





Inkscape About Screen 1 By 44pes


About Screen Contest

73,1 KB
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
Mihaela Jurković wrote :

Thank you for the submission!

Can you share a bit more about what inspired you to come up with this design?

44pes wrote :

Hi Mihaela,

For the creation of the design, I was inspired by "Inkscape" and "Draw Freely" and took the words "ink" and "free" so that my drawing represents how a drop of ink that gets free from the rest of the ink when a liquid drips.

As one of the rules was that "It must load relatively fast", so I opted for a minimalist design based on circles that follow the golden ratio (1: 1.618) and placed all according a golden spiral.

For the colour, I made some variation and this dark grey was the better looking one.

Tim Jones wrote :

Hi 44pes
Thank you for your fantastic entry. I love the thought process of your design.

I have checked and verified your entry conforms to the Rules.

Good luck in the competition.

Carles wrote :

I think this is great! Such a minimalist but with a very clear concept.
What about having some colour in the number and the ink drop at the bottom?

Carles wrote :

What about making the dot of the version number being the ink drop?

44pes wrote :

Hi Carles,

Thanks for your comment, I'm glad you like my design.

- What about having some colour in the number and the ink drop at the bottom?

When I made the design I used different colors in several versions and the one I like the most was this in black and white. As the design is very simple, different colors as red, blue, pink, green... they don't fit well with the inkscape logo colors.

- What about making the dot of the version number being the ink drop?

The point of the version is already part of the ink drop, as you can see in the link, an ink drop can sometimes get separated from the rest of the ink and gets "free".

t603 wrote :

Great! Simple by shapes, simple by colors. But I would also vote for a drop of ink being a part of a version as Carles wrote. Now the dot is not vertically aligned, so it does not look like as a ink drop. Anyway it is my favourite splash screen and I will vote for this.

44pes wrote :

Hi t603,

Thanks for your vote °\(^▿^)/°

- The dot is not vertically aligned
Now I understand, the point doesn't seem part of the fall because it is not aligned, I didn't realize that detail before :(

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