Creating New Extensions Extension for Traditional Animation Style
  1. #1
    TREINOR TREINOR @treinor

    Hi I'm Miguel 'Treinor', (Spanish is my first language)

    I have been using Inkscape for some years mainly to make hand lettering designs and some cartoon illustrations for t-shirts.

    I did some experiments and research with inkscape for to do illustrations like comic and anime style and I found it as very nice and fun process!

    Now I'm planing to create some animations with these tool, I did some research about it and got some useful extensions in the Traditional Animation Style (sometimes called frame by frame).

    This is a thread about what I'm doing for to create/adjust some existing extensions for animation that I found in Internet, some help are very welcome.

    The main Goal is to create better workflow for to make short animations in traditional style (doodles up to 100 frames may be?)

    1) Prepare the document

    I want to adapt the Animation Extension of natorx:

    The thread:

    The extension:

    Goal: to import linked images (sketches in numerated .jpg files) in individual layers (no need many sublayers at the moment)

    2) The Onionskin extension of lingo

    Goal (not a must): adapt this Onionskin extension to the project (this actually work well)

    Both extensions has the "preview option" but both aren't working for me :c 

    3) Animation Preview and manual preview (Back and forth of layers)

    For to visualize the frame by frame (layer by layer) I'm using anim_view (not an extension, but this is working for me)

    Goal: Visualize the frame/layer back and forth

    I wrote some code several years ago lol but I really like Inkscape for to draw clean drawings with the best workflow (we don't want branches for to do basic steps)

    One of my inspirations for this is the project made by Eikhk his gitHub

    I attached an animated gif of some of my test using Inkscape and the extensions and tools above.

    This "plan" isn't ordered at all, I'm just sharing some ideas and what I got and may help somebody.

    Thanks for read, see you around! 😎


    Some tools used: Windows10, VS Code and Wacom

    Frame by Frame Animation With Inkscape
  2. #2
    brynn brynn @brynn

    Welcome to the forum!

    I don't have enough coding skills to be able to help with that part.  But I might be able to help with testing.  I'll watch this thread for updates.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    Hi Miguel - make sure you use the Inkscape 1.0 beta, or even better, the current development version for building your extension. 1.0 isn't too far away, and extensions have changed profoundly since the previous version. Some more info is available here:

  4. #4
    TREINOR TREINOR @treinor

    Hey brynn, thanks for watching!

    I'm doing more research about animations in inkscape, it is very interesting!, I found lots of new ideas to develope something awesome :D

    Hi Maren!, thanks for share the update!, I'm very new in this development topic but I'm reading tons of examples and following the steps from the Inkscape documentation and got more light.

    BTW, Is there a place to talk about Inkscape for animations?, for to develope something like this, should I make a thread about it here?


  5. #5
    Maren Hachmann Maren Hachmann @Moini

    If you're serious about getting into this on a C++ level (because that would be what that Wiki link is about), you should probably introduce yourself to the developers on the mailing list and in the chat.

    Note that right now, we're in feature freeze for 1.0 (no new features can be added to master branch). If you want to familiarize yourself with Inkscape, why not look for a nice little bug that has to do with the interface? (it looks as if what you're planning is very interface-intensive). That'll get you some help from the team, and some learning, too.

  6. #6
    TREINOR TREINOR @treinor

    Hi Maren,

    Well I'm refreshing some C++ concepts with Visual Studio Community and trying to compile the whole inkscape project, but I don't know if I will be serious with it, I don't think I got the level to develope something like that yet and don't want to bother, I'm having fun reading and executing some instructions from the inkscape wiki and the guides

    And yes I'm planing something that's very interface-intensive plus SVG animation elements (SMIL)

    I like the idea of take a look to the Layers panel and its behavior of Inkscape to familiarize :)

    Thanks for all the information!

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Creating New Extensions Extension for Traditional Animation Style