Have had a really horrible time the last couple of days - I am in the process of designing a logo for a new venture of mine. Got it 75% done but felt limited on fonts. Went to Google Fonts to grab some candidates, installed them in Windows in the approved fashion, had them working in Wordpad fine. Tried to open Inkscape nothing happened. After many hours over 2 days of trying I find that when I try to open Inkscape or even run it as administrator, the Task Manager shows it starting up, then the word "suspended" appears in the status column, then it closes down and disappears again all without any of it showing on the main desktop. I deleted the fonts from Windows and it made no difference. Ended up at the desperation point of using system restore - which (thankfully) got Inkscape working again. As I both need the fonts and to confirm the issue I very carefully and precisely added just one single font to Windows again - a totally different font from before but still from Google, and yes the Inkscape issue has immediately come back confirming that the font addition is the issue.
So before I have to waste another 2 hours doing another system restore does anyone have a solution to this so I can get inkscape working again and access the extra fonts I do need.
Windows 10 home, 21H1, OS build 19043.1348, Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3920.0 Had 1.1.1 installed at the start, have uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times using both exe and msi. Since writing original post I uninstalled and tried 1.0.9 exe. That showed up in Task manager, did not get "suspended" notice but did not open at all. I have just uninstalled that, also uninstalled Malwarebytes (web search someone had similar issue with totally different unrelated program that turned out was conflicting with Malwarebytes, and it seems to have been squabbling with my antivirus generally). I am about to reinstall Inkscape 1.1.1exe (personal preference and what I always choose first time - what was used when Inkscape was running)
Update - the new install made after uninstalling Malwarebytes is still not opening. I am going to do a system restore on my machine again to try and get the program working and see what I can do without the fonts I am after. It would be appreciated if there is any solution to getting inkscape to work with the fonts as I would still like to use them
Well the system restore has made Inkscape openable again, have got a "finished" logo without the font, not exactly as I want but I guess I can always do a "makeover" at a later date.
Have had a really horrible time the last couple of days - I am in the process of designing a logo for a new venture of mine. Got it 75% done but felt limited on fonts. Went to Google Fonts to grab some candidates, installed them in Windows in the approved fashion, had them working in Wordpad fine. Tried to open Inkscape nothing happened. After many hours over 2 days of trying I find that when I try to open Inkscape or even run it as administrator, the Task Manager shows it starting up, then the word "suspended" appears in the status column, then it closes down and disappears again all without any of it showing on the main desktop. I deleted the fonts from Windows and it made no difference. Ended up at the desperation point of using system restore - which (thankfully) got Inkscape working again. As I both need the fonts and to confirm the issue I very carefully and precisely added just one single font to Windows again - a totally different font from before but still from Google, and yes the Inkscape issue has immediately come back confirming that the font addition is the issue.
So before I have to waste another 2 hours doing another system restore does anyone have a solution to this so I can get inkscape working again and access the extra fonts I do need.
I'm using Windows 10 and Inkscape 1.1 on one system and Windows 11 on another.
Would you be able to state which version of Windows and which version of Inkscape ?
Also can you advise the name of the google fonts in question ?
More details would be useful.
Keep in mind, When adding new fonts, Inkscape will rebuild its font library, which can take a couple of minutes, particularly if there are many fonts.
Fonts with non English characters in the names can interfere with Inkscape or crash it.
Please link to the specific font at Google.
Windows 10 home, 21H1, OS build 19043.1348, Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3920.0
Had 1.1.1 installed at the start, have uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times using both exe and msi. Since writing original post I uninstalled and tried 1.0.9 exe. That showed up in Task manager, did not get "suspended" notice but did not open at all.
I have just uninstalled that, also uninstalled Malwarebytes (web search someone had similar issue with totally different unrelated program that turned out was conflicting with Malwarebytes, and it seems to have been squabbling with my antivirus generally). I am about to reinstall Inkscape 1.1.1exe (personal preference and what I always choose first time - what was used when Inkscape was running)
Not been using any special hardware or set up - I do have a tablet installed, not used it on this project and it has been there unchanged with both working and non working installs.
Fonts all from https://fonts.google.com/ - including Abril fatface, permanent marker, righteous, carter one, and some others. Not all installed at the same time, last attempt after system restore and having Inkscape working again (1.1.1exe) was a single install of Abril fatface, nothing else done and Inkscape went from opening fine to showing as suspended then disappearing without ever opening.
https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Abril+Fatface?query=abri , https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Carter+One?query=c#standard-styles , https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Ceviche+One?query=c#standard-styles , https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Creepster?query=c#standard-styles ,
*not all the ones I tried, these are ones I remember
Update - the new install made after uninstalling Malwarebytes is still not opening. I am going to do a system restore on my machine again to try and get the program working and see what I can do without the fonts I am after. It would be appreciated if there is any solution to getting inkscape to work with the fonts as I would still like to use them
The fonts listed above work with no issue here.
Inkscape 1.1.1 (3bf5ae0d25, 2021-09-20)
GLib version: 2.70.0
GTK version: 3.24.30
glibmm version: 2.66.1
gtkmm version: 3.24.5
libxml2 version: 2.9.12
libxslt version: 1.1.34
Cairo version: 1.17.4
Pango version: 1.48.10
HarfBuzz version: 2.9.1
Poppler version: 21.08.0
OS version: Windows 8.1
This past Tues was MS patch day, so maybe a Win10 update got ya.
Well the system restore has made Inkscape openable again, have got a "finished" logo without the font, not exactly as I want but I guess I can always do a "makeover" at a later date.