<Tavmjong> ================== Board Meeting ===================
<Tavmjong> Who is here?
* imageconstructor
<Tavmjong> bryce, doctomon, JonCruz, karen, tedg, Scislac ?
<karen> hi Tavmjong!
<karen> o/
<JonCruz> hi
<Tavmjong> hi karen!
<doctormon> Hi!
<Tavmjong> I think Scislac will be a bit late.
<karen> I've been sick this past week but I think my action item of getting you the FSA from Tony is done, thanks to Tony :D
* bryce heys
<Tavmjong> karen, Great! Have you sent it out yet?
<karen> Tavmjong, you guys didn't get it?
<karen> let me check
<Tavmjong> karen, not that I know of...
<bryce> I've not afaik
<karen> whoops! He sent it just to me
<karen> will pass it on
<Tavmjong> FSA (Fiscal Sponsership Agreement) for those that don't know... our agreement with the SFC.
* Moini (~maren@ip1f10af2f.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) has joined #inkscape-devel
<karen> sorry about that all
<karen> just eyeballing it first
<Tavmjong> karen, OK, so we can discuss it via email or at next weeks meeting.
<Tavmjong> Topic: Hackfest -------------
<Tavmjong> I think someone had a revised, revised version of The Pitch. Has it been put on the Hackfest page?
<bryce> working on it
* FailBit
<karen> actually, I think Tony misunderstood. he has weekly meetings as the default way of carrying on business by the PLC
<bryce> ran it by my wife and she did some copyediting. She's a gradeschool teacher so had to print it out to redline, so I gotta re-type. :-P
<Tavmjong> http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Hackfest2015#The_Pitch
<bryce> some particulars she mentioned...
<bryce> she thought "buy a developer a beverage" makes it sound like we're going to be boozing it up and suggest dropping that
<bryce> also suggested that instead of buy lunch for hackfest, to do a Business level at $500, and a Corporate level at $5000
<bryce> or something quite high like that
<Tavmjong> bryce, I kind of agree about the beverage thing...
<bryce> also, offering perks for the corporate level, like including their logo on promotional materials or what not
<bryce> something to give them extra justification for the sponsorship, that wouldn't cost us much
<Tavmjong> bryce, What promotional material would we be producing?
<Tavmjong> bryce, We could put their logo on the Hackfest page.
<bryce> don't know. She was thinking like the conference web page and/or donation page, if we have brochures or handouts or presentation templates, etc. those'd be places.
<Tavmjong> bryce, I kind of like the "Business level" rather than lunch as $500 for lunch for 12 hackers seems like a lot.
<bryce> her original suggestion was "on your booth banner" but I admitted we didn't have a booth
<bryce> yeah, that was what she suggested
<bryce> one sec, children issue, bbias
<Tavmjong> We might have a few talks at LGM where we could display the logo.
<Tavmjong> Who's thinking about giving a talk at LGM?
<karen> well you could put up a banner in the room with a sponsor name/logo
<karen> yeah that works too
<karen> good suggestions by your wide, bryce!
<karen> s/wide/wife
<Tavmjong> While we wait for bryce, any status report on the Donation page design?
<Tavmjong> Who is doing the final design?
<bryce> sorry, ok where was I
<Tavmjong> bryce, Ways to reward sponsers...
<bryce> oh last suggestion she metioned having an amount that is like the equiv of half an Adobe Illustrator license
<bryce> (or perhaps a full license equivalent cost)
<Tavmjong> How much is a license?
<bryce> dunno. few hundred I'm guessing?
<doctormon> bryce: Actually MO from Red"Hat had that idea ages ago
<bryce> rest is just copyedits which I'll factor in
<doctormon> I'd save that one for a yearly subscription offering
<Tavmjong> https://creative.adobe.com/plans
<bryce> doctormon, ah not a bad idea
<Tavmjong> 25Euros/month for Illustrator (Individual)
<Tavmjong> $20/month
<JonCruz> Tavmjong: is that a monthly thing, or "easy payments" for an annual?
<bryce> $360/yr + tax
<JonCruz> Tavmjong: that sounds backwards. $ is less
<JonCruz> Should be $31.26 currently
<Tavmjong> JonCruz, It appears to be monthly. And yes, that seems backwards but it is what it is showing. It's the "Euro" tax.
<JonCruz> aha!
<doctormon> JonCruz: Never heard of RipOff Britain? Well known difference in prices between US and EU because of taxes and various other factors.
<JonCruz> Tavmjong: beats the AU tax
<bryce> $240/yr individual, $360/yr business
<JonCruz> Where flying from AU to the US, buying the box there, then flying back was cheaper than buying in AU
<Tavmjong> Yea, prices are often the same in $, Euros, and pounds; ignoring exchange rates.
<bryce> ouch
<JonCruz> same would be ok... but reverted is eeeks
<doctormon> Prices for these things are arbitrary anyway. That's why open source is important to capitalists ;-)
<Tavmjong> 1 Euro = 1.25 Dollars
<Tavmjong> OK, back to business...
<Tavmjong> So we could have a $120 level.
<Tavmjong> ... which fills in a bit of the gap between $50 and $500
* bryce nods
<Tavmjong> bryce, You'll take an action to update The Pitch?
<bryce> yep
<bryce> one other thing, we need to be sure to highlight that donations are tax deductable. For some people that'll be a huge selling point.
<bryce> besides we go to ample trouble to ensure we can say that, so we should! :-)
<Tavmjong> Then back to my earlier question: Who is doing the actual donations page?
<Tavmjong> Last week's mock-up: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dvshnhd5algn2cb/mock1.svg
<JonCruz> oh, yes. End of the year tax deductible push is good, as people suddenly start to think about IRS and consequences
<karen> yes definitely
<Tavmjong> So we need the page up and advertised before the end of the year!
<karen> as a piece of inside info, Conservnacy is going to do an end of year campaign pretty soon
<ScislaC> Sorry, traffic was worse than expected.
<bryce> re: coordination/timing, I'm pretty confident we can have the release out before EOY
<doctormon> Tavmjong: you mean https://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/2180/
<Tavmjong> doctormon, Yes, but it renders poorly in Firefox.
<doctormon> Bitmap it then
<JonCruz> eeek
<doctormon> (also download available on that page)
* Tavmjong Why does it look good in Inkscape but not Firefox?
<ScislaC> it looks fine in crhome
<ScislaC> chrome even
<doctormon> looks good in my Firefox
<bryce> revision work done - http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Hackfest2015#Alternate_Pitch_language
<ScislaC> doctormon: looks bad in my Firefox too
<doctormon> Firefox v33 - Ubuntu
<bryce> I've got 33 here, and it looks ok
<Tavmjong> Firefox v33.1 - Fedora Could be a font thing?
<bryce> well, regardless, next step here should be to paste those bits into an actual django page
<Tavmjong> +1
<karen> weird there's no picture in epiphany
<bryce> who want's this task? Be a great way to dip your toes in django, shouldn't be too terribly hard.
<doctormon> Under Donate > Hackfest 2015 ?
<doctormon> bryce: The design requires absolutely no django, just html in the cms and probably a bit of css.
<ScislaC> Firefox 33 here- http://imgur.com/mMT1Fg0
<bryce> doctormon, well, presuming we have a top level Hackfest 2015 page for the event itself, where would that go?
<doctormon> Top level? So either not in the menu at all, or we'd take away one of the other top level items. (which I wouldn't want to do)
<bryce> doctormon, well by django I mean using the web administrative tool, not hacking on the guts. :-)
<Tavmjong> doctormon, That might be hiding it too far down. We might temporarily replace our Donate page with the Hackfest one.
<ScislaC> Tavmjong: +1 to that
<bryce> doctormon, sheesh my phrasing is sucking today
<bryce> I mean top level in the sense of like main landing page for the event. Not suggesting top level in the menu
<Tavmjong> Hey, you don't have to be a board member to volunteer!
<bryce> so like would you want Contribute -> Hackfests, or Develop -> Events -> Hackfest 2015, or ...?
<FailBit> hmm
<FailBit> https://i.imgur.com/zEjBCJh.png
<Moini> I'll do it, on two conditions: 1) I need a good picture which we may use (so someone needs to ask) 2) doctormon needs to allow some more tags/css stuff in the editor, or we won't get any green boxes.
<bryce> hmm, although now that I think about it, having the donation "campaign" as a sub-item under Donate makes a huge amount of sense. We can just cross-link there from whereever we put other hackfest pages
<doctormon> bryce, Moini: https://inkscape.org/en/donate/hackfest/
<Tavmjong> doctormon, Can you help out Moini?
<bryce> Moini, thanks!
<Moini> :)
<Tavmjong> I can do the asking about permission to use the photo.
<doctormon> Moini and I are help buddies Tavmjong :-)
<Moini> Tav, Thanks!
<Moini> So, is the alternate pitch agreed on?
<doctormon> Moini: Dot he green boxes and pass me the css, I'll add it to main.css as a core style. We can add class attributes right?
<Moini> Not sure.
<karen> oh! on the text we should say: All donations are fully tax deductable *to the extent permitted by law*
<Moini> doctormon, Yes.
<karen> because they will not be deductible to all donors, depending on where they are
<doctormon> About to reset the webserver, hold hats
<bryce> karen, ok
<karen> thanks bryce
<Tavmjong> $5 – ??
* FailBit tightly gripping hat
<Tavmjong> $120 – Half of a year's subscription to a proprietary drawing program.
<Tavmjong> Moini, I would go ahead with the Alternative Pitch language and then we can tweak it if necessary.
<Moini> Tav, great!
<bryce> ok, updated with those suggestions
<bryce> not sure what to say for $5. open to suggestions
<bryce> could make it $10 and say "Buys one lunch"
<bryce> or Covers one lunch or whatever
<bryce> Tavmjong, maybe we can do a show of hands for if everyone prefers the current Alt Pitch, so we can drop the other text?
<bryce> +1 Alt Pitch
<Tavmjong> +1 Alt Pitch
<doctormon> Moini: Did you have a patch for allowing styles in the chkeditor?
<ScislaC> +1 Alt Pitch
<Moini> doctormon, no, I only know that this requires editing of a settings file for CKEditor.
<Tavmjong> JonCruz, tedg: Opinions on pitch? Anybody else?
<Moini> Who has the donation button details?
<bryce> I do
<bryce> where should I post them?
<JonCruz> +1 Alt Pitch
<Moini> Bryce, you could paste them in directly - or put them into your Inkscape, as long as there are no privacy concerns
<bryce> I'll paste them at inkscape.org, one sec
<Tavmjong> bryce, I think we can drop the original pitch text.
<bryce> Moini, https://inkscape.org/en/paste/2438/
<Moini> Bryce, thanks, I meant Inkspace, of course ;)
<bryce> Tavmjong, great, will do. It'll still be in the page changelog history for reference
<Tavmjong> Any other urgent business as I'll be needing to go soon.
<doctormon> bryce: You editing the page on live or is that Moini?
<bryce> btw I also got Bradley's directions for querying the donation amounts from Ledger.
<Moini> That's me.
<bryce> doctormon, I've only been editing the Hackfest2015 wiki page
<doctormon> oh ok. I updated config.js to test the styles
<bryce> one last thing... I'd like all board members to send in their gpg pubkeys
<doctormon> Moini: Looks like you have full access to the style sheets. Also you knocked out my resized photo, so I'm about to put it back.
<JonCruz> aaagh. keys. bleah. management
<bryce> well, board members plus anyone administrating anything, so that includes doctormon
* Ademan (~dan@ has joined #inkscape-devel
<Tavmjong> doctormon, We need to get permission to use the photo first...
<JonCruz> any suggestions on keygen? I think I'm about due
<doctormon> Tavmjong: understood, Moini I'm holding off on the photo.
<doctormon> bryce: I'm a non-bored member ;-)
<bryce> JonCruz, steps 1, 2, and 3 of http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~inkscape.dev/inkscape/credentials/view/head:/README
<JonCruz> RSA 4096 bit still good?
<bryce> JonCruz, shouldn't it?
<bryce> JonCruz, yes: "Pick RSA with a keylength of 4096 bits"
<bryce> Tavmjong, ok good point to close the meeting.
<Tavmjong> See you all next week (if not before)...
<doctormon> Thanks Tavmjong
<ScislaC> Thanks everyone, sorry I was late.
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