Make Page Tileable clones all objects that straddle an edge of the page to make the page as a whole tileable. This can be useful for making background patterns for webpages, textures for games and raytraced scenes, tiling patterns for autostereograms, and other places where seamless repetition is desired. To run the extension, simply select Extensions → Page → Make Page Tileable. If no objects are selected then all objects on the page will be cloned. Otherwise, only the selected objects will be cloned. Each set of clones is placed in a group so their positions can be adjusted in unison.
tg1g1tg2g2 is the Heesh code for symmetrical tiles tesselation
Tried to create a pattern by placing a cluster of objects on all four corners and sides middle point as an anchor used. I created this leaf with a pencil type of tool don't know its proper name yet.
Continuous moresque pattern for the „Tiling” path effect. Or just use it as a "pattern"...
These are the previously uploaded patterns arranged in a file that can be used as a template. (Thanks for the tip, @Moini !)