Here's grandma and her little grandchild, 'creating together' in Inkscape 1.3. This artwork was inspired by Inkscape's ease of use and accessibility, which this open-source software gives to its users. It also tries to illustrate the limitlessness by which Inkscape has become a great tool in graphics, even for this 15-year-old me! The new shape builder tool has made far easier and quicker boolean operations. Hearty congratulations to the Inkscape developers and contributors who 'created together' this feat of 20 years, enabling us to draw freely! Ubuntu font: Euphoria Script Regular Extended:
It's 2023, and we have been witnessing many important milestones in Artificial Intelligence and Generative Art. With many tools like ChatGPT and DALLE-2 out in the market, its mainstream for artists to get confused and doubtful. An artwork is like a puzzle. Often we feel that we are missing one finishing touch to our artwork. This picture tries to put forth the synergy in creativity, where technology meets human creativity, trying to put the missing piece of the puzzle, creating new art styles and working together brainstorming ideas. Inkscape continues to remain an exceptional tool for developers, artists, and AIs alike, enabling them to create new art styles, redesign interfaces, and automate design. 20 years is a milestone. We are rooting for you, Inkscape! Fonts used: Fira Code, "1.3" at the bottom center is not a font face.
I am not sure what I draw here but I am just having fun making this stuff, wkwkwkk I hope you can enjoy this used font : Hanken Grotesk ( please let me know if there's something that I should change
font used for "20 years"and "A". font used -
The future starts by knowing the past. The first step is on time 0. The combination of the past and the arriving of a new future passes through the present. The creation is a mix between the old movies with a reference to the colors from "back to the future". The fonts of the numbers are chomsky and Xolonium.