wheel rolling

Lazurwheel rolling


Slowly, but surely. Animated svg. Happy New Year! 2025 edition.

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impossible ring (animated)

Lazurimpossible ring (animated)


An animated impossible ring turning, while it interlocks with a ball following a Bernoulli lemniscate path.

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impossible ring -simplified version- (animated)

Lazurimpossible ring -simplified version- (animated)


An animated impossible ring turning, while it interlocks with a ball following a Bernoulli lemniscate path.

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spiral gradient (animated)

Lazurspiral gradient (animated)


A rotating spiral built up by 360 repeating linear gradients moving inwards at a constant pace. Viewbox is set to 8k, and the document resizes to fit the window.

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Rắn Năm 2025

TNHH Tinh PhụngRắn Năm 2025

TNHH Tinh Phụng

Chép lại từ một áp phích sự kiện Tết Ất Tỵ Năm 2025. Vẽ xong 2025.01.29 12:00

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point missing

Lazurpoint missing


What is the point? There is no point. Nothing. This right here, took days to achieve. Animating the gradient with a notepad? A minutes trick. The rest? Failing. Drawing 360 copies of the same object, with its fill shifted: almost impossible challenge. On multiple versions, between 0.92 and 1.5 dev (2025 Jan. 29.). Pattern fill handles misaligning without any cause. Rotational centre moving when nodes are deleted. Rotational degree spinbox showing 2 digits only, without any possibility to resize it. Icons illegible. Align and distribute jumping to aligning to page option. Text tool font selection shows only a slice of the text. Creating unused definitions by thousands. Failing to adjust multicolor icon colors. Failing at editing gradients. Failing pasting objects with their pattern fills directions intact. Failing to open at a reasonable speed. Lagging. Horrid rendering. Pixelation when zooming in. Objects disappearing. Black spots. Outlines only mode, obscured by "ants" as selection boxes. Less than 1 MB. No filters. Less than 365 objects. Only 1 gradient definition. And yet it's a failure on every front. Was planning to add more to this image. Need some rest. Feeling betrayed, again. From rage, to resignation. Won't bargain, there must be a better way. There is no point, no point at all pursuing any of these with inkscape. Need something, that can do the job. Edit: and as it turns out this rant can't be displayed in its fullness by default. Wasn't expecting anything else. Maybe another 502 bad gateway message?

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