it's floating as you can barely make out the piece that holds it to the handlebars. Great work, thanks for sharing 😱💯👏
Spectacular @bleke
The giraffes watching in the background really add to the image, too.
@bleke Amazing dynamic picture with so much detail in it! Great! Although you used different styles (outlines, no outlines, blur) it all blends together nicely👍
Thank you everyone! 🙂
@mrks9 Yes, I should have made the mirror stalks metallic. I did make the motorcyclist a lighter grey than he was before so that the stalks should show up better, but when put against the bright background they kind of disappeared again.
@AlgotRuneman The giraffes are amazing! I'm so glad I didn't have to make them myself. 😁
@mako-gfx I thought it would separate foreground and background better if I skipped outline on the latter.
A warm 'VineScape' Season
Much 💖 to our amazing community!!!
@Ndim_Donald Beautiful. Very cosy. Did you build this from scratch?
I agree. Very beautiful images, @Ndim_Donald!
I'm just thinking that there's not very much motion in them. Maybe animate the fire with a few frames? 🙂
@Ndim_Donald Fantastic. I especially like the wear on the fireplace surround (details) 😄 The idea of @bleke seems great to me. Maybe with Lattice deformation from LPE you could create something quick and easy 🤔
@pacer, Took inspiration from online searches of modern fireplaces... 😉
Would love to know if anyone knows ways of creating these textures on Inkscape 🙏
Sure @bleke @mrks9 the idea of animating the fire was my next move... please, what's the best way to get around smooth frame animations?
@Ndim_Donald that Scene is beautiful! Realistic smooth shading! Please post a bigger version when its finished😊
Much thanks @mako-gfx 🙏 Will definitely do it!!!👌
@Ndim_Donald For smooth animation, AnimateMotion is probably the best alternative.
But I think it would be a mistake to make the fire animation smooth. Fire is fast and flickering when it's gases coming out of pieces of firewood that's burning. If you animate a candle in a calm room, then you want smooth animation.
Use animatemotion in combination with filtering. Also animating the fill attribute and using a morphing animation may work.
Needs testing -even if theoretically most things are possible, the animation can get laggy especially when filters are involved.
here is an explanation on morph animation:
@Ndim_Donald I have no idea about animation, but with this month's challenge I've been testing with png sequences. First converting them to gif, but then @pacer talked about apng and I'm trying with that. In the thread https://inkscape.org/forums/competitions/challenger-chat-for-off-topic-ramblings-and-chitchat/?c=49426#c49426 there are small examples.
Hey people, I answered you all in the offtopic board
I did not understand where and how can I animate svg I've animated and saved it in gif and mp4. I don't code and don't know how to code in any language. So I need more specific instructions to do some svg animation, like "open that window, type something..." But I know I could done it better in enve, but I did not had time enough.
Well, this is what I have achieved. I'd like it to be smoother, but my knowledge doesn't allow for more 😋
@mrks9 I just watched a quick introduction to SVG animation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTHgr6NLeEw
You could make your slot machine work using Javascript's math.random to select which items show up. Unfortunately that means Adobe will win occasionally. 🤔
Thanks for the info, @bleke That's a lot for me 😰😄. If you are talking of Adobe because of Figma, fortunately there are open source alternatives, such Penpot 😆
Adobe is one of the icons in your machine. 😉
O.k now I got it, you mean math.random. So it's not an alternative for me 😄
orbiting food.@mrks9 I am always amazed at what you come up with. I love your animation. I didn't anticipate that this challenge would be largely animation, but I really like the artwork and ideas people have come up with. Brilliant!
@inklinea Very interesting. Like a food fight without the mess. A great entry!
@inklinea Fantastic 👏
Thanks @pacer for showing me about apng 👍
AnimateMotion is like making an object move along a path.
The core path needs to be drawn, and the object is handled similarly to custom markers in inkscape - the page origin (0;0) is used.
Thus you need to move your object from it's place in the animation to the origo and proceed further in the xml editor and a notepad.
In the xml editor you can see the id-s of the objects you want to build upon.
In a notepad for the object to be animated you have to insert an <animateMotion> object,
which then links to the core path's id. Meaning you need to know both id-s and how to copy/paste without causing a syntax error.
I'm not a coder either and it frustrates me testing and editing when like only a "-character is missing.
But it is manageable with basic knowledge and alot patience.
Svg is very simple to read and understand what's going on using a notepad only.
(Also webdevelopers prefer avoiding inkscape for that reason because inkscape bloats many unuseful information for styling etc.
Like a feature could be requested for a save as "purge svg" which removes style data notaffecting the rendering in a browser.)
Sorry, but I came up with this absurd nonsense and said to myself, that' s for the challenge 😋
@mrks9 - Well done nonsense!
@mrks9 Very imaginative. The 13 seems ominous. Another great entry. :)
@pacer Thanks. Actually, 13 wanted to refer to the 1.3 version. 😄
Another small apng. The colors are inspired by the Splash screen of the current version 😉
@mrks9 Another imaginative piece. Great work!
I really want to see this ripple with the water ripples forming the letters.
Ok, here goes some animated svg.
Took way longer than I'd admit.
@Lazur It' s fantastic. Thanks for sharing 💯👏
@Lazur Very interesting. I like the way the van accelerates. Aside from that it looks surreal. Is there a deep meaning to it?
Thank you!
@pacer there isn't much deeper meaning in the composition as per se. Wanted to create a 2,5 D scene with parallax animation behind a car
-to see if something similar can be animated as @jeff3rsn did using svg only.
Browsed for cars at openclipart and a similar VolksWagen T2 icon was the best choice I came across.
A hippie mobile was leading to some "flower power" theme.
Main inspirations were musical ones.
Desert scene can be familiar with desert rock (like, "Welcome to Sky Valley" by Kyuss, "Gravity X" by Truckfighters and... which one was that german band, can't remember their name.
They had an album cover of a T2 as a spaceship. Will edit this post if finding them again.)
The nautile theme was just an addition to the foreground. Other idea was making giant worms from the Dune but it'd appear repetitive in the animation.
(Figured it's too bland with just the car, 2 background layers and clouds moving in a 25-45 s loop.
That work in progress animation is available here: https://openclipart.org/detail/339707/van-animated)
Maybe the diver is coming from the starship above (>"Starship Trooper" by YES).
YES is famous for their artwork by William Roger Dean, which the background is a sloppy paraphrase at best. At least there was an attempt.
In traditional cartoons the background is where you can go crazy with all the colour transition, painted details.
In an animated svg using filters to generate textures is practically a no-go.
Probably solid filled silhouettes would be more fitting implementation-wise -and thus aesthetically.
Anyway, the diver is also a bit of reference to Balázs Kicsiny's installation, like the PumpRoom in 2005.
The purple glow is a Hendrix reference for "Purple Haze".
Made a previous image with an animated haze -tried out it here and it was too laggy.
The nautile theme can be pushed forward with such acts as "Octopus Driver" or "Electric Octopus".
Those are beyond my current skill set/patience. (Here is an octopus animated by Jarda: https://openclipart.org/detail/331496/animated-octopus)
@Lazur Interesting surreal animation. I interpret it as some kind of race to the treasure🏁. Nice work on the parallax scrolling!
@mrks9 I like the Stickman-Story. Simple but cool little story. Those walking frames look really convincing. The pace is nicely done too (the small break when looking at the poster)👍
playing around with "Pattern Along Path" Path Effect I came up with the idea of a road in topview taken in time exposure so the traffic blurs into chaotic lines and curves.
@mako-gfx Nice! I like the colours. 🙂
@mako-gfx Excellent! It has a lot of sense of movement. I love that long exposure effect in photos and this reminds me a lot of it. Great work, thanks for sharing 💯
@Lazur thanks for the thorough explanation. I think it is awesome! A lot of thought has gone into that. A great example of motion!
@mako-gfx Brilliant! I looked at the graphic before reading your comment and what I saw matched your description perfectly. Another imaginative piece. Thank you for another great entry! I love seeing them.
I created this animation with Inkscape and Enve. I drew all parts in Inkscape. In Enve I created keys for the animation e.g. the handpositions and scale of the lines. I animated the appearing of the lines just by making them scale from 0 (invisible) to 1. First I tried to make the lines appear by animating the alpha-value but somehow that didnt work when exporting to SVG in Envy. So I scaled them instead. Needed some time to get into Envy but it is really fun to use. Otherwise I wouldnt have been able to animate this😊
@mako-gfx I'm speechless. Brilliant work. Thank you for another awesome entry!
@mako-gfx Just beautiful! Thanks for sharing 💯
Great i lIke your post.
Thank you for the feedback☺
@AlgotRuneman @bleke @inklinea @jeff3rsn @ken10001000 @KimberlyLinquist @kinow @Lazur @mako-gfx @mrks9 @Ndim_Donald @NTK @TylerDurden
Well, look at that. What a challenge! So many brilliant entries and the quality just keeps getting better!
We have now broken the record for most challenge participation 2 months in a row. Wow! (thank you all so much for being so encouraging to each other).
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end [and November's challenge is no exception], but this cloud has a silver lining!
December's challenge is now live.
Click the link below to head over to the December Challenge page.
I am so excited to see your entries this month.
Catch you all on the challenge page!
Couldn't edit it but whoever is still wondering, the german album in question was Muttermaschine by Mother Engine.