Beyond the Basics Snapping While Rotating
  1. #1
    cartoonygothica cartoonygothica @cartoonygothicpunker

    I find that when I rotate an object with the select tool, I can have the object snap to paths or guides, but not specific nodes. Does anyone else find this frustrating?

  2. #2
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    In my experience Inkscape tries to snap every node but not necessarily the one I want. Precise alignment of complex shapes is difficult. In these situations I will draw one or more temporary construction lines extending beyond my shape to get the right snap location and snap angle.

    Rotation Snapping
  3. #3
    cartoonygothica cartoonygothica @cartoonygothicpunker

    Yeah, I found that using a guide sometimes helps, but I really wish Inkscape allowed objects to snap to nodes when being rotated. Another feature request, possibly?