1. Mar 03 11:23:19 <doctormon> bryce: meeting today?
  2. Mar 03 11:23:20 <Tavmjong> doctormon!
  3. Mar 03 11:23:36 <Tavmjong> doctormon: Meeting in 37 minutes.
  4. Mar 03 11:23:54 <doctormon> Tavmjong: Great, thanks! I've been training in inkscape http://doctormo.deviantart.com/art/Livery-Training-666691192
  5. Mar 03 11:25:07 <Tavmjong> Is that the same train as to Winchester?
  6. Mar 03 11:25:13 <Tavmjong> ScislaC!
  7. Mar 03 11:26:18 <doctormon> Tavmjong: They run the whole southern rail service, so probably.
  8. Mar 03 11:27:13 <Tavmjong> Colors looked familiar.
  9. Mar 03 11:48:38 <doctormon> how are you doing Tavmjong?
  10. Mar 03 11:49:16 <Tavmjong> doctormon: Pretty good. Been swimming and biking a lot... lost a few pounds. And you?
  11. Mar 03 11:49:40 <doctormon> Tavmjong: cycling in the cold and starting a youtube channel.. with luck ;-)
  12. Mar 03 11:50:22 <Tavmjong> doctormon: When I was young and foolish I biked through a Wisconsin winter.
  13. Mar 03 11:50:39 <doctormon> Boston cold, the wind cuts deep
  14. Mar 03 11:50:58 <doctormon> But Wisconsin, I hear the wind has chainsaws
  15. Mar 03 11:51:27 <Tavmjong> Naw, pretty wimpy compared to Minnesota.
  16. Mar 03 12:00:03 <Tavmjong> ************* Board Meeting ****************
  17. Mar 03 12:00:12 <rindolf> hi all
  18. Mar 03 12:00:18 <Tavmjong> hi!
  19. Mar 03 12:00:19 <doctormon> Hello!
  20. Mar 03 12:00:20 <bryce> hi
  21. Mar 03 12:00:37 <doctormon> fguimont: hello!
  22. Mar 03 12:00:40 <Tavmjong> bryce? tedg? ScislaC?
  23. Mar 03 12:00:44 <rindolf> is everyone here/
  24. Mar 03 12:00:48 <bryce> Tavmjong, yes?
  25. Mar 03 12:00:50 <rindolf> is everyone here?
  26. Mar 03 12:01:04 <Tavmjong> bryce: Just checking if your here....
  27. Mar 03 12:01:28 <bryce> Agenda:
  28. Mar 03 12:01:28 <bryce> + Sponsorship Levels
  29. Mar 03 12:01:28 <bryce> + Hackfests: Portland, Paris
  30. Mar 03 12:01:28 <bryce> + Merchandise sales
  31. Mar 03 12:01:28 <bryce> + Inkscape gitlab
  32. Mar 03 12:01:28 <bryce> + Other
  33. Mar 03 12:01:31 <fguimont> hi doctormon Tavmjong bryce et al.
  34. Mar 03 12:01:35 <Tavmjong> kk won't be here.
  35. Mar 03 12:01:40 <bryce> Has anyone further topics to add?
  36. Mar 03 12:01:48 * tedg waves
  37. Mar 03 12:02:06 <bryce> Josh gives his regrets as well
  38. Mar 03 12:02:30 <bryce> ok diving right in
  39. Mar 03 12:02:31 <bryce> ============ Sponsorship Levels ===========
  40. Mar 03 12:03:07 <bryce> thanks all for voting on the levels. It looks like all items passed except the news item.
  41. Mar 03 12:03:11 <doctormon> I'd like to get the text updated pretty quick for the two sponsorship requests we've had int he last two weeks
  42. Mar 03 12:04:05 <bryce> I would still like to hear josh's rationale for not wanting to merge diamond and platinum but the vote passed so I figure we can proceed. Like I mentioned we can always bring it back when there's a decent reason to
  43. Mar 03 12:04:34 <bryce> would anyone have an objection if I finalize the vote now so doctormo can proceed with getting it onto the website?
  44. Mar 03 12:04:44 <Tavmjong> bryce: I'm willing to go with two new items for Platinum.
  45. Mar 03 12:04:51 <bryce> s/now/later today/
  46. Mar 03 12:05:07 <Tavmjong> No objection. Please finalize.
  47. Mar 03 12:05:12 <bryce> ok will do
  48. Mar 03 12:05:12 <tedg> Nope, go with it
  49. Mar 03 12:05:25 <bryce> any other thoughts/questions/ideas on sponsorship levels?
  50. Mar 03 12:05:30 <doctormon> Great, thanks all.
  51. Mar 03 12:05:52 <bryce> doctormon, feel free to go ahead and get started; I'll finish and post the email about it after work
  52. Mar 03 12:06:08 <bryce> ============= Hackfest : Portland =============
  53. Mar 03 12:06:38 <bryce> I looked up the place I'd proposed earlier, and there's one good period of availability at the end of April
  54. Mar 03 12:06:56 <bryce> Fri Apr 28th - Wednesday May3rd (5 nights)
  55. Mar 03 12:07:18 <bryce> you'll remember there's two facilities co-located there, which can be rented individually or together. Both are available that period.
  56. Mar 03 12:07:25 <doctormon> bryce: Will do, will post live and then ask review before sending to our inquirers
  57. Mar 03 12:07:41 <bryce> given the US travel system I'm skeptical we can get enough attendees to do both, but it's an option. Open to suggestions.
  58. Mar 03 12:08:02 <bryce> I do see the schedule for it is quite full through the summer so if we want it, probably should snag it asap.
  59. Mar 03 12:08:04 <tedg> Only think around then I have is LGM.
  60. Mar 03 12:08:06 <doctormon> bryce: I'm in favour of April 28th, although it's only 4 weeks away
  61. Mar 03 12:08:14 <tedg> Is anyone going?
  62. Mar 03 12:08:30 <bryce> yeah it's soon, we'd have to get moving on arrangements quickly.
  63. Mar 03 12:08:58 <fguimont> I want to, but I don't know if I'm going to be able to that soon. I'm needed on a project that drops arount that date.
  64. Mar 03 12:09:10 <bryce> or we could schedule something in the fall; availability may be better then
  65. Mar 03 12:09:19 <fguimont> +1
  66. Mar 03 12:09:26 <Tavmjong> LGM is rather late in organizing... plus, many people need visas (including Americans) that take require letters.
  67. Mar 03 12:09:43 <Tavmjong> I don't think LGM is a problem for us.
  68. Mar 03 12:10:10 <bryce> Sept/Oct look pretty open for this place if we want to postpone 'til then
  69. Mar 03 12:10:12 <tedg> Don't think so either, but throwing it out there. It does relate 😉
  70. Mar 03 12:10:29 <Tavmjong> April 28th is a bit close, but I could probably do it. Anything in May?
  71. Mar 03 12:11:00 <doctormon> bryce: So long as we book Oct/Nov now so as not to have a reason not to do it
  72. Mar 03 12:11:06 <tedg> I am kinda of the feeling that we should just do it. Feel we have put it off, which at some level discredits our fundraising
  73. Mar 03 12:11:10 <doctormon> I mean Sept/Oct :-*
  74. Mar 03 12:11:11 <Tavmjong> If we schedule something for Fall, we should not wait too long or will be in the same situation.
  75. Mar 03 12:11:28 <bryce> May/Jun/Jul has mid-week avaiability, Mon-Wed and a few Mon-Thurs
  76. Mar 03 12:11:44 <bryce> May 12-25 is a Sun-Thur, that's the longest one I see
  77. Mar 03 12:12:13 <Tavmjong> typo in dates?
  78. Mar 03 12:12:14 <tedg> 19?
  79. Mar 03 12:12:38 <bryce> sorry 21-25
  80. Mar 03 12:12:45 <tedg> Ah
  81. Mar 03 12:12:56 <fguimont> may is better for me
  82. Mar 03 12:13:03 <doctormon> bryce: Portland, that the place on the other side of the country right, no need to go into Canada for that right?
  83. Mar 03 12:13:04 <bryce> and that's just the Front unit
  84. Mar 03 12:13:17 <doctormon> tedg: ++
  85. Mar 03 12:13:35 <Tavmjong> May is better for me too...
  86. Mar 03 12:13:42 <doctormon> At this stage there's no reason not to do both April and Oct.
  87. Mar 03 12:14:09 <doctormon> bryce: What's your ability to travel like?
  88. Mar 03 12:14:25 <bryce> doctormon, how do you mean?
  89. Mar 03 12:14:43 <bryce> doctormon, no funding likely via Samsung
  90. Mar 03 12:15:08 <bryce> but I got ample vacation time
  91. Mar 03 12:15:38 <doctormon> bryce: Just kicking around ideas, if May is hard for Portland.
  92. Mar 03 12:15:58 <bryce> ok, so should I reserve the Apr/May or should we go mid-week in May, or something else?
  93. Mar 03 12:16:18 <fguimont> I *might* get funding for travel but need to plan ahead.
  94. Mar 03 12:16:39 <doctormon> bryce: Would more money from our funds make getting a full week in May easier?
  95. Mar 03 12:17:35 <bryce> doctormon, guessing bribery isn't an option ;-)
  96. Mar 03 12:18:45 <doctormon> bryce: I mean if there are other buildings available but at twice the price.
  97. Mar 03 12:19:05 <bryce> doctormon, for this unit in May, the trade offs are a) 4 nights instead of 5; b) folks will need more vacation days since its mid-week; c) only the Front unit is available
  98. Mar 03 12:19:44 <Tavmjong> I would like to get an idea of who would attend. Would we get sufficient participation?
  99. Mar 03 12:19:45 <bryce> doctormon, I didn't look at other places but last time my wife looked and was hard to find anyplace like this one
  100. Mar 03 12:20:34 <doctormon> bryce: We're pretty nailed down by this one unit on options.
  101. Mar 03 12:20:55 <doctormon> bryce: What's the advantages again? (I think you've mentioned these before)
  102. Mar 03 12:21:18 <Tavmjong> What if we do two hackfests in 2017 with Portland being in the Fall.
  103. Mar 03 12:21:48 <Tavmjong> Secure the Portland place now for Fall. That will give people plenty of time to plan.
  104. Mar 03 12:21:55 <fguimont> +1
  105. Mar 03 12:22:27 <Tavmjong> What if we had a May hackfest in Paris?
  106. Mar 03 12:22:52 <bryce> =============== Hackfest : Paris ==============
  107. Mar 03 12:23:07 <bryce> Tavmjong, go ahead
  108. Mar 03 12:23:07 <Tavmjong> Mc_ might be able to locate us a place at a university in Paris.
  109. Mar 03 12:23:11 <doctormon> I'd not be available due to it being outside the usa. But it sounds cool.
  110. Mar 03 12:23:38 <fguimont> I *might*
  111. Mar 03 12:23:47 <Tavmjong> Or, we could have it out where I live, possibly even at my place.
  112. Mar 03 12:23:59 <Tavmjong> I've put a few notes at http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Hackfest2017
  113. Mar 03 12:25:11 <Tavmjong> Mc is on vacation for the next two weeks so we'll have to wait till he gets back for the in Paris option.
  114. Mar 03 12:25:14 <tedg> Do we have airbnb availability issues as well there?
  115. Mar 03 12:26:02 <Tavmjong> tedg: We wouldn't be holding the hackfest at the airbnb.
  116. Mar 03 12:26:06 <bryce> wait two weeks and you're going to have the "too soon to book" issue
  117. Mar 03 12:26:40 <bryce> tedg, also the portland place is not through airbnb (it had been listed there as well last time, which is what screwed us up scheduling it)
  118. Mar 03 12:26:51 <tedg> Seems we are further along with Portland than Paris. So it'd perhaps make more sense to do Portland earlier
  119. Mar 03 12:28:32 <bryce> I'm prepared to go ahead and book the portland place today, if we can make a decision on it
  120. Mar 03 12:28:45 <Tavmjong> for the April dates?
  121. Mar 03 12:29:30 <bryce> either Apr 28-May 3, or May 21-25
  122. Mar 03 12:30:12 <Mc> (I have scarce internet access right now, but try to follow the meeting)
  123. Mar 03 12:30:24 <tedg> I think April is better, even if close.
  124. Mar 03 12:32:34 <Tavmjong> April would probably be better for me than the proposed May dates.
  125. Mar 03 12:32:55 <bryce> ScislaC, any chance you're around to voice your thoughts on hackfest dates?
  126. Mar 03 12:34:06 <bryce> ok sounds like at least doctormon, tedg and myself would be available Apr 28, Tav maybe too.
  127. Mar 03 12:34:51 <bryce> an advantage of the Apr 28 date is we have the option of renting both units if we find strong interest
  128. Mar 03 12:34:54 <doctormon> bryce: +1
  129. Mar 03 12:35:31 <bryce> but for now I can just book one or the other unit, which gives 5 or 6 beds iirc
  130. Mar 03 12:36:49 <bryce> the 6 bed option would be $2120.63
  131. Mar 03 12:36:55 <Tavmjong> bryce: What is the cancellation penalty? Might be good to book both if you can confirm kk and ScislaC can come (plus any others).
  132. Mar 03 12:37:14 <bryce> if we can get a quickie hand vote here on IRC I can book it now to get it secured.
  133. Mar 03 12:37:24 <Tavmjong> +1
  134. Mar 03 12:37:28 <tedg> +1
  135. Mar 03 12:37:31 <bryce> Tavmjong, good question let me look
  136. Mar 03 12:37:33 <bryce> +1
  137. Mar 03 12:37:48 <fguimont> +1 although not sure I'll be free yet
  138. Mar 03 12:38:06 <bryce> 7. CANCELLATIONS – If you need to cancel up to one month in advance, you get the full
  139. Mar 03 12:38:06 <bryce> payment back minus any service fees. Between a month and 2 weeks you get half the payment
  140. Mar 03 12:38:06 <bryce> minus any service fees. Two weeks up to reservation there is no refund. Any changes that result
  141. Mar 03 12:38:06 <bryce> in a shortened stay or early departure do not warrant any refund.
  142. Mar 03 12:38:37 <Tavmjong> We should post an email to the devel list to see who else will come.
  143. Mar 03 12:38:50 <bryce> Tavmjong, definitely. I'll do that this weekend.
  144. Mar 03 12:39:05 <bryce> doctormon, vote?
  145. Mar 03 12:39:16 <bryce> oh wait you did. nevermind :-)
  146. Mar 03 12:39:24 <bryce> ok, booking rear unit
  147. Mar 03 12:39:35 <Tavmjong> I would book both (assuming the service fee isn't outrageous).
  148. Mar 03 12:40:02 <Tavmjong> That will give us a couple of weeks to determine interest in attending.
  149. Mar 03 12:41:52 <bryce> the difference between the advertised nightly fee for one of the units and what they're charging my credit card looks to be around $300. I don't know if that's what the service fee is but looks like it's on that order
  150. Mar 03 12:42:06 <doctormon> bryce: sorry, got distracted
  151. Mar 03 12:42:09 <bryce> why don't I just book one now, then book the other once we get a little feedback
  152. Mar 03 12:42:15 <doctormon> +1
  153. Mar 03 12:42:26 <Tavmjong> OK
  154. Mar 03 12:42:47 <bryce> I'll try and get the -devel announce out tonight too if I can
  155. Mar 03 12:43:04 <bryce> I'm betting the front unit won't get snatched up right away
  156. Mar 03 12:43:14 <bryce> ok, booked. whew.
  157. Mar 03 12:43:30 <bryce> hackfest here we come :-)
  158. Mar 03 12:43:33 <doctormon> bryce: Yay, thank you good sir for fronting it!
  159. Mar 03 12:43:53 <bryce> Tavmjong, do you want to discuss paris more or shall we leave that to next meeting?
  160. Mar 03 12:44:37 <Tavmjong> We can leave it till the next meeting after Mc has a chance to investigate options.
  161. Mar 03 12:44:45 <bryce> ok great
  162. Mar 03 12:45:01 <bryce> merchandise sales
  163. Mar 03 12:45:08 <bryce> =============== Merchandise Sales ===============
  164. Mar 03 12:45:52 <bryce> looks like we're missing attendees for this one, unless you have any details doctormon ?
  165. Mar 03 12:46:36 <doctormon> bryce: We've been mostly waiting for our contributor to pair down the options, I've told them to take their time.
  166. Mar 03 12:47:29 <bryce> ok
  167. Mar 03 12:47:47 <bryce> doctormon, anything we can help with in?
  168. Mar 03 12:49:23 <doctormon> bryce: Not unless anyone has spare time and is keen on editing the shop
  169. Mar 03 12:50:04 <bryce> yeah... spare time seems scarce. Ok, moving on.
  170. Mar 03 12:50:34 <bryce> =============== gitlab migration =================
  171. Mar 03 12:50:49 <bryce> thanks doctormon and maren for posting positive feedback
  172. Mar 03 12:50:57 <bryce> sounds like we can go ahead and proceed with the migration
  173. Mar 03 12:51:21 <Mc> should we "actually" do it during a hackfest ?
  174. Mar 03 12:51:48 <bryce> I figure we need some logistics sorted as to exactly when to do it, and who will pull the trigger, how to deal with fallout, etc.
  175. Mar 03 12:52:13 <bryce> Mc, that's not a bad idea but I was hoping to get it done sooner, like within the next week or two
  176. Mar 03 12:52:40 <Tavmjong> Mc: I would rather see hackfest time spent on Gtk3 migration, flipping the coordinate system, etc..
  177. Mar 03 12:52:46 <bryce> but I'm not sure what preparations need to be made. When I've done my personal projects it's been very straightforward
  178. Mar 03 12:53:18 <tedg> Yeah, just CPU time typically
  179. Mar 03 12:53:51 <bryce> who would be a good person to do the conversion?
  180. Mar 03 12:54:08 <Tavmjong> kk?
  181. Mar 03 12:54:15 <Mc> tweenk did some tests with github in the past
  182. Mar 03 12:54:26 <Tavmjong> he did the geom2 conversion
  183. Mar 03 12:54:39 <tedg> He already did it once as a test, so that's who I'd look to.
  184. Mar 03 12:55:05 <bryce> heh, the classic risk of not attending a meeting is getting the action item assigned ;-)
  185. Mar 03 12:55:17 <doctormon> lol
  186. Mar 03 12:55:25 <tedg> Heh
  187. Mar 03 12:55:28 <fguimont> :)
  188. Mar 03 12:55:34 <bryce> tedg, would you mind taking the action of emailing him and asking? (and cc the board)
  189. Mar 03 12:55:34 <doctormon> As the "other guy that did a migration",
  190. Mar 03 12:55:49 <tedg> No problem
  191. Mar 03 12:56:45 <bryce> ok
  192. Mar 03 12:57:07 <bryce> just got called by paypal
  193. Mar 03 12:57:24 <bryce> transaction cleared!
  194. Mar 03 12:57:49 <bryce> ok, any opinions on timing for when to do the gitlab migration?
  195. Mar 03 12:58:12 <bryce> at kk's availability, or should we schedule a particular time so folks know what's coming?
  196. Mar 03 12:58:35 <Tavmjong> give people at least a week warning...
  197. Mar 03 12:58:50 <bryce> a week, ok
  198. Mar 03 13:00:07 <bryce> tedg, after you speak with kk can you (or he) also email to inkscape-devel to announce kk's planned day-of-migration?
  199. Mar 03 13:00:57 <bryce> last item
  200. Mar 03 13:01:03 <bryce> =============== Any Other Business =============
  201. Mar 03 13:01:10 <tedg> Makes sense. I imagine we will need to do a dry run too.
  202. Mar 03 13:01:13 <bryce> anyone else have any topics?
  203. Mar 03 13:02:00 <Tavmjong> Just an announcement... we've been accepted for GSoC.
  204. Mar 03 13:02:04 <fguimont> stickers? Do we have any?
  205. Mar 03 13:02:21 <fguimont> oh great news Tavmjong
  206. Mar 03 13:02:51 <bryce> fguimont, no stickers afaik. Would be a nice merchandising item to have available though.
  207. Mar 03 13:02:53 <Mc> is it too late to be a possible mentor (if there is a need for mentors)
  208. Mar 03 13:02:57 <Mc> N
  209. Mar 03 13:03:00 <Mc> ?*
  210. Mar 03 13:03:07 <Tavmjong> Mc: No.
  211. Mar 03 13:03:34 <tedg> That's cool.
  212. Mar 03 13:03:37 <doctormon> fguimont: No stickers yet, could do with having some though.
  213. Mar 03 13:03:52 <doctormon> Thanks bryce
  214. Mar 03 13:03:59 <fguimont> I'd love to have nice Inkscape stickers on my gear.
  215. Mar 03 13:04:56 <bryce> fguimont, if you'd like to research into places that do stickers and find a good option or two, I'm sure we could get something organized for that
  216. Mar 03 13:05:17 <fguimont> Ok bryce, I can look into that.
  217. Mar 03 13:06:28 <bryce> fguimont, Spreadshirt does buttons and cellphone cases but not stickers. I'm sure there's other similar places that do though.
  218. Mar 03 13:08:03 <bryce> ok, anythign else? otherwise EOM
  219. Mar 03 13:08:09 <fguimont> I was told stickermule is good.
  220. Mar 03 13:08:44 <fguimont> I'm awaiting stickers for my project, I'll let you know what the quality is like. I hear good things from the designers here.
  221. Mar 03 13:09:26 <bryce> fguimont, great thanks. Feel free to email the inkscape-board@lists.sf.net list with what you find, or next month's meeting if you prefer
  222. Mar 03 13:09:39 <bryce> ============== End of Meeting ===========
  223. Mar 03 13:09:43 <su_v> bryce: late question wrt gitlab migration ...
  224. Mar 03 13:09:45 <doctormon> bryce: Do we have board@inkscape.org?
  225. Mar 03 13:10:00 <bryce> su_v, go ahead
  226. Mar 03 13:10:06 <bryce> doctormon, not afaik
  227. Mar 03 13:10:10 <su_v> what is the plan for the branches hosted on launchpad.net?
  228. Mar 03 13:10:27 <su_v> will those get purged as has happened with the old branches at sf.net
  229. Mar 03 13:10:29 <su_v> ?
  230. Mar 03 13:10:39 <doctormon> kk said he could get all branches over
  231. Mar 03 13:11:14 <su_v> does that mean that you want to delete them on lp?
  232. Mar 03 13:11:36 <su_v> breaking lots of references e.g. in the bug reports, and elsewhere ...
  233. Mar 03 13:11:57 <su_v> and purging any possibility to look up the old revnos?
  234. Mar 03 13:12:17 <su_v> since the git hashes will be what is in gitlab
  235. Mar 03 13:13:13 <doctormon> su_v: There's no need to delete the branches, even inkscape-web branches are still available. Just marked as abandoned and given to a user/group without push access.
  236. Mar 03 13:13:38 <bryce> doctormon, abandoned or maybe merged
  237. Mar 03 13:13:40 <su_v> the purge at sf.net removed the only possibility to access the history before bzr revno 1 (of lp:inkscape) via browser already
  238. Mar 03 13:14:04 <su_v> (launchpad fails with the old migrated branches)
  239. Mar 03 13:14:16 <su_v> ok
  240. Mar 03 13:15:13 <su_v> and the plan it to move the stable release branch, too, before 0.92.2 is prepared?
  241. Mar 03 13:15:23 <tedg> su_v: so that is fixable, but I'm not sure of that value after so long (the pre r1 history)
  242. Mar 03 13:15:30 <bryce> su_v, if you often need to reference that data, there's probably a way to re-host it rather than resurrect it on sourceforge. Goal is to get 100% off SF entirely.
  243. Mar 03 13:15:46 <su_v> tedg: I just needed to find a old commit last week
  244. Mar 03 13:16:01 <tedg> Wow, okay
  245. Mar 03 13:16:02 <bryce> su_v, yes plan is to get 0.92.x migrated to git, before we begin preparing 0.92.2.
  246. Mar 03 13:16:10 <su_v> (in an attempt to determine whether a current feature was intentional or as temp fix)
  247. Mar 03 13:16:53 <doctormon> Would be fun to have older commits,
  248. Mar 03 13:17:09 <doctormon> I've had to look up things and I end up hitting the mentalguy rev1 wall
  249. Mar 03 13:17:48 <tedg> Okay, I will look to see how difficult it is
  250. Mar 03 13:18:44 <su_v> https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/inkscape/old-main has what was before that revno 1
  251. Mar 03 13:19:04 <su_v> but if you attempt to view a file (or the annotated version), or an actual commit diff - that fails
  252. Mar 03 13:19:16 <bryce> tedg, thanks. If you figure out a way to extract it, might also be worth getting the Sodipodi history too; that should also all be on SF. Dunno how useful it'd be but might be easy to do while you're at it.
  253. Mar 03 13:19:19 <su_v> it's ok with a local branch
  254. Mar 03 13:19:48 <tedg> Yeah, I know where the skeletons are hidden here. I put them in their current closets 😉
  255. Mar 03 13:20:00 <su_v> so likely it could be migrated to git too (or to a newer bzr format?)
  256. Mar 03 13:20:08 <doctormon> I think you can append the exports together if you do them right.
  257. Mar 03 13:20:24 <tedg> I think git. No reason to fix bazaar today.
  258. Mar 03 13:20:36 <doctormon> I have to go, thanks for the meeting


Board Meeting - March 3, 2017



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