





Splash Screen

Art inspired by Inkscape's versatility. Curves represent the full power of organic forms. The colors fix the idea that everything is possible with him!

About Screen Contest

1,8 MB
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
Mihaela Jurković ha scritto il :

Thank you for the submission!

Lovely shapes and gradients! Are they done with the mesh gradient?

Still the background feels a bit simplistic, just the logo there. And it's not even visible how the mountain dissolves into ink. Maybe something else can be done with the background? Just my personal opinion!

Carlos Eduardo Mattos da Cruz ha scritto il :

My friend Mihaela Jurković,

thank you so much for the kind words.

On the background, the idea is that it be transparent. Thus we have a proposal more in tune with more contemporary Splash Screens.

About the logo being partially "hidden" is purposeful, is a feature often used when we want to have a reading break.

Remember that the user has already downloaded the software, many already know the mountain of Inkscape. Those who do not know and identify themselves, go to the site and download the software. There you will see the logo in full.

Even so thank you very much for the feedback.

Big hug my friend!

Tim Jones ha scritto il :

Hi Carlos

The suggestion in the Rules is to:
"include the original text in a hidden layer, so later editing is easily possible."

You might want to do this to be sure of conforming to All the Rules.

Thanks for your fantastic entry.

Carlos Eduardo Mattos da Cruz ha scritto il :


Tim Jones ha scritto il :

Hi Carlos,

I cannot sign off your entry until you include the Original unconverted text in a Hidden Layer.

Please make the Changes and re-upload.

Many Thanks

Tim Jones ha scritto il :

Hi Carlos,

Please add the original unconverted text to a hidden layer, then re-upload.


Tim Jones ha scritto il :

Hi Carlos,

Please add the original unconverted text to a hidden layer, then re-upload.
Also, your entry needs a Background. At the moment it is empty.


Tim Jones ha scritto il :

Hi Carlos

Your Design does not have a Background, it is transparent.


Carlos Eduardo Mattos da Cruz ha scritto il :

I have done! Please check if anything is missing.

Tim Jones ha scritto il :

Thanks Carlos

Maren Hachmann ha scritto il :

Hi Carlos, I'm currently trying to find out what the difference is between this entry and ? If they are the same, can you remove one of them, please?

Tim Jones ha scritto il :

Duplicate entry removed.


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