Beginners' Questions Cleaning up traced graphics?
  1. #1
    Bastian Ilso Bastian Ilso @hougaard.junior

    Hi guys,

    I often sketch on paper and use Inkscape afterwards for cleanup. Do you have some good advice on how to simplify the lines?

    Tools I have tried:
    - Adjusting my Trace Bitmap settings.
    - Simplify tool with Ctrl+L
    - Using "Eraser"
    - Manually editing removing nodes.

    Is there some kind of brush I can use to "paint" the holes/jitter away?

    Thanks for the help!

  2. #2
    Polygon Polygon @Polygon🌶

    Maybe try the TweakTool:

  3. #3
    Bastian Ilso Bastian Ilso @hougaard.junior

    Thanks, PixelPest!

    I also found that I could draw with the calligraphic/brush pen to fill in the holes and then select all the objects created and Union them. But your method is nice too, it's quiet good at preserving the lines' character. :)