Hi all, I'm trying to write using the calligraphy tool but am finding the stroke rarely 'whole'. (Picture shows the issue, usually at the end of letters or on simple dots). This seems to occur mostly when pressing harder, on the wacom tablet I'm using. Note that the 'fill is solid' tulip is selected at all times.
I'm using a rather large canvas + width (100mm), so maybe that's the issue?
Thinning and mass are both at 0, angle 58, fixation 8.
I'm new to Inkscape so, my apologies if this is a simple mistake on my part. Let me know if any more information would be helpful!
It appears the nodes are jittered as you lift the stylus from the tablet. Unfortunately, I know nothing about tablet dynamics. I'm a just a humble mouse jockey and I'm tapping out.
Hi all, I'm trying to write using the calligraphy tool but am finding the stroke rarely 'whole'. (Picture shows the issue, usually at the end of letters or on simple dots). This seems to occur mostly when pressing harder, on the wacom tablet I'm using. Note that the 'fill is solid' tulip is selected at all times.
I'm using a rather large canvas + width (100mm), so maybe that's the issue?
Thinning and mass are both at 0, angle 58, fixation 8.
I'm new to Inkscape so, my apologies if this is a simple mistake on my part. Let me know if any more information would be helpful!
Open the Fill and Stroke diaolg [Object > Fill and Stroke] or [shift+ctrl+f].
In the [Fill] tab, turn on [Fill rule: nonzero] at the top right.
Thanks for the response. As mentioned in my post though, I already have that selected :(
So I see. My mistake.
It appears the nodes are jittered as you lift the stylus from the tablet. Unfortunately, I know nothing about tablet dynamics. I'm a just a humble mouse jockey and I'm tapping out.