Beyond the Basics How keep text the same color with union feature?
  1. #1
    hsmokey hsmokey @hsmokey

    Hi there,

    I have some text that is different colors (letters within a single word are different colors)- I I select the entire word, then object to path, ungroup and then union, the union step changes all the letters to the same color. Any idea how I can keep the letters the same color?

  2. #2
    julioneto julioneto @julioneto

    Under the same object, multiple paths can't have different colors.

    The question is why are you using union?

  3. #3
    hsmokey hsmokey @hsmokey

    I'm not sure why I'm using union... I have some text that is cursive and I'd like to create an svg with it- I thought I needed to use union at the end so all the letters would be together without any cuts separating them. Is there another option? Thank you!

  4. #4
    Guerreiro64 Guerreiro64 @Guerreiro64

    You need to keep each letter as a separate object: if you use "Union" or "Combine", the letters will be just one color.

  5. #5
    julioneto julioneto @julioneto

    But if the text is cursive, isn't it already "together"?

    If you want something like the effect bellow, you need to use gradient

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beyond the Basics How keep text the same color with union feature?