I gave a Live presentation at Chemnitzer Linux Tage (Chemnitzer Linux Days) this year, 2022, as part of the Inkscape Booth. In this presentation, I took a sketch through to a completed, "Ink" drawing, using Inkscape. It was great fun, with lots of fantastic interaction from everyone watching. I was using a "One by Wacom" Pen Tablet, But I also demonstrated how to do this with only a mouse.
Fantasy Isometric Art, Dragons Egg Pub
Back to school, when I doodled my checkered notebook sheets. I remember I began with a 4x4 square, then turned in two pentagons... Added horn on each copy... 'Till this little dragon accidentally appeared. After that, some of them regularly popped in margins of many other notebooks. At this time, I didn't know who was M.C. Escher. You can imagine the slap it was for me when I discovered his work few years later.