Beyond the Basics How to make a drawing to scale?
  1. #1
    Jurgen Gaeremyn Jurgen Gaeremyn @JurgenG


    as so many, I'm using Inkscape to draw floor plans. Now, I noticed the Document Settings having a Scale option. I'm guessing I don't understand this setting correctly as it doesn't seem to do anything.

    Basically, I'd love to be able to draw a floor plan (building dimensions roughly 40m x 25m) on a A3 sheet of paper (roughly 40cm x 30cm)

    I would expect to set the scale to: 0.01 (or 100) and then be able to draw a rectangle of 15m by 5m and it nicely fits on the sheet of paper. But I don't see any difference in Inkscape.

    My best guess is that I'm misunderstanding this setting. Anyone who can help me?

  2. #2
    Tyler Durden Tyler Durden @TylerDurden

    The scale widget in the Document properties is for pixel scaling, not dimensional scaling. I leave it set for unit=pix and scale=1. Then change to preferred units (mm, cm, in, etc.) and let the scale adjust accordingly.

    For dimensional scaling, see the extension Real Scale: 

Inkscape Inkscape Forum Beyond the Basics How to make a drawing to scale?