However, the generated HPGL files exhibit jagged curves due to excessive line segments.
When using the Windows Inkscape app, I can adjust settings like "overcut," "tool offset correction," and "curve flatness" to produce smoother curves in the exported HPGL.
Is there a way to configure these settings, specifically "curve flatness," when exporting via the command line?
In the DXF export dialog you can use "ROBO-Master compatible spline output" which will maintain curvature instead of "LWPolyline" which means straight segments of a certain length and what the "hpgl" export dialog don`t offer afaik.
It seems to be possible if you invoke the extension directly from the command line. On a linux system it would be something like: python /usr/share/inkscape/extensions/ --help
Hi all
I'm new to Inkscape and am successfully using the command line to export SVG files to HPGL format:
However, the generated HPGL files exhibit jagged curves due to excessive line segments.
When using the Windows Inkscape app, I can adjust settings like "overcut," "tool offset correction," and "curve flatness" to produce smoother curves in the exported HPGL.
Is there a way to configure these settings, specifically "curve flatness," when exporting via the command line?
In the DXF export dialog you can use "ROBO-Master compatible spline output" which will maintain curvature instead of "LWPolyline" which means straight segments of a certain length and what the "hpgl" export dialog don`t offer afaik.
i do see that option when exporting to DXF format using the GUI. Probably it does the same as the Curve Flatness on HPGL.
But do you have any idea how to do that when exporting using the command line?
Unfortunately not my cup of tea - never used Inkscape that way.
It seems to be possible if you invoke the extension directly from the command line. On a linux system it would be something like:
python /usr/share/inkscape/extensions/ --help