Beyond the Basics Having a problem with Clone/Relink to Copied in Inkscape 1.0
  1. #1
    AllanK AllanK @AllanK

    I’m having a problem in Inkscape 1.0 with Clone/Relink to Copied.  It seems to work for me in 0.92, but doesn't in 1.0.
    I have an object and it’s clone and I’m trying to relink it to another object.
    I copy the new object, select the clone,  then go to Edit/Clone/Relink to Copied.
    The clone looks like it disappears, but it still shows up in the object dialog.
    If I click on the clone in the object dialog, a message comes up that says “Clone (orphaned) in layer Layer 1”.
    Am I doing something wrong?
    I’m using Inkscape 1.0.2 (e86c870, 2021-01-15) on Windows 10 Pro.



    Drawing 1
  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    There is a setting in the Preferences>Behavior>Clones... maybe the setting is different in the two versions?

    "Inkscape also has the ability to “relink” clones when the original and clones are copied. Normally, the duplicated clones are linked to the original object, and the duplicate of the original object is not linked to anything. The behavior can be changed by enabling the Relink duplicated clones option in the Clones section of the Inkscape Preferences dialog so that new copies are linked to the copy of the original object".

  3. #3
    AllanK AllanK @AllanK

    Thank you for responding Tyler!

    I checked the preferences on both 0.92 and 1.0 and they both have:

    “Moving original: clones and linked offsets” set to “Stay Unmoved”

    “Deleting original: clones” set to “Are unlinked”

    “Duplicating original+clones/linked offset” with “Relink duplicated clone” unchecked.  I tried checking it in 1.0, but I still couldn’t relink.

    1.0   has an additional preference of “Unlinking clones” with “Path operations unlink clones” checked.  I tried unchecking it, but I still couldn’t relink.


  4. #4
    Marco Riva Marco Riva @zerocinquanta

    Not only in the object dialog, it's present in the xml editor tool as well. Application of style attribute has no effect. Even the selection (ctrl+A) lists the clone(s), still not visible, despite having checked the "ignores hidden objects" option in the behavior/selection preferences. So, apparently Inkscape mark it as a Visible object.

  5. #5
    AllanK AllanK @AllanK

    Thank you Marco.

    Are you saying that you get the same results on your system?  If so, that makes a configuration/setup issue on my system less likely.


  6. #6
    Marco Riva Marco Riva @zerocinquanta

    Yes, l’m on MacOS. Not the latest version, anyway.

  7. #7
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    @AllanK   You're probably using Edit>Duplicate [ctrl+d].  The duplicated clone retains the link to the original source.  Instead use Copy and Paste [ctrl+c, ctrl+v] to link the pasted clone to the pasted source.

  8. #8
    AllanK AllanK @AllanK

    Thank you for replying Paddy_CAD.

    I'm not sure I understand.  I AM using copy, not duplicate, as my first step.  I've tried ctrl+c, right clicking and selecting copy from the popup menu, and also edit/copy as my first step. Are you suggesting that I am using duplicate somewhere other than my first step? I'm also confused by the reference to using ctrl+v to link the pasted clone.  If edit/clone/Relink to Copied is incorrect, please outline the correct sequence to relink to a different object.
    I've successfully executed the command sequence in 0.92.  I'm only having a problem in 1.0.


  9. #9
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    Looks like a bug.  Replicated in 1.02 on Mint.

    Info on reporting here:

  10. #10
    AllanK AllanK @AllanK

    Thanks Tyler.
    I opened an issue.  This is my first time, so I hope I did it right.

  11. #11
    Paddy_CAD Paddy_CAD @Paddy_CAD

    Hi again folks.  I'm using Inkscape 1.02 on Windows 10.  In my case pasted clones are linked to the pasted source object (as expected) and duplicated clones are linked to the original source.

  12. #12
    AllanK AllanK @AllanK

    Thanks Paddy_CAD!

    They replicated my problem and closed my issue.  It is apparently only on a specific version.

    Nevermind, I replicate in 1.0.2-2 on Windows 10. Looking at what happens, the issue was almost definitely fixed in

    commit 7adaa710

    Author: Jabier Arraiza <>
    Date:   Thu Mar 11 00:07:09 2021 +0100
        Backport issue clipboard is getting wrong first id
        Because a fix for transforms on clipboard we wrap root lebel clipboard items into groups
        but in the fix we forget the logic for this function.
        Original MR:

    The function is just broken in 1.0.2, solutions: downgrade to 1.0.1, or 0.92.5, or upgrade to 1.1beta

    Since the issue is fixed in development builds though, closing as fixed.

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beyond the Basics Having a problem with Clone/Relink to Copied in Inkscape 1.0